

OpenStack Study: rbd.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2010-2011 Josh Durgin

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

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# under the License.

"""Storage backend for RBD

(RADOS (Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store) Block Device)"""

from __future__ import absolute_import

from __future__ import with_statement

import hashlib

import math

from oslo.config import cfg

import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse

from glance.common import exception

from glance.common import utils

import glance.openstack.common.log as logging

from glance.openstack.common import units

import glance.store.base

import glance.store.location


import rados

import rbd

except ImportError:

rados = None

rbd = None

DEFAULT_POOL = 'images'

DEFAULT_CONFFILE = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'

DEFAULT_USER = None # let librados decide based on the Ceph conf file



LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

rbd_opts = [

cfg.IntOpt('rbd_store_chunk_size', default=DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE,

help=_('RADOS images will be chunked into objects of this size '

'(in megabytes). For best performance, this should be '

'a power of two.')),

cfg.StrOpt('rbd_store_pool', default=DEFAULT_POOL,

help=_('RADOS pool in which images are stored.')),

cfg.StrOpt('rbd_store_user', default=DEFAULT_USER,

help=_('RADOS user to authenticate as (only applicable if '

'using Cephx. If , a default will be chosen based '

'on the client. section in rbd_store_ceph_conf).')),

cfg.StrOpt('rbd_store_ceph_conf', default=DEFAULT_CONFFILE,

help=_('Ceph configuration file path. '

'If , librados will locate the default config. '

'If using cephx authentication, this file should '

'include a reference to the right keyring '

'in a client. section.')),




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class StoreLocation(glance.store.location.StoreLocation):


Class describing a RBD URI. This is of the form:





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def process_specs(self):

        # convert to ascii since librbd doesn't handle unicode

        for key, value in self.specs.iteritems():

            self.specs[key] = str(value)

        self.fsid = self.specs.get('fsid')

        self.pool = self.specs.get('pool')

        self.image = self.specs.get('image')

        self.snapshot = self.specs.get('snapshot')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_uri(self):

        if self.fsid and self.pool and self.snapshot:

            # ensure nothing contains / or any other url-unsafe character

            safe_fsid = urlparse.quote(self.fsid, '')

            safe_pool = urlparse.quote(self.pool, '')

            safe_image = urlparse.quote(self.image, '')

            safe_snapshot = urlparse.quote(self.snapshot, '')

            return "rbd://%s/%s/%s/%s" % (safe_fsid, safe_pool,

                                          safe_image, safe_snapshot)


            return "rbd://%s" % self.image

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def parse_uri(self, uri):

        prefix = 'rbd://'

        if not uri.startswith(prefix):

            reason = _('URI must start with rbd://')

            msg = (_("Invalid URI: %(uri)s: %(reason)s") % {'uri': uri,

                                                            'reason': reason})


            raise exception.BadStoreUri(message=reason)

        # convert to ascii since librbd doesn't handle unicode


            ascii_uri = str(uri)

        except UnicodeError:

            reason = _('URI contains non-ascii characters')

            msg = (_("Invalid URI: %(uri)s: %(reason)s") % {'uri': uri,

                                                            'reason': reason})


            raise exception.BadStoreUri(message=reason)

        pieces = ascii_uri[len(prefix):].split('/')

        if len(pieces) == 1:

            self.fsid, self.pool, self.image, self.snapshot = \

                (None, None, pieces[0], None)

        elif len(pieces) == 4:

            self.fsid, self.pool, self.image, self.snapshot = \

                map(urlparse.unquote, pieces)


            reason = _('URI must have exactly 1 or 4 components')

            msg = (_("Invalid URI: %(uri)s: %(reason)s") % {'uri': uri,

                                                            'reason': reason})


            raise exception.BadStoreUri(message=reason)

        if any(map(lambda p: p == '', pieces)):

            reason = _('URI cannot contain empty components')

            msg = (_("Invalid URI: %(uri)s: %(reason)s") % {'uri': uri,

                                                            'reason': reason})


            raise exception.BadStoreUri(message=reason)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ImageIterator(object):


Reads data from an RBD image, one chunk at a time.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, name, store):

        self.name = name

        self.pool = store.pool

        self.user = store.user

        self.conf_file = store.conf_file

        self.chunk_size = store.chunk_size

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __iter__(self):


            with rados.Rados(conffile=self.conf_file,

                             rados_id=self.user) as conn:

                with conn.open_ioctx(self.pool) as ioctx:

                    with rbd.Image(ioctx, self.name) as image:

                        img_info = image.stat()

                        size = img_info['size']

                        bytes_left = size

                        while bytes_left > 0:

                            length = min(self.chunk_size, bytes_left)

                            data = image.read(size - bytes_left, length)

                            bytes_left -= len(data)

                            yield data

                        raise StopIteration()

        except rbd.ImageNotFound:

            raise exception.NotFound(

                _('RBD image %s does not exist') % self.name)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Store(glance.store.base.Store):

"""An implementation of the RBD backend adapter."""

EXAMPLE_URL = "rbd://///"

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_schemes(self):

        return ('rbd',)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def configure_add(self):


        Configure the Store to use the stored configuration options

        Any store that needs special configuration should implement

        this method. If the store was not able to successfully configure

        itself, it should raise `exception.BadStoreConfiguration`



            self.chunk_size = CONF.rbd_store_chunk_size * units.Mi

            # these must not be unicode since they will be passed to a

            # non-unicode-aware C library

            self.pool = str(CONF.rbd_store_pool)

            self.user = str(CONF.rbd_store_user)

            self.conf_file = str(CONF.rbd_store_ceph_conf)

        except cfg.ConfigFileValueError as e:

            reason = _("Error in store configuration: %s") % e


            raise exception.BadStoreConfiguration(store_name='rbd',


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get(self, location):


        Takes a `glance.store.location.Location` object that indicates

        where to find the image file, and returns a tuple of generator

        (for reading the image file) and image_size

        :param location `glance.store.location.Location` object, supplied

                        from glance.store.location.get_location_from_uri()

        :raises `glance.exception.NotFound` if image does not exist


        loc = location.store_location

        return (ImageIterator(loc.image, self), self.get_size(location))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_size(self, location):


        Takes a `glance.store.location.Location` object that indicates

        where to find the image file, and returns the size

        :param location `glance.store.location.Location` object, supplied

                        from glance.store.location.get_location_from_uri()

        :raises `glance.exception.NotFound` if image does not exist


        loc = location.store_location

        with rados.Rados(conffile=self.conf_file,

                         rados_id=self.user) as conn:

            with conn.open_ioctx(self.pool) as ioctx:


                    with rbd.Image(ioctx, loc.image,

                                   snapshot=loc.snapshot) as image:

                        img_info = image.stat()

                        return img_info['size']

                except rbd.ImageNotFound:

                    msg = _('RBD image %s does not exist') % loc.get_uri()


                    raise exception.NotFound(msg)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_image(self, fsid, ioctx, image_name, size, order):


        Create an rbd image. If librbd supports it,

        make it a cloneable snapshot, so that copy-on-write

        volumes can be created from it.

        :param image_name Image's name

        :retval `glance.store.rbd.StoreLocation` object


        librbd = rbd.RBD()

        if hasattr(rbd, 'RBD_FEATURE_LAYERING'):

            librbd.create(ioctx, image_name, size, order, old_format=False,


            return StoreLocation({

                'fsid': fsid,

                'pool': self.pool,

                'image': image_name,

                'snapshot': DEFAULT_SNAPNAME,



            librbd.create(ioctx, image_name, size, order, old_format=True)

            return StoreLocation({'image': image_name})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _delete_image(self, image_name, snapshot_name=None):


        Delete RBD image and snapshot.

        :param image_name Image's name

        :param snapshot_name Image snapshot's name

        :raises NotFound if image does not exist;

                InUseByStore if image is in use or snapshot unprotect failed


        with rados.Rados(conffile=self.conf_file, rados_id=self.user) as conn:

            with conn.open_ioctx(self.pool) as ioctx:


                    # First remove snapshot.

                    if snapshot_name is not None:

                        with rbd.Image(ioctx, image_name) as image:



                            except rbd.ImageBusy:

                                log_msg = _("snapshot %(image)s@%(snap)s "

                                            "could not be unprotected because "

                                            "it is in use")

                                LOG.debug(log_msg %

                                          {'image': image_name,

                                           'snap': snapshot_name})

                                raise exception.InUseByStore()


                    # Then delete image.

                    rbd.RBD().remove(ioctx, image_name)

                except rbd.ImageNotFound:

                    raise exception.NotFound(

                        _("RBD image %s does not exist") % image_name)

                except rbd.ImageBusy:

                    log_msg = _("image %s could not be removed "

                                "because it is in use")

                    LOG.debug(log_msg % image_name)

                    raise exception.InUseByStore()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add(self, image_id, image_file, image_size):


        Stores an image file with supplied identifier to the backend

        storage system and returns a tuple containing information

        about the stored image.

        :param image_id: The opaque image identifier

        :param image_file: The image data to write, as a file-like object

        :param image_size: The size of the image data to write, in bytes

        :retval tuple of URL in backing store, bytes written, checksum

                and a dictionary with storage system specific information

        :raises `glance.common.exception.Duplicate` if the image already



        checksum = hashlib.md5()

        image_name = str(image_id)

        with rados.Rados(conffile=self.conf_file, rados_id=self.user) as conn:

            fsid = None

            if hasattr(conn, 'get_fsid'):

                fsid = conn.get_fsid()

            with conn.open_ioctx(self.pool) as ioctx:

                order = int(math.log(self.chunk_size, 2))

                LOG.debug('creating image %s with order %d and size %d',

                          image_name, order, image_size)

                if image_size == 0:

                    LOG.warning(_("since image size is zero we will be doing "

                                  "resize-before-write for each chunk which "

                                  "will be considerably slower than normal"))


                    loc = self._create_image(fsid, ioctx, image_name,

                                             image_size, order)

                except rbd.ImageExists:

                    raise exception.Duplicate(

                        _('RBD image %s already exists') % image_id)


                    with rbd.Image(ioctx, image_name) as image:

                        bytes_written = 0

                        offset = 0

                        chunks = utils.chunkreadable(image_file,


                        for chunk in chunks:

                            # If the image size provided is zero we need to do

                            # a resize for the amount we are writing. This will

                            # be slower so setting a higher chunk size may

                            # speed things up a bit.

                            if image_size == 0:

                                chunk_length = len(chunk)

                                length = offset + chunk_length

                                bytes_written += chunk_length

                                LOG.debug(_("resizing image to %s KiB") %

                                          (length / units.Ki))


                            LOG.debug(_("writing chunk at offset %s") %


                            offset += image.write(chunk, offset)


                        if loc.snapshot:



                except Exception as exc:

                    # Delete image if one was created


                        self._delete_image(loc.image, loc.snapshot)

                    except exception.NotFound:


                    raise exc

        # Make sure we send back the image size whether provided or inferred.

        if image_size == 0:

            image_size = bytes_written

        return (loc.get_uri(), image_size, checksum.hexdigest(), {})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete(self, location):


        Takes a `glance.store.location.Location` object that indicates

        where to find the image file to delete.

        :location `glance.store.location.Location` object, supplied

                  from glance.store.location.get_location_from_uri()

        :raises NotFound if image does not exist;

                InUseByStore if image is in use or snapshot unprotect failed


        loc = location.store_location

        self._delete_image(loc.image, loc.snapshot)