

OpenStack Study: conf_key_mgr.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2013 The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory

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An implementation of a key manager that reads its key from the project's

configuration options.

This key manager implementation provides limited security, assuming that the

key remains secret. Using the volume encryption feature as an example,

encryption provides protection against a lost or stolen disk, assuming that

the configuration file that contains the key is not stored on the disk.

Encryption also protects the confidentiality of data as it is transmitted via

iSCSI from the compute host to the storage host (again assuming that an

attacker who intercepts the data does not know the secret key).

Because this implementation uses a single, fixed key, it proffers no

protection once that key is compromised. In particular, different volumes

encrypted with a key provided by this key manager actually share the same

encryption key so *any* volume can be decrypted once the fixed key is known.


import array

from oslo.config import cfg

from cinder import exception

from cinder.keymgr import key

from cinder.keymgr import key_mgr

from cinder.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging

key_mgr_opts = [


help='Fixed key returned by key manager, specified in hex'),



CONF.register_opts(key_mgr_opts, group='keymgr')

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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class ConfKeyManager(key_mgr.KeyManager):

"""Key Manager that supports one key

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    def __init__(self):

        super(ConfKeyManager, self).__init__()

        self.key_id = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'

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    def _generate_key(self, **kwargs):

        _hex = self._generate_hex_key(**kwargs)

        return key.SymmetricKey('AES',

                                array.array('B', _hex.decode('hex')).tolist())

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    def _generate_hex_key(self, **kwargs):

        if CONF.keymgr.fixed_key is None:

            LOG.warn(_('config option keymgr.fixed_key has not been defined: '

                       'some operations may fail unexpectedly'))

            raise ValueError(_('keymgr.fixed_key not defined'))

        return CONF.keymgr.fixed_key

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    def create_key(self, ctxt, **kwargs):

        """Creates a key.

        This implementation returns a UUID for the created key. A

        NotAuthorized exception is raised if the specified context is None.


        if ctxt is None:

            raise exception.NotAuthorized()

        return self.key_id

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    def store_key(self, ctxt, key, **kwargs):

        """Stores (i.e., registers) a key with the key manager."""

        if ctxt is None:

            raise exception.NotAuthorized()

        if key != self._generate_key():

            raise exception.KeyManagerError(

                reason="cannot store arbitrary keys")

        return self.key_id

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    def copy_key(self, ctxt, key_id, **kwargs):

        if ctxt is None:

            raise exception.NotAuthorized()

        return self.key_id

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    def get_key(self, ctxt, key_id, **kwargs):

        """Retrieves the key identified by the specified id.

        This implementation returns the key that is associated with the

        specified UUID. A NotAuthorized exception is raised if the specified

        context is None; a KeyError is raised if the UUID is invalid.


        if ctxt is None:

            raise exception.NotAuthorized()

        if key_id != self.key_id:

            raise KeyError(key_id)

        return self._generate_key()

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    def delete_key(self, ctxt, key_id, **kwargs):

        if ctxt is None:

            raise exception.NotAuthorized()

        if key_id != self.key_id:

            raise exception.KeyManagerError(

                reason="cannot delete non-existent key")

        LOG.warn(_("Not deleting key %s"), key_id)