

OpenStack Study: s3.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2010 OpenStack Foundation

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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"""Storage backend for S3 or Storage Servers that follow the S3 Protocol"""

import hashlib

import httplib

import re

import tempfile

from oslo.config import cfg

import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse

from glance.common import exception

from glance.common import utils

import glance.openstack.common.log as logging

import glance.store

import glance.store.base

import glance.store.location

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

s3_opts = [


help=_('The host where the S3 server is listening.')),

cfg.StrOpt('s3_store_access_key', secret=True,

help=_('The S3 query token access key.')),

cfg.StrOpt('s3_store_secret_key', secret=True,

help=_('The S3 query token secret key.')),


help=_('The S3 bucket to be used to store the Glance data.')),


help=_('The local directory where uploads will be staged '

'before they are transferred into S3.')),

cfg.BoolOpt('s3_store_create_bucket_on_put', default=False,

help=_('A boolean to determine if the S3 bucket should be '

'created on upload if it does not exist or if '

'an error should be returned to the user.')),

cfg.StrOpt('s3_store_bucket_url_format', default='subdomain',

help=_('The S3 calling format used to determine the bucket. '

'Either subdomain or path can be used.')),




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class StoreLocation(glance.store.location.StoreLocation):


Class describing an S3 URI. An S3 URI can look like any of

the following:




The s3+https:// URIs indicate there is an HTTPS s3service URL


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def process_specs(self):

        self.scheme = self.specs.get('scheme', 's3')

        self.accesskey = self.specs.get('accesskey')

        self.secretkey = self.specs.get('secretkey')

        s3_host = self.specs.get('s3serviceurl')

        self.bucket = self.specs.get('bucket')

        self.key = self.specs.get('key')

        if s3_host.startswith('https://'):

            self.scheme = 's3+https'

            s3_host = s3_host[8:].strip('/')

        elif s3_host.startswith('http://'):

            s3_host = s3_host[7:].strip('/')

        self.s3serviceurl = s3_host.strip('/')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_credstring(self):

        if self.accesskey:

            return '%s:%s@' % (self.accesskey, self.secretkey)

        return ''

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_uri(self):

        return "%s://%s%s/%s/%s" % (






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def parse_uri(self, uri):


        Parse URLs. This method fixes an issue where credentials specified

        in the URL are interpreted differently in Python 2.6.1+ than prior

        versions of Python.

        Note that an Amazon AWS secret key can contain the forward slash,

        which is entirely retarded, and breaks urlparse miserably.

        This function works around that issue.


        # Make sure that URIs that contain multiple schemes, such as:

        # s3://accesskey:secretkey@https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket/key-id

        # are immediately rejected.

        if uri.count('://') != 1:

            reason = _("URI cannot contain more than one occurrence "

                       "of a scheme. If you have specified a URI like "



                       ", you need to change it to use the "

                       "s3+https:// scheme, like so: "



            LOG.debug(_("Invalid store uri: %s") % reason)

            raise exception.BadStoreUri(message=reason)

        pieces = urlparse.urlparse(uri)

        assert pieces.scheme in ('s3', 's3+http', 's3+https')

        self.scheme = pieces.scheme

        path = pieces.path.strip('/')

        netloc = pieces.netloc.strip('/')

        entire_path = (netloc + '/' + path).strip('/')

        if '@' in uri:

            creds, path = entire_path.split('@')

            cred_parts = creds.split(':')


                access_key = cred_parts[0]

                secret_key = cred_parts[1]

                # NOTE(jaypipes): Need to encode to UTF-8 here because of a

                # bug in the HMAC library that boto uses.

                # See: http://bugs.python.org/issue5285

                # See: http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/8083

                access_key = access_key.encode('utf-8')

                secret_key = secret_key.encode('utf-8')

                self.accesskey = access_key

                self.secretkey = secret_key

            except IndexError:

                reason = _("Badly formed S3 credentials %s") % creds


                raise exception.BadStoreUri()


            self.accesskey = None

            path = entire_path


            path_parts = path.split('/')

            self.key = path_parts.pop()

            self.bucket = path_parts.pop()

            if path_parts:

                self.s3serviceurl = '/'.join(path_parts).strip('/')


                reason = _("Badly formed S3 URI. Missing s3 service URL.")

                raise exception.BadStoreUri()

        except IndexError:

            reason = _("Badly formed S3 URI: %s") % uri


            raise exception.BadStoreUri()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ChunkedFile(object):


We send this back to the Glance API server as

something that can iterate over a ``boto.s3.key.Key``



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, fp):

        self.fp = fp

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __iter__(self):

        """Return an iterator over the image file"""


            if self.fp:

                while True:

                    chunk = self.fp.read(ChunkedFile.CHUNKSIZE)

                    if chunk:

                        yield chunk





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def getvalue(self):

        """Return entire string value... used in testing."""

        data = ""

        self.len = 0

        for chunk in self:

            read_bytes = len(chunk)

            data = data + chunk

            self.len = self.len + read_bytes

        return data

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def close(self):

        """Close the internal file pointer."""

        if self.fp:


            self.fp = None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Store(glance.store.base.Store):

"""An implementation of the s3 adapter."""

EXAMPLE_URL = "s3://:@//"

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_schemes(self):

        return ('s3', 's3+http', 's3+https')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def configure_add(self):


        Configure the Store to use the stored configuration options

        Any store that needs special configuration should implement

        this method. If the store was not able to successfully configure

        itself, it should raise `exception.BadStoreConfiguration`


        self.s3_host = self._option_get('s3_store_host')

        access_key = self._option_get('s3_store_access_key')

        secret_key = self._option_get('s3_store_secret_key')

        # NOTE(jaypipes): Need to encode to UTF-8 here because of a

        # bug in the HMAC library that boto uses.

        # See: http://bugs.python.org/issue5285

        # See: http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/8083

        self.access_key = access_key.encode('utf-8')

        self.secret_key = secret_key.encode('utf-8')

        self.bucket = self._option_get('s3_store_bucket')

        self.scheme = 's3'

        if self.s3_host.startswith('https://'):

            self.scheme = 's3+https'

            self.full_s3_host = self.s3_host

        elif self.s3_host.startswith('http://'):

            self.full_s3_host = self.s3_host

        else:  # Defaults http

            self.full_s3_host = 'http://' + self.s3_host

        self.s3_store_object_buffer_dir = CONF.s3_store_object_buffer_dir

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _option_get(self, param):

        result = getattr(CONF, param)

        if not result:

            reason = (_("Could not find %(param)s in configuration "

                        "options.") % {'param': param})


            raise exception.BadStoreConfiguration(store_name="s3",


        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get(self, location):


        Takes a `glance.store.location.Location` object that indicates

        where to find the image file, and returns a tuple of generator

        (for reading the image file) and image_size

        :param location `glance.store.location.Location` object, supplied

                        from glance.store.location.get_location_from_uri()

        :raises `glance.exception.NotFound` if image does not exist


        key = self._retrieve_key(location)

        key.BufferSize = self.CHUNKSIZE

        class ChunkedIndexable(glance.store.Indexable):

            def another(self):

                return (self.wrapped.fp.read(ChunkedFile.CHUNKSIZE)

                        if self.wrapped.fp else None)

        return (ChunkedIndexable(ChunkedFile(key), key.size), key.size)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_size(self, location):


        Takes a `glance.store.location.Location` object that indicates

        where to find the image file, and returns the image_size (or 0

        if unavailable)

        :param location `glance.store.location.Location` object, supplied

                        from glance.store.location.get_location_from_uri()



            key = self._retrieve_key(location)

            return key.size

        except Exception:

            return 0

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _retrieve_key(self, location):

        loc = location.store_location

        from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection

        s3_conn = S3Connection(loc.accesskey, loc.secretkey,


                               is_secure=(loc.scheme == 's3+https'),


        bucket_obj = get_bucket(s3_conn, loc.bucket)

        key = get_key(bucket_obj, loc.key)

        msg = _("Retrieved image object from S3 using (s3_host=%(s3_host)s, "

                "access_key=%(accesskey)s, bucket=%(bucket)s, "

                "key=%(obj_name)s)") % ({'s3_host': loc.s3serviceurl,

                                         'accesskey': loc.accesskey,

                                         'bucket': loc.bucket,

                                         'obj_name': loc.key})


        return key

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add(self, image_id, image_file, image_size):


        Stores an image file with supplied identifier to the backend

        storage system and returns a tuple containing information

        about the stored image.

        :param image_id: The opaque image identifier

        :param image_file: The image data to write, as a file-like object

        :param image_size: The size of the image data to write, in bytes

        :retval tuple of URL in backing store, bytes written, checksum

                and a dictionary with storage system specific information

        :raises `glance.common.exception.Duplicate` if the image already


        S3 writes the image data using the scheme:



             = ``s3_store_user``

             = ``s3_store_key``

             = ``s3_store_host``

             = ``s3_store_bucket``

             = The id of the image being added


        from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection

        loc = StoreLocation({'scheme': self.scheme,

                             'bucket': self.bucket,

                             'key': image_id,

                             's3serviceurl': self.full_s3_host,

                             'accesskey': self.access_key,

                             'secretkey': self.secret_key})

        s3_conn = S3Connection(loc.accesskey, loc.secretkey,


                               is_secure=(loc.scheme == 's3+https'),


        create_bucket_if_missing(self.bucket, s3_conn)

        bucket_obj = get_bucket(s3_conn, self.bucket)

        obj_name = str(image_id)

        def _sanitize(uri):

            return re.sub('//.*:.*@',



        key = bucket_obj.get_key(obj_name)

        if key and key.exists():

            raise exception.Duplicate(_("S3 already has an image at "

                                      "location %s") %


        msg = _("Adding image object to S3 using (s3_host=%(s3_host)s, "

                "access_key=%(access_key)s, bucket=%(bucket)s, "

                "key=%(obj_name)s)") % ({'s3_host': self.s3_host,

                                         'access_key': self.access_key,

                                         'bucket': self.bucket,

                                         'obj_name': obj_name})


        key = bucket_obj.new_key(obj_name)

        # We need to wrap image_file, which is a reference to the

        # webob.Request.body_file, with a seekable file-like object,

        # otherwise the call to set_contents_from_file() will die

        # with an error about Input object has no method 'seek'. We

        # might want to call webob.Request.make_body_seekable(), but

        # unfortunately, that method copies the entire image into

        # memory and results in LP Bug #818292 occurring. So, here

        # we write temporary file in as memory-efficient manner as

        # possible and then supply the temporary file to S3. We also

        # take this opportunity to calculate the image checksum while

        # writing the tempfile, so we don't need to call key.compute_md5()

        msg = _("Writing request body file to temporary file "

                "for %s") % _sanitize(loc.get_uri())


        tmpdir = self.s3_store_object_buffer_dir

        temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmpdir)

        checksum = hashlib.md5()

        for chunk in utils.chunkreadable(image_file, self.CHUNKSIZE):




        msg = (_("Uploading temporary file to S3 for %s") %



        # OK, now upload the data into the key

        key.set_contents_from_file(open(temp_file.name, 'r+b'), replace=False)

        size = key.size

        checksum_hex = checksum.hexdigest()

        LOG.debug(_("Wrote %(size)d bytes to S3 key named %(obj_name)s "

                    "with checksum %(checksum_hex)s"),

                  {'size': size, 'obj_name': obj_name,

                   'checksum_hex': checksum_hex})

        return (loc.get_uri(), size, checksum_hex, {})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _sanitize(uri):

            return re.sub('//.*:.*@',



        key = bucket_obj.get_key(obj_name)

        if key and key.exists():

            raise exception.Duplicate(_("S3 already has an image at "

                                      "location %s") %


        msg = _("Adding image object to S3 using (s3_host=%(s3_host)s, "

                "access_key=%(access_key)s, bucket=%(bucket)s, "

                "key=%(obj_name)s)") % ({'s3_host': self.s3_host,

                                         'access_key': self.access_key,

                                         'bucket': self.bucket,

                                         'obj_name': obj_name})


        key = bucket_obj.new_key(obj_name)

        # We need to wrap image_file, which is a reference to the

        # webob.Request.body_file, with a seekable file-like object,

        # otherwise the call to set_contents_from_file() will die

        # with an error about Input object has no method 'seek'. We

        # might want to call webob.Request.make_body_seekable(), but

        # unfortunately, that method copies the entire image into

        # memory and results in LP Bug #818292 occurring. So, here

        # we write temporary file in as memory-efficient manner as

        # possible and then supply the temporary file to S3. We also

        # take this opportunity to calculate the image checksum while

        # writing the tempfile, so we don't need to call key.compute_md5()

        msg = _("Writing request body file to temporary file "

                "for %s") % _sanitize(loc.get_uri())


        tmpdir = self.s3_store_object_buffer_dir

        temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=tmpdir)

        checksum = hashlib.md5()

        for chunk in utils.chunkreadable(image_file, self.CHUNKSIZE):




        msg = (_("Uploading temporary file to S3 for %s") %



        # OK, now upload the data into the key

        key.set_contents_from_file(open(temp_file.name, 'r+b'), replace=False)

        size = key.size

        checksum_hex = checksum.hexdigest()

        LOG.debug(_("Wrote %(size)d bytes to S3 key named %(obj_name)s "

                    "with checksum %(checksum_hex)s"),

                  {'size': size, 'obj_name': obj_name,

                   'checksum_hex': checksum_hex})

        return (loc.get_uri(), size, checksum_hex, {})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete(self, location):


        Takes a `glance.store.location.Location` object that indicates

        where to find the image file to delete

        :location `glance.store.location.Location` object, supplied

                  from glance.store.location.get_location_from_uri()

        :raises NotFound if image does not exist


        loc = location.store_location

        from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection

        s3_conn = S3Connection(loc.accesskey, loc.secretkey,


                               is_secure=(loc.scheme == 's3+https'),


        bucket_obj = get_bucket(s3_conn, loc.bucket)

        # Close the key when we're through.

        key = get_key(bucket_obj, loc.key)

        msg = _("Deleting image object from S3 using (s3_host=%(s3_host)s, "

                "access_key=%(accesskey)s, bucket=%(bucket)s, "

                "key=%(obj_name)s)") % ({'s3_host': loc.s3serviceurl,

                                         'accesskey': loc.accesskey,

                                         'bucket': loc.bucket,

                                         'obj_name': loc.key})


        return key.delete()

def get_bucket(conn, bucket_id):


    Get a bucket from an s3 connection

    :param conn: The ``boto.s3.connection.S3Connection``

    :param bucket_id: ID of the bucket to fetch

    :raises ``glance.exception.NotFound`` if bucket is not found.


    bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_id)

    if not bucket:

        msg = _("Could not find bucket with ID %s") % bucket_id


        raise exception.NotFound(msg)

    return bucket

def get_s3_location(s3_host):

    from boto.s3.connection import Location

    locations = {

        's3.amazonaws.com': Location.DEFAULT,

        's3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com': Location.EU,

        's3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com': Location.USWest,

        's3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com': Location.APSoutheast,

        's3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com': Location.APNortheast,


    # strip off scheme and port if present

    key = re.sub('^(https?://)?(?P[^:]+)(:[0-9]+)?$',



    return locations.get(key, Location.DEFAULT)

def create_bucket_if_missing(bucket, s3_conn):


    Creates a missing bucket in S3 if the

    ``s3_store_create_bucket_on_put`` option is set.

    :param bucket: Name of bucket to create

    :param s3_conn: Connection to S3


    from boto.exception import S3ResponseError



    except S3ResponseError as e:

        if e.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:

            if CONF.s3_store_create_bucket_on_put:

                location = get_s3_location(CONF.s3_store_host)


                    s3_conn.create_bucket(bucket, location=location)

                except S3ResponseError as e:

                    msg = (_("Failed to add bucket to S3.\n"

                             "Got error from S3: %(e)s") % {'e': e})

                    raise glance.store.BackendException(msg)


                msg = (_("The bucket %(bucket)s does not exist in "

                         "S3. Please set the "

                         "s3_store_create_bucket_on_put option "

                         "to add bucket to S3 automatically.")

                       % {'bucket': bucket})

                raise glance.store.BackendException(msg)

def get_key(bucket, obj):


    Get a key from a bucket

    :param bucket: The ``boto.s3.Bucket``

    :param obj: Object to get the key for

    :raises ``glance.exception.NotFound`` if key is not found.


    key = bucket.get_key(obj)

    if not key or not key.exists():

        msg = (_("Could not find key %(obj)s in bucket %(bucket)s") %

               {'obj': obj, 'bucket': bucket})


        raise exception.NotFound(msg)

    return key

def get_calling_format(bucket_format=None):

    import boto.s3.connection

    if bucket_format is None:

        bucket_format = CONF.s3_store_bucket_url_format

    if bucket_format.lower() == 'path':

        return boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat()


        return boto.s3.connection.SubdomainCallingFormat()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_bucket(conn, bucket_id):


    Get a bucket from an s3 connection

    :param conn: The ``boto.s3.connection.S3Connection``

    :param bucket_id: ID of the bucket to fetch

    :raises ``glance.exception.NotFound`` if bucket is not found.


    bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_id)

    if not bucket:

        msg = _("Could not find bucket with ID %s") % bucket_id


        raise exception.NotFound(msg)

    return bucket

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_s3_location(s3_host):

    from boto.s3.connection import Location

    locations = {

        's3.amazonaws.com': Location.DEFAULT,

        's3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com': Location.EU,

        's3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com': Location.USWest,

        's3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com': Location.APSoutheast,

        's3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com': Location.APNortheast,


    # strip off scheme and port if present

    key = re.sub('^(https?://)?(?P[^:]+)(:[0-9]+)?$',



    return locations.get(key, Location.DEFAULT)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def create_bucket_if_missing(bucket, s3_conn):


    Creates a missing bucket in S3 if the

    ``s3_store_create_bucket_on_put`` option is set.

    :param bucket: Name of bucket to create

    :param s3_conn: Connection to S3


    from boto.exception import S3ResponseError



    except S3ResponseError as e:

        if e.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:

            if CONF.s3_store_create_bucket_on_put:

                location = get_s3_location(CONF.s3_store_host)


                    s3_conn.create_bucket(bucket, location=location)

                except S3ResponseError as e:

                    msg = (_("Failed to add bucket to S3.\n"

                             "Got error from S3: %(e)s") % {'e': e})

                    raise glance.store.BackendException(msg)


                msg = (_("The bucket %(bucket)s does not exist in "

                         "S3. Please set the "

                         "s3_store_create_bucket_on_put option "

                         "to add bucket to S3 automatically.")

                       % {'bucket': bucket})

                raise glance.store.BackendException(msg)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_key(bucket, obj):


    Get a key from a bucket

    :param bucket: The ``boto.s3.Bucket``

    :param obj: Object to get the key for

    :raises ``glance.exception.NotFound`` if key is not found.


    key = bucket.get_key(obj)

    if not key or not key.exists():

        msg = (_("Could not find key %(obj)s in bucket %(bucket)s") %

               {'obj': obj, 'bucket': bucket})


        raise exception.NotFound(msg)

    return key

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_calling_format(bucket_format=None):

    import boto.s3.connection

    if bucket_format is None:

        bucket_format = CONF.s3_store_bucket_url_format

    if bucket_format.lower() == 'path':

        return boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat()


        return boto.s3.connection.SubdomainCallingFormat()