

python Programming Glossary: dict's

Fastest way to convert a dict's keys & values from `unicode` to `str`?


way to convert a dict's keys values from `unicode` to `str` I'm receiving a dict from.. before passing it onto another layer . The original dict's keys string values are unicode but the layer they're being passed..

overloading __init__ in python


... def fromdict cls datadict ... Initialize MyData from a dict's items ... return cls datadict.items ... MyData 1 2 3 .data 1..

Subclassing dict: should dict.__init__() be called?


when its __init__ method cannot take the same arguments as dict's __init__ which is the case in the practical question above ... read in another comment that you're not overriding any of dict's method Then there's no point in subclassing at all don't do..

Checking for membership inside nested dict


to check whether the manager_internal_id is present in the dict's list of internal_ids I've tried substituting employee.keys with.. and lookup_supervisor on a for loop on the dict's items Urgh. confused . python dictionary share improve this..

python dictionary problem


visited at most once hence no duplicate keys however that dict's entry with the node as a key should not point to the node's..

How can I merge (union) two Python dictionaries in a single expression?


the value for b be properly overridden by the second y dict's value x 'a' 1 'b' 2 y 'b' 10 'c' 11 z dict x.items y.items z..

Find the index of a dict within a list, by matching the dict's value


the index of a dict within a list by matching the dict's value I have a list of dicts list 'id' '1234' 'name' 'Jason'..

Hashing a python dictionary


this question You could make a frozenset with the dict's items and use hash hash frozenset my_dict.items share improve..