

OpenStack Study: limits.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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Module dedicated functions/classes dealing with rate limiting requests.


import collections

import copy

import httplib

import math

import re

import time

import webob.dec

import webob.exc

from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi

from cinder.api.views import limits as limits_views

from cinder.api import xmlutil

from cinder.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

from cinder.openstack.common import importutils

from cinder.openstack.common import jsonutils

from cinder import quota

from cinder import wsgi as base_wsgi


LIMITS_PREFIX = "limits."

# Convenience constants for the limits dictionary passed to Limiter().



PER_HOUR = 60 * 60

PER_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24

limits_nsmap = {None: xmlutil.XMLNS_COMMON_V10, 'atom': xmlutil.XMLNS_ATOM}

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class LimitsTemplate(xmlutil.TemplateBuilder):

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    def construct(self):

        root = xmlutil.TemplateElement('limits', selector='limits')

        rates = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, 'rates')

        rate = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(rates, 'rate', selector='rate')

        rate.set('uri', 'uri')

        rate.set('regex', 'regex')

        limit = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(rate, 'limit', selector='limit')

        limit.set('value', 'value')

        limit.set('verb', 'verb')

        limit.set('remaining', 'remaining')

        limit.set('unit', 'unit')

        limit.set('next-available', 'next-available')

        absolute = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(root, 'absolute',


        limit = xmlutil.SubTemplateElement(absolute, 'limit',


        limit.set('name', 0)

        limit.set('value', 1)

        return xmlutil.MasterTemplate(root, 1, nsmap=limits_nsmap)

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class LimitsController(wsgi.Controller):

"""Controller for accessing limits in the OpenStack API."""


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    def index(self, req):

        """Return all global and rate limit information."""

        context = req.environ['cinder.context']

        quotas = QUOTAS.get_project_quotas(context, context.project_id,


        abs_limits = dict((k, v['limit']) for k, v in quotas.items())

        rate_limits = req.environ.get("cinder.limits", [])

        builder = self._get_view_builder(req)

        return builder.build(rate_limits, abs_limits)

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    def _get_view_builder(self, req):

        return limits_views.ViewBuilder()

def create_resource():

    return wsgi.Resource(LimitsController())

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def create_resource():

    return wsgi.Resource(LimitsController())

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class Limit(object):

"""Stores information about a limit for HTTP requests."""


1: "SECOND",

60: "MINUTE",

60 * 60: "HOUR",

60 * 60 * 24: "DAY",


UNIT_MAP = dict([(v, k) for k, v in UNITS.items()])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, verb, uri, regex, value, unit):

        """Initialize a new `Limit`.

        @param verb: HTTP verb (POST, PUT, etc.)

        @param uri: Human-readable URI

        @param regex: Regular expression format for this limit

        @param value: Integer number of requests which can be made

        @param unit: Unit of measure for the value parameter


        self.verb = verb

        self.uri = uri

        self.regex = regex

        self.value = int(value)

        self.unit = unit

        self.unit_string = self.display_unit().lower()

        self.remaining = int(value)

        if value <= 0:

            raise ValueError("Limit value must be > 0")

        self.last_request = None

        self.next_request = None

        self.water_level = 0

        self.capacity = self.unit

        self.request_value = float(self.capacity) / float(self.value)

        msg = _("Only %(value)s %(verb)s request(s) can be "

                "made to %(uri)s every %(unit_string)s.")

        self.error_message = msg % self.__dict__

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    def __call__(self, verb, url):

        """Represent a call to this limit from a relevant request.

        @param verb: string http verb (POST, GET, etc.)

        @param url: string URL


        if self.verb != verb or not re.match(self.regex, url):


        now = self._get_time()

        if self.last_request is None:

            self.last_request = now

        leak_value = now - self.last_request

        self.water_level -= leak_value

        self.water_level = max(self.water_level, 0)

        self.water_level += self.request_value

        difference = self.water_level - self.capacity

        self.last_request = now

        if difference > 0:

            self.water_level -= self.request_value

            self.next_request = now + difference

            return difference

        cap = self.capacity

        water = self.water_level

        val = self.value

        self.remaining = math.floor(((cap - water) / cap) * val)

        self.next_request = now

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    def _get_time(self):

        """Retrieve the current time. Broken out for testability."""

        return time.time()

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    def display_unit(self):

        """Display the string name of the unit."""

        return self.UNITS.get(self.unit, "UNKNOWN")

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    def display(self):

        """Return a useful representation of this class."""

        return {

            "verb": self.verb,

            "URI": self.uri,

            "regex": self.regex,

            "value": self.value,

            "remaining": int(self.remaining),

            "unit": self.display_unit(),

            "resetTime": int(self.next_request or self._get_time()),


# "Limit" format is a dictionary with the HTTP verb, human-readable URI,

# a regular-expression to match, value and unit of measure (PER_DAY, etc.)


    Limit("POST", "*", ".*", 10, PER_MINUTE),

    Limit("POST", "*/servers", "^/servers", 50, PER_DAY),

    Limit("PUT", "*", ".*", 10, PER_MINUTE),

    Limit("GET", "*changes-since*", ".*changes-since.*", 3, PER_MINUTE),

    Limit("DELETE", "*", ".*", 100, PER_MINUTE),


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class RateLimitingMiddleware(base_wsgi.Middleware):

"""Rate-limits requests passing through this middleware.

All limit information is stored in memory for this implementation.


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    def __init__(self, application, limits=None, limiter=None, **kwargs):

        """Initialize new `RateLimitingMiddleware`

        This  wraps the given WSGI application and sets up the given limits.

        @param application: WSGI application to wrap

        @param limits: String describing limits

        @param limiter: String identifying class for representing limits

        Other parameters are passed to the constructor for the limiter.


        base_wsgi.Middleware.__init__(self, application)

        # Select the limiter class

        if limiter is None:

            limiter = Limiter


            limiter = importutils.import_class(limiter)

        # Parse the limits, if any are provided

        if limits is not None:

            limits = limiter.parse_limits(limits)

        self._limiter = limiter(limits or DEFAULT_LIMITS, **kwargs)


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    def __call__(self, req):

        """Represent a single call through this middleware.

        We should record the request if we have a limit relevant to it.

        If no limit is relevant to the request, ignore it.

        If the request should be rate limited, return a fault telling the user

        they are over the limit and need to retry later.


        verb = req.method

        url = req.url

        context = req.environ.get("cinder.context")

        if context:

            username = context.user_id


            username = None

        delay, error = self._limiter.check_for_delay(verb, url, username)

        if delay:

            msg = _("This request was rate-limited.")

            retry = time.time() + delay

            return wsgi.OverLimitFault(msg, error, retry)

        req.environ["cinder.limits"] = self._limiter.get_limits(username)

        return self.application

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class Limiter(object):

"""Rate-limit checking class which handles limits in memory."""

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    def __init__(self, limits, **kwargs):

        """Initialize the new `Limiter`.

        @param limits: List of `Limit` objects


        self.limits = copy.deepcopy(limits)

        self.levels = collections.defaultdict(lambda: copy.deepcopy(limits))

        # Pick up any per-user limit information

        for key, value in kwargs.items():

            if key.startswith(LIMITS_PREFIX):

                username = key[len(LIMITS_PREFIX):]

                self.levels[username] = self.parse_limits(value)

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    def get_limits(self, username=None):

        """Return the limits for a given user."""

        return [limit.display() for limit in self.levels[username]]

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    def check_for_delay(self, verb, url, username=None):

        """Check the given verb/user/user triplet for limit.

        @return: Tuple of delay (in seconds) and error message (or None, None)


        delays = []

        for limit in self.levels[username]:

            delay = limit(verb, url)

            if delay:

                delays.append((delay, limit.error_message))

        if delays:


            return delays[0]

        return None, None

    # Note: This method gets called before the class is instantiated,

    # so this must be either a static method or a class method.  It is

    # used to develop a list of limits to feed to the constructor.  We

    # put this in the class so that subclasses can override the

    # default limit parsing.


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    def parse_limits(limits):

        """Convert a string into a list of Limit instances.

        This implementation expects a semicolon-separated sequence of

        parenthesized groups, where each group contains a

        comma-separated sequence consisting of HTTP method,

        user-readable URI, a URI reg-exp, an integer number of

        requests which can be made, and a unit of measure.  Valid

        values for the latter are "SECOND", "MINUTE", "HOUR", and


        @return: List of Limit instances.


        # Handle empty limit strings

        limits = limits.strip()

        if not limits:

            return []

        # Split up the limits by semicolon

        result = []

        for group in limits.split(';'):

            group = group.strip()

            if group[:1] != '(' or group[-1:] != ')':

                raise ValueError("Limit rules must be surrounded by "


            group = group[1:-1]

            # Extract the Limit arguments

            args = [a.strip() for a in group.split(',')]

            if len(args) != 5:

                raise ValueError("Limit rules must contain the following "

                                 "arguments: verb, uri, regex, value, unit")

            # Pull out the arguments

            verb, uri, regex, value, unit = args

            # Upper-case the verb

            verb = verb.upper()

            # Convert value--raises ValueError if it's not integer

            value = int(value)

            # Convert unit

            unit = unit.upper()

            if unit not in Limit.UNIT_MAP:

                raise ValueError("Invalid units specified")

            unit = Limit.UNIT_MAP[unit]

            # Build a limit

            result.append(Limit(verb, uri, regex, value, unit))

        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class WsgiLimiter(object):

"""Rate-limit checking from a WSGI application.

Uses an in-memory `Limiter`.

To use, POST ``/`` with JSON data such as::


"verb" : GET,

"path" : "/servers"


and receive a 204 No Content, or a 403 Forbidden with an X-Wait-Seconds

header containing the number of seconds to wait before the action would



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, limits=None):

        """Initialize the new `WsgiLimiter`.

        @param limits: List of `Limit` objects


        self._limiter = Limiter(limits or DEFAULT_LIMITS)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, request):

        """Handles a call to this application.

        Returns 204 if the request is acceptable to the limiter, else a 403

        is returned with a relevant header indicating when the request

        *will* succeed.


        if request.method != "POST":

            raise webob.exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()


            info = dict(jsonutils.loads(request.body))

        except ValueError:

            raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest()

        username = request.path_info_pop()

        verb = info.get("verb")

        path = info.get("path")

        delay, error = self._limiter.check_for_delay(verb, path, username)

        if delay:

            headers = {"X-Wait-Seconds": "%.2f" % delay}

            return webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(headers=headers, explanation=error)


            return webob.exc.HTTPNoContent()

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class WsgiLimiterProxy(object):

"""Rate-limit requests based on answers from a remote source."""

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    def __init__(self, limiter_address):

        """Initialize the new `WsgiLimiterProxy`.

        @param limiter_address: IP/port combination of where to request limit


        self.limiter_address = limiter_address

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def check_for_delay(self, verb, path, username=None):

        body = jsonutils.dumps({"verb": verb, "path": path})

        headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}

        conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.limiter_address)

        if username:

            conn.request("POST", "/%s" % (username), body, headers)


            conn.request("POST", "/", body, headers)

        resp = conn.getresponse()

        if 200 >= resp.status < 300:

            return None, None

        return resp.getheader("X-Wait-Seconds"), resp.read() or None

    # Note: This method gets called before the class is instantiated,

    # so this must be either a static method or a class method.  It is

    # used to develop a list of limits to feed to the constructor.

    # This implementation returns an empty list, since all limit

    # decisions are made by a remote server.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def parse_limits(limits):

        """Ignore a limits string--simply doesn't apply for the limit proxy.

        @return: Empty list.


        return []