

python Programming Glossary: platform's

reading integers from binary file in python


and standard size and alignment the default is to use the platform's byte ordering size and alignment . According to the BMP format..

Python | mktime overflow error


time.mktime calls the underlying mktime function from the platform's C library. For instance the above code that you posted works.. date is before the Unix epoch. So the reason is that your platform's mktime implementation probably does not support dates before..

Controlling the mouse from Python in OS X


which hook into Apple's integration between Python and the platform's Quartz libraries. This code works on 10.6 and I'm using it on..

What's the easiest way to add commas to an integer in Python? [duplicate]


locale.setlocale locale.LC_ALL '' # empty string for platform's default setting After doing that you can just use a plain old..

Tkinter: Wait for item in queue


behavior is dependent on the event generation rate and the platform's performance characteristics. For example using his code with..

python subprocess and unicode execv() arg 2 must contain only strings


you don't know what encoding you need you could try your platform's default encoding u'Wiadomo u015b u0107'.encode share improve..