

OpenStack Study: serializer.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation


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# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

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Dict <--> XML de/serializer.

The identity API prefers attributes over elements, so we serialize that way

by convention, with a few hardcoded exceptions.


from lxml import etree

import re

import six

from keystone.openstack.common.gettextutils import _


XMLNS = 'http://docs.openstack.org/identity/api/v2.0'



'value': 'http://docs.openstack.org/identity/api/v2.0'



'prefix': 'OS-KSADM',

'value': 'http://docs.openstack.org/identity/api/ext/OS-KSADM/v1.0',



PARSER = etree.XMLParser(




# NOTE(dolph): lxml.etree.Entity() is just a callable that currently returns an

# lxml.etree._Entity instance, which doesn't appear to be part of the

# public API, so we discover the type dynamically to be safe

ENTITY_TYPE = type(etree.Entity('x'))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def from_xml(xml):

    """Deserialize XML to a dictionary."""

    if xml is None:

        return None

    deserializer = XmlDeserializer()

    return deserializer(xml)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def to_xml(d, xmlns=None):

    """Serialize a dictionary to XML."""

    if d is None:

        return None

    serialize = XmlSerializer()

    return serialize(d, xmlns)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class XmlDeserializer(object):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, xml_str):

        """Returns a dictionary populated by decoding the given xml string."""

        dom = etree.fromstring(xml_str.strip(), PARSER)

        return self.walk_element(dom, True)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _deserialize_links(self, links):

        return dict((x.attrib['rel'], x.attrib['href']) for x in links)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _qualified_name(tag, namespace):

        """Returns a qualified tag name.

        The tag name may contain the namespace prefix or not, which can

        be determined by specifying the parameter namespace.


        m = re.search('[^}]+$', tag)

        tag_name = m.string[m.start():]

        if not namespace:

            return tag_name

        bracket = re.search('[^{]+$', tag)

        ns = m.string[bracket.start():m.start() - 1]

        #If the namespace is


        #for the root element, a prefix needs to add in front of the tag name.

        prefix = None

        for xmlns in XMLNS_LIST:

            if xmlns['value'] == ns:

                prefix = xmlns.get('prefix')


        if prefix is not None:

            return '%(PREFIX)s:%(tag_name)s' \

                % {'PREFIX': prefix, 'tag_name': tag_name}


            return tag_name

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def walk_element(self, element, namespace=False):

        """Populates a dictionary by walking an etree element."""

        values = {}

        for k, v in six.iteritems(element.attrib):

            # boolean-looking attributes become booleans in JSON

            if k in ['enabled', 'truncated']:

                if v in ['true']:

                    v = True

                elif v in ['false']:

                    v = False

            values[self._qualified_name(k, namespace)] = v

        text = None

        if element.text is not None:

            text = element.text.strip()

        # current spec does not have attributes on an element with text

        values = values or text or {}

        decoded_tag = XmlDeserializer._qualified_name(element.tag, namespace)

        list_item_tag = None

        if (decoded_tag[-1] == 's' and not values and

                decoded_tag != 'access'):

            # FIXME(gyee): special-case lists for now unti we

            # figure out how to properly handle them.

            # If any key ends with an 's', we are assuming it is a list.

            # List element have no attributes.

            values = list(values)

            if decoded_tag == 'policies':

                list_item_tag = 'policy'


                list_item_tag = decoded_tag[:-1]

        if decoded_tag == 'links':

            return {'links': self._deserialize_links(element)}

        links = None

        truncated = False

        for child in [self.walk_element(x) for x in element

                      if not isinstance(x, ENTITY_TYPE)]:

            if list_item_tag:

                # FIXME(gyee): special-case lists for now until we

                # figure out how to properly handle them.

                # If any key ends with an 's', we are assuming it is a list.

                if list_item_tag in child:



                    if 'links' in child:

                        links = child['links']


                        truncated = child['truncated']


                values = dict(values.items() + child.items())

        # set empty and none-list element to None to align with JSON

        if not values:

            values = ""

        d = {XmlDeserializer._qualified_name(element.tag, namespace): values}

        if links:

            d['links'] = links



        if truncated:

            d['truncated'] = truncated['truncated']

        return d

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class XmlSerializer(object):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, d, xmlns=None):

        """Returns an xml etree populated by the given dictionary.

        Optionally, namespace the etree by specifying an ``xmlns``.


        links = None

        truncated = False

        # FIXME(dolph): skipping links for now

        for key in d.keys():

            if '_links' in key:


            # NOTE(gyee, henry-nash): special-case links and truncation

            # attribute in collections

            if 'links' == key:

                if links:

                    # we have multiple links

                    raise Exception('Multiple links found')

                links = d.pop(key)

            if 'truncated' == key:

                if truncated:

                    # we have multiple attributes

                    raise Exception(_('Multiple truncation attributes found'))

                truncated = d.pop(key)

        assert len(d.keys()) == 1, ('Cannot encode more than one root '

                                    'element: %s' % d.keys())

        # name the root dom element

        name = d.keys()[0]

        m = re.search('[^:]+$', name)

        root_name = m.string[m.start():]

        prefix = m.string[0:m.start() - 1]

        for ns in XMLNS_LIST:

            if prefix == ns.get('prefix'):

                xmlns = ns['value']


        # only the root dom element gets an xlmns

        root = etree.Element(root_name, xmlns=(xmlns or XMLNS))

        self.populate_element(root, d[name])

        # NOTE(gyee, henry-nash): special-case links and truncation attribute

        if links:

            self._populate_links(root, links)

        if truncated:

            self._populate_truncated(root, truncated)

        # TODO(dolph): you can get a doctype from lxml, using ElementTrees

        return '%s\n%s' % (DOCTYPE, etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_links(self, element, links_json):

        links = etree.Element('links')

        for k, v in six.iteritems(links_json):

            if v:

                link = etree.Element('link')

                link.set('rel', six.text_type(k))

                link.set('href', six.text_type(v))



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_truncated(self, element, truncated_value):

        truncated = etree.Element('truncated')

        self._populate_bool(truncated, 'truncated', truncated_value)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_list(self, element, k, v):

        """Populates an element with a key & list value."""

        # spec has a lot of inconsistency here!

        container = element

        if k == 'media-types':

            # xsd compliance:  contains s

            # find an existing  element or make one

            container = element.find('media-types')

            if container is None:

                container = etree.Element(k)


            name = k[:-1]

        elif k == 'serviceCatalog' or k == 'catalog':

            # xsd compliance:  contains s

            container = etree.Element(k)


            name = 'service'

        elif k == 'roles' and element.tag == 'user':

            name = 'role'

        elif k == 'endpoints' and element.tag == 'service':

            name = 'endpoint'

        elif k == 'values' and element.tag[-1] == 's':

            # OS convention is to contain lists in a 'values' element,

            # so the list itself can have attributes, which is

            # unnecessary in XML

            name = element.tag[:-1]

        elif k[-1] == 's':

            container = etree.Element(k)


            if k == 'policies':

                # need to special-case policies since policie is not a word

                name = 'policy'


                name = k[:-1]


            name = k

        for item in v:

            child = etree.Element(name)

            self.populate_element(child, item)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_dict(self, element, k, v):

        """Populates an element with a key & dictionary value."""

        if k == 'links':

            # links is a special dict

            self._populate_links(element, v)


            child = etree.Element(k)

            self.populate_element(child, v)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_bool(self, element, k, v):

        """Populates an element with a key & boolean value."""

        # booleans are 'true' and 'false'

        element.set(k, six.text_type(v).lower())

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_str(self, element, k, v):

        """Populates an element with a key & string value."""

        if k in ['description']:

            # always becomes an element

            child = etree.Element(k)

            child.text = six.text_type(v)



            # add attributes to the current element

            element.set(k, six.text_type(v))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_number(self, element, k, v):

        """Populates an element with a key & numeric value."""

        # numbers can be handled as strings

        self._populate_str(element, k, v)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def populate_element(self, element, value):

        """Populates an etree with the given value."""

        if isinstance(value, list):

            self._populate_sequence(element, value)

        elif isinstance(value, dict):

            self._populate_tree(element, value)

            # NOTE(blk-u): For compatibility with Folsom, when serializing the

            # v2.0 version element also add the links to the base element.

            if value.get('id') == 'v2.0':

                for item in value['links']:

                    child = etree.Element('link')

                    self.populate_element(child, item)


        elif isinstance(value, six.string_types):

            element.text = six.text_type(value)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_sequence(self, element, l):

        """Populates an etree with a sequence of elements, given a list."""

        # xsd compliance: child elements are singular:  has s

        name = element.tag

        if element.tag[-1] == 's':

            name = element.tag[:-1]

            if name == 'policie':

                name = 'policy'

        for item in l:

            child = etree.Element(name)

            self.populate_element(child, item)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_tree(self, element, d):

        """Populates an etree with attributes & elements, given a dict."""

        for k, v in six.iteritems(d):

            if isinstance(v, dict):

                self._populate_dict(element, k, v)

            elif isinstance(v, list):

                self._populate_list(element, k, v)

            elif isinstance(v, bool):

                self._populate_bool(element, k, v)

            elif isinstance(v, six.string_types):

                self._populate_str(element, k, v)

            elif type(v) in [int, float, long, complex]:

                self._populate_number(element, k, v)