

OpenStack Study: test_s3_store.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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"""Tests the S3 backend store"""

import hashlib

import uuid

import boto.s3.connection

import six

import stubout

from glance.common import exception

from glance.openstack.common import units

from glance.store.location import get_location_from_uri

import glance.store.s3

from glance.store.s3 import get_s3_location

from glance.store.s3 import Store

from glance.store import UnsupportedBackend

from glance.tests.unit import base

FAKE_UUID = str(uuid.uuid4())

FIVE_KB = 5 * units.Ki

S3_CONF = {'verbose': True,

'debug': True,

'default_store': 's3',

's3_store_access_key': 'user',

's3_store_secret_key': 'key',

's3_store_host': 'localhost:8080',

's3_store_bucket': 'glance',

'known_stores': ['glance.store.s3.Store']}

# We stub out as little as possible to ensure that the code paths

# between glance.store.s3 and boto.s3.connection are tested

# thoroughly

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def stub_out_s3(stubs):

    class FakeKey:


        Acts like a ``boto.s3.key.Key``


        def __init__(self, bucket, name):

            self.bucket = bucket

            self.name = name

            self.data = None

            self.size = 0

            self.BufferSize = 1024

        def close(self):


        def exists(self):

            return self.bucket.exists(self.name)

        def delete(self):


        def compute_md5(self, data):

            chunk = data.read(self.BufferSize)

            checksum = hashlib.md5()

            while chunk:


                chunk = data.read(self.BufferSize)

            checksum_hex = checksum.hexdigest()

            return checksum_hex, None

        def set_contents_from_file(self, fp, replace=False, **kwargs):

            self.data = six.StringIO()

            for bytes in fp:


            self.size = self.data.len

            # Reset the buffer to start


            self.read = self.data.read

        def get_file(self):

            return self.data

    class FakeBucket:


        Acts like a ``boto.s3.bucket.Bucket``


        def __init__(self, name, keys=None):

            self.name = name

            self.keys = keys or {}

        def __str__(self):

            return self.name

        def exists(self, key):

            return key in self.keys

        def delete(self, key):

            del self.keys[key]

        def get_key(self, key_name, **kwargs):

            key = self.keys.get(key_name)

            if not key:

                return FakeKey(self, key_name)

            return key

        def new_key(self, key_name):

            new_key = FakeKey(self, key_name)

            self.keys[key_name] = new_key

            return new_key

    fixture_buckets = {'glance': FakeBucket('glance')}

    b = fixture_buckets['glance']

    k = b.new_key(FAKE_UUID)

    k.set_contents_from_file(six.StringIO("*" * FIVE_KB))

    def fake_connection_constructor(self, *args, **kwargs):

        host = kwargs.get('host')

        if host.startswith('http://') or host.startswith('https://'):

            raise UnsupportedBackend(host)

    def fake_get_bucket(conn, bucket_id):

        bucket = fixture_buckets.get(bucket_id)

        if not bucket:

            bucket = FakeBucket(bucket_id)

        return bucket


              '__init__', fake_connection_constructor)


              'get_bucket', fake_get_bucket)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

 def fake_connection_constructor(self, *args, **kwargs):

        host = kwargs.get('host')

        if host.startswith('http://') or host.startswith('https://'):

            raise UnsupportedBackend(host)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

 def fake_get_bucket(conn, bucket_id):

        bucket = fixture_buckets.get(bucket_id)

        if not bucket:

            bucket = FakeBucket(bucket_id)

        return bucket


              '__init__', fake_connection_constructor)


              'get_bucket', fake_get_bucket)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def format_s3_location(user, key, authurl, bucket, obj):


    Helper method that returns a S3 store URI given

    the component pieces.


    scheme = 's3'

    if authurl.startswith('https://'):

        scheme = 's3+https'

        authurl = authurl[8:]

    elif authurl.startswith('http://'):

        authurl = authurl[7:]

    authurl = authurl.strip('/')

    return "%s://%s:%s@%s/%s/%s" % (scheme, user, key, authurl,

                                    bucket, obj)

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class TestStore(base.StoreClearingUnitTest):

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    def setUp(self):

        """Establish a clean test environment"""


        super(TestStore, self).setUp()

        self.stubs = stubout.StubOutForTesting()


        self.store = Store()


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    def test_get(self):

        """Test a "normal" retrieval of an image in chunks"""

        loc = get_location_from_uri(

            "s3://user:key@auth_address/glance/%s" % FAKE_UUID)

        (image_s3, image_size) = self.store.get(loc)

        self.assertEqual(image_size, FIVE_KB)

        expected_data = "*" * FIVE_KB

        data = ""

        for chunk in image_s3:

            data += chunk

        self.assertEqual(expected_data, data)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_calling_format_path(self):

        """Test a "normal" retrieval of an image in chunks"""


        def fake_S3Connection_init(*args, **kwargs):

            expected_cls = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat

            self.assertIsInstance(kwargs.get('calling_format'), expected_cls)

        self.stubs.Set(boto.s3.connection.S3Connection, '__init__',


        loc = get_location_from_uri(

            "s3://user:key@auth_address/glance/%s" % FAKE_UUID)

        (image_s3, image_size) = self.store.get(loc)

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        def fake_S3Connection_init(*args, **kwargs):

            expected_cls = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat

            self.assertIsInstance(kwargs.get('calling_format'), expected_cls)

        self.stubs.Set(boto.s3.connection.S3Connection, '__init__',


        loc = get_location_from_uri(

            "s3://user:key@auth_address/glance/%s" % FAKE_UUID)

        (image_s3, image_size) = self.store.get(loc)

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    def test_get_calling_format_default(self):

        """Test a "normal" retrieval of an image in chunks"""

        def fake_S3Connection_init(*args, **kwargs):

            expected_cls = boto.s3.connection.SubdomainCallingFormat

            self.assertIsInstance(kwargs.get('calling_format'), expected_cls)

        self.stubs.Set(boto.s3.connection.S3Connection, '__init__',


        loc = get_location_from_uri(

            "s3://user:key@auth_address/glance/%s" % FAKE_UUID)

        (image_s3, image_size) = self.store.get(loc)

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        def fake_S3Connection_init(*args, **kwargs):

            expected_cls = boto.s3.connection.SubdomainCallingFormat

            self.assertIsInstance(kwargs.get('calling_format'), expected_cls)

        self.stubs.Set(boto.s3.connection.S3Connection, '__init__',


        loc = get_location_from_uri(

            "s3://user:key@auth_address/glance/%s" % FAKE_UUID)

        (image_s3, image_size) = self.store.get(loc)

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    def test_get_non_existing(self):


        Test that trying to retrieve a s3 that doesn't exist

        raises an error


        uri = "s3://user:key@auth_address/badbucket/%s" % FAKE_UUID

        loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)

        self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, self.store.get, loc)

        uri = "s3://user:key@auth_address/glance/noexist"

        loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)

        self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, self.store.get, loc)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_add(self):

        """Test that we can add an image via the s3 backend"""

        expected_image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        expected_s3_size = FIVE_KB

        expected_s3_contents = "*" * expected_s3_size

        expected_checksum = hashlib.md5(expected_s3_contents).hexdigest()

        expected_location = format_s3_location(






        image_s3 = six.StringIO(expected_s3_contents)

        location, size, checksum, _ = self.store.add(expected_image_id,



        self.assertEqual(expected_location, location)

        self.assertEqual(expected_s3_size, size)

        self.assertEqual(expected_checksum, checksum)

        loc = get_location_from_uri(expected_location)

        (new_image_s3, new_image_size) = self.store.get(loc)

        new_image_contents = six.StringIO()

        for chunk in new_image_s3:


        new_image_s3_size = new_image_contents.len

        self.assertEqual(expected_s3_contents, new_image_contents.getvalue())

        self.assertEqual(expected_s3_size, new_image_s3_size)

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    def test_add_host_variations(self):


        Test that having http(s):// in the s3serviceurl in config

        options works as expected.


        variations = ['http://localhost:80',










        for variation in variations:

            expected_image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

            expected_s3_size = FIVE_KB

            expected_s3_contents = "*" * expected_s3_size

            expected_checksum = hashlib.md5(expected_s3_contents).hexdigest()

            new_conf = S3_CONF.copy()

            new_conf['s3_store_host'] = variation

            expected_location = format_s3_location(






            image_s3 = six.StringIO(expected_s3_contents)


            self.store = Store()

            location, size, checksum, _ = self.store.add(expected_image_id,



            self.assertEqual(expected_location, location)

            self.assertEqual(expected_s3_size, size)

            self.assertEqual(expected_checksum, checksum)

            loc = get_location_from_uri(expected_location)

            (new_image_s3, new_image_size) = self.store.get(loc)

            new_image_contents = new_image_s3.getvalue()

            new_image_s3_size = len(new_image_s3)

            self.assertEqual(expected_s3_contents, new_image_contents)

            self.assertEqual(expected_s3_size, new_image_s3_size)

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    def test_add_already_existing(self):


        Tests that adding an image with an existing identifier

        raises an appropriate exception


        image_s3 = six.StringIO("nevergonnamakeit")



                          FAKE_UUID, image_s3, 0)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _option_required(self, key):

        conf = S3_CONF.copy()

        conf[key] = None



            self.store = Store()

            return self.store.add == self.store.add_disabled

        except Exception:

            return False

        return False

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    def test_no_access_key(self):


        Tests that options without access key disables the add method



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    def test_no_secret_key(self):


        Tests that options without secret key disables the add method



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    def test_no_host(self):


        Tests that options without host disables the add method



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    def test_delete(self):


        Test we can delete an existing image in the s3 store


        uri = "s3://user:key@auth_address/glance/%s" % FAKE_UUID

        loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)


        self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, self.store.get, loc)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_non_existing(self):


        Test that trying to delete a s3 that doesn't exist

        raises an error


        uri = "s3://user:key@auth_address/glance/noexist"

        loc = get_location_from_uri(uri)

        self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, self.store.delete, loc)

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    def _do_test_get_s3_location(self, host, loc):

        self.assertEqual(get_s3_location(host), loc)

        self.assertEqual(get_s3_location(host + ':80'), loc)

        self.assertEqual(get_s3_location('http://' + host), loc)

        self.assertEqual(get_s3_location('http://' + host + ':80'), loc)

        self.assertEqual(get_s3_location('https://' + host), loc)

        self.assertEqual(get_s3_location('https://' + host + ':80'), loc)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_s3_good_location(self):


        Test that the s3 location can be derived from the host


        good_locations = [

            ('s3.amazonaws.com', ''),

            ('s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com', 'EU'),

            ('s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com', 'us-west-1'),

            ('s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com', 'ap-southeast-1'),

            ('s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com', 'ap-northeast-1'),


        for (url, expected) in good_locations:

            self._do_test_get_s3_location(url, expected)

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    def test_get_s3_bad_location(self):


        Test that the s3 location cannot be derived from an unexpected host


        bad_locations = [

            ('', ''),

            ('s3.amazon.co.uk', ''),

            ('s3-govcloud.amazonaws.com', ''),

            ('cloudfiles.rackspace.com', ''),


        for (url, expected) in bad_locations:

            self._do_test_get_s3_location(url, expected)

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    def test_calling_format_path(self):




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    def test_calling_format_subdomain(self):




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    def test_calling_format_default(self):

