

OpenStack Study: test_v3_federation.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

import random

import uuid

from keystone.auth import controllers as auth_controllers

from keystone.common import dependency

from keystone.common import serializer

from keystone.common import sql

from keystone.common.sql import migration_helpers

from keystone import config

from keystone import contrib

from keystone.contrib.federation import controllers as federation_controllers

from keystone.contrib.federation import utils as mapping_utils

from keystone import exception

from keystone.openstack.common.db.sqlalchemy import migration

from keystone.openstack.common import importutils

from keystone.openstack.common import jsonutils

from keystone.openstack.common import log

from keystone.tests import mapping_fixtures

from keystone.tests import test_v3

CONF = config.CONF

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def dummy_validator(*args, **kwargs):



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class FederationTests(test_v3.RestfulTestCase):

EXTENSION_NAME = 'federation'

EXTENSION_TO_ADD = 'federation_extension'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_database(self):

        super(FederationTests, self).setup_database()

        package_name = '.'.join((contrib.__name__, self.EXTENSION_NAME))

        package = importutils.import_module(package_name)

        abs_path = migration_helpers.find_migrate_repo(package)

        migration.db_version_control(sql.get_engine(), abs_path)

        migration.db_sync(sql.get_engine(), abs_path)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class FederatedIdentityProviderTests(FederationTests):

"""A test class for Identity Providers."""

idp_keys = ['description', 'enabled']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def base_url(self, suffix=None):

        if suffix is not None:

            return '/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/' + str(suffix)

        return '/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _fetch_attribute_from_response(self, resp, parameter,


        """Fetch single attribute from TestResponse object."""

        result = resp.result.get(parameter)

        if assert_is_not_none:


        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_and_decapsulate_response(self, body=None):

        """Create IdP and fetch it's random id along with entity."""

        default_resp = self._create_default_idp(body=body)

        idp = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(default_resp,



        idp_id = idp.get('id')

        return (idp_id, idp)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_idp(self, idp_id):

        """Fetch IdP entity based on it's id."""

        url = self.base_url(suffix=idp_id)

        resp = self.get(url)

        return resp

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_default_idp(self, body=None):

        """Create default IdP."""

        url = self.base_url(suffix=uuid.uuid4().hex)

        if body is None:

            body = self._http_idp_input()

        resp = self.put(url, body={'identity_provider': body},


        return resp

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _http_idp_input(self, **kwargs):

        """Create default input for IdP data."""

        body = None

        if 'body' not in kwargs:

            body = self.default_body.copy()

            body['description'] = uuid.uuid4().hex


            body = kwargs['body']

        return body

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _assign_protocol_to_idp(self, idp_id=None, proto=None, url=None,

                                mapping_id=None, validate=True, **kwargs):

        if url is None:

            url = self.base_url(suffix='%(idp_id)s/protocols/%(protocol_id)s')

        if idp_id is None:

            idp_id, _ = self._create_and_decapsulate_response()

        if proto is None:

            proto = uuid.uuid4().hex

        if mapping_id is None:

            mapping_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        body = {'mapping_id': mapping_id}

        url = url % {'idp_id': idp_id, 'protocol_id': proto}

        resp = self.put(url, body={'protocol': body}, **kwargs)

        if validate:

            self.assertValidResponse(resp, 'protocol', dummy_validator,

                                     keys_to_check=['id', 'mapping_id'],

                                     ref={'id': proto,

                                          'mapping_id': mapping_id})

        return (resp, idp_id, proto)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_protocol(self, idp_id, protocol_id):

        url = "%s/protocols/%s" % (idp_id, protocol_id)

        url = self.base_url(suffix=url)

        r = self.get(url)

        return r

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_idp(self):

        """Creates the IdentityProvider entity."""

        keys_to_check = self.idp_keys

        body = self._http_idp_input()

        resp = self._create_default_idp(body=body)

        self.assertValidResponse(resp, 'identity_provider', dummy_validator,



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    def test_list_idps(self, iterations=5):

        """Lists all available IdentityProviders.

        This test collects ids of created IdPs and

        intersects it with the list of all available IdPs.

        List of all IdPs can be a superset of IdPs created in this test,

        because other tests also create IdPs.


        def get_id(resp):

            r = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(resp,


            return r.get('id')

        ids = []

        for _ in range(iterations):

            id = get_id(self._create_default_idp())


        ids = set(ids)

        keys_to_check = self.idp_keys

        url = self.base_url()

        resp = self.get(url)

        self.assertValidListResponse(resp, 'identity_providers',



        entities = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(resp,


        entities_ids = set([e['id'] for e in entities])

        ids_intersection = entities_ids.intersection(ids)

        self.assertEqual(ids_intersection, ids)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def get_id(resp):

            r = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(resp,


            return r.get('id')

        ids = []

        for _ in range(iterations):

            id = get_id(self._create_default_idp())


        ids = set(ids)

        keys_to_check = self.idp_keys

        url = self.base_url()

        resp = self.get(url)

        self.assertValidListResponse(resp, 'identity_providers',



        entities = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(resp,


        entities_ids = set([e['id'] for e in entities])

        ids_intersection = entities_ids.intersection(ids)

        self.assertEqual(ids_intersection, ids)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_check_idp_uniqueness(self):

        """Add same IdP twice.

        Expect HTTP 409 code for the latter call.


        url = self.base_url(suffix=uuid.uuid4().hex)

        body = self._http_idp_input()

        self.put(url, body={'identity_provider': body},


        self.put(url, body={'identity_provider': body},


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    def test_get_idp(self):

        """Create and later fetch IdP."""

        body = self._http_idp_input()

        default_resp = self._create_default_idp(body=body)

        default_idp = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(default_resp,


        idp_id = default_idp.get('id')

        url = self.base_url(suffix=idp_id)

        resp = self.get(url)

        self.assertValidResponse(resp, 'identity_provider',

                                 dummy_validator, keys_to_check=body.keys(),


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    def test_get_nonexisting_idp(self):

        """Fetch nonexisting IdP entity.

        Expected HTTP 404 status code.


        idp_id = uuid.uuid4().hex


        url = self.base_url(suffix=idp_id)

        self.get(url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_existing_idp(self):

        """Create and later delete IdP.

        Expect HTTP 404 for the GET IdP call.


        default_resp = self._create_default_idp()

        default_idp = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(default_resp,


        idp_id = default_idp.get('id')


        url = self.base_url(suffix=idp_id)


        self.get(url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_nonexisting_idp(self):

        """Delete nonexisting IdP.

        Expect HTTP 404 for the GET IdP call.


        idp_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        url = self.base_url(suffix=idp_id)

        self.delete(url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_idp_mutable_attributes(self):

        """Update IdP's mutable parameters."""

        default_resp = self._create_default_idp()

        default_idp = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(default_resp,


        idp_id = default_idp.get('id')

        url = self.base_url(suffix=idp_id)


        _enabled = not default_idp.get('enabled')

        body = {'description': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'enabled': _enabled}

        body = {'identity_provider': body}

        resp = self.patch(url, body=body)

        updated_idp = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(resp,


        body = body['identity_provider']

        for key in body.keys():

            self.assertEqual(body[key], updated_idp.get(key))

        resp = self.get(url)

        updated_idp = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(resp,


        for key in body.keys():

            self.assertEqual(body[key], updated_idp.get(key))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_idp_immutable_attributes(self):

        """Update IdP's immutable parameters.

        Expect HTTP 403 code.


        default_resp = self._create_default_idp()

        default_idp = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(default_resp,


        idp_id = default_idp.get('id')


        body = self._http_idp_input()

        body['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        body['protocols'] = [uuid.uuid4().hex, uuid.uuid4().hex]

        url = self.base_url(suffix=idp_id)

        self.patch(url, body={'identity_provider': body}, expected_status=403)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_nonexistent_idp(self):

        """Update nonexistent IdP

        Expect HTTP 404 code.


        idp_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        url = self.base_url(suffix=idp_id)

        body = self._http_idp_input()

        body['enabled'] = False

        body = {'identity_provider': body}

        self.patch(url, body=body, expected_status=404)

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    def test_assign_protocol_to_idp(self):

        """Assign a protocol to existing IdP."""


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    def test_protocol_composite_pk(self):

        """Test whether Keystone let's add two entities with identical

        names, however attached to different IdPs.

        1. Add IdP and assign it protocol with predefined name

        2. Add another IdP and assign it a protocol with same name.

        Expect HTTP 201 code


        url = self.base_url(suffix='%(idp_id)s/protocols/%(protocol_id)s')

        kwargs = {'expected_status': 201}


                                     url=url, **kwargs)


                                     url=url, **kwargs)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_protocol_idp_pk_uniqueness(self):

        """Test whether Keystone checks for unique idp/protocol values.

        Add same protocol twice, expect Keystone to reject a latter call and

        return HTTP 409 code.


        url = self.base_url(suffix='%(idp_id)s/protocols/%(protocol_id)s')

        kwargs = {'expected_status': 201}

        resp, idp_id, proto = self._assign_protocol_to_idp(proto='saml2',

                                                           url=url, **kwargs)

        kwargs = {'expected_status': 409}

        resp, idp_id, proto = self._assign_protocol_to_idp(idp_id=idp_id,



                                                           url=url, **kwargs)

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    def test_assign_protocol_to_nonexistent_idp(self):

        """Assign protocol to IdP that doesn't exist.

        Expect HTTP 404 code.


        idp_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        kwargs = {'expected_status': 404}





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    def test_get_protocol(self):

        """Create and later fetch protocol tied to IdP."""

        resp, idp_id, proto = self._assign_protocol_to_idp(expected_status=201)

        proto_id = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(resp, 'protocol')['id']

        url = "%s/protocols/%s" % (idp_id, proto_id)

        url = self.base_url(suffix=url)

        resp = self.get(url)

        reference = {'id': proto_id}

        self.assertValidResponse(resp, 'protocol',




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_protocols(self):

        """Create set of protocols and later list them.

        Compare input and output id sets.


        resp, idp_id, proto = self._assign_protocol_to_idp(expected_status=201)

        iterations = random.randint(0, 16)

        protocol_ids = []

        for _ in range(iterations):

            resp, _, proto = self._assign_protocol_to_idp(idp_id=idp_id,


            proto_id = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(resp, 'protocol')

            proto_id = proto_id['id']


        url = "%s/protocols" % idp_id

        url = self.base_url(suffix=url)

        resp = self.get(url)

        self.assertValidListResponse(resp, 'protocols',



        entities = self._fetch_attribute_from_response(resp, 'protocols')

        entities = set([entity['id'] for entity in entities])

        protocols_intersection = entities.intersection(protocol_ids)

        self.assertEqual(protocols_intersection, set(protocol_ids))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_protocols_attribute(self):

        """Update protocol's attribute."""

        resp, idp_id, proto = self._assign_protocol_to_idp(expected_status=201)

        new_mapping_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        url = "%s/protocols/%s" % (idp_id, proto)

        url = self.base_url(suffix=url)

        body = {'mapping_id': new_mapping_id}

        resp = self.patch(url, body={'protocol': body})

        self.assertValidResponse(resp, 'protocol', dummy_validator,

                                 keys_to_check=['id', 'mapping_id'],

                                 ref={'id': proto,

                                      'mapping_id': new_mapping_id}


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_protocol(self):

        """Delete protocol.

        Expect HTTP 404 code for the GET call after the protocol is deleted.


        url = self.base_url(suffix='/%(idp_id)s/'


        resp, idp_id, proto = self._assign_protocol_to_idp(expected_status=201)

        url = url % {'idp_id': idp_id,

                     'protocol_id': proto}


        self.get(url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class MappingCRUDTests(FederationTests):

"""A class for testing CRUD operations for Mappings."""


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    def assertValidMappingListResponse(self, resp, *args, **kwargs):

        return self.assertValidListResponse(







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    def assertValidMappingResponse(self, resp, *args, **kwargs):

        return self.assertValidResponse(







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    def assertValidMapping(self, entity, ref=None):



        if ref:

            self.assertEqual(jsonutils.loads(entity['rules']), ref['rules'])

        return entity

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_default_mapping_entry(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        resp = self.put(url,

                        body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_LARGE},


        return resp

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    def _get_id_from_response(self, resp):

        r = resp.result.get('mapping')

        return r.get('id')

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    def test_mapping_create(self):

        resp = self._create_default_mapping_entry()

        self.assertValidMappingResponse(resp, mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_LARGE)

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    def test_mapping_list(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL


        resp = self.get(url)

        entities = resp.result.get('mappings')


        self.assertResponseStatus(resp, 200)


        self.assertEqual(len(entities), 1)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_mapping_delete(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + '%(mapping_id)s'

        resp = self._create_default_mapping_entry()

        mapping_id = self._get_id_from_response(resp)

        url = url % {'mapping_id': str(mapping_id)}

        resp = self.delete(url)

        self.assertResponseStatus(resp, 204)

        self.get(url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_mapping_get(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + '%(mapping_id)s'

        resp = self._create_default_mapping_entry()

        mapping_id = self._get_id_from_response(resp)

        url = url % {'mapping_id': mapping_id}

        resp = self.get(url)

        self.assertValidMappingResponse(resp, mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_LARGE)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_mapping_update(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + '%(mapping_id)s'

        resp = self._create_default_mapping_entry()

        mapping_id = self._get_id_from_response(resp)

        url = url % {'mapping_id': mapping_id}

        resp = self.patch(url,

                          body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_SMALL})

        self.assertValidMappingResponse(resp, mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_SMALL)

        resp = self.get(url)

        self.assertValidMappingResponse(resp, mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_SMALL)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_mapping_dne(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.delete(url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_mapping_dne(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.get(url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_bad_requirements(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.put(url, expected_status=400,

                 body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_BAD_REQ})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_no_rules(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.put(url, expected_status=400,

                 body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_NO_RULES})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_no_remote_objects(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.put(url, expected_status=400,

                 body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_NO_REMOTE})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_bad_value(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.put(url, expected_status=400,

                 body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_BAD_VALUE})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_missing_local(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.put(url, expected_status=400,

                 body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_MISSING_LOCAL})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_missing_type(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.put(url, expected_status=400,

                 body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_MISSING_TYPE})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_wrong_type(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.put(url, expected_status=400,

                 body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_WRONG_TYPE})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_extra_remote_properties_not_any_of(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_EXTRA_REMOTE_PROPS_NOT_ANY_OF

        self.put(url, expected_status=400, body={'mapping': mapping})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_extra_remote_properties_any_one_of(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_EXTRA_REMOTE_PROPS_ANY_ONE_OF

        self.put(url, expected_status=400, body={'mapping': mapping})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_extra_remote_properties_just_type(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_EXTRA_REMOTE_PROPS_JUST_TYPE

        self.put(url, expected_status=400, body={'mapping': mapping})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_empty_map(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.put(url, expected_status=400,

                 body={'mapping': {}})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_mapping_extra_rules_properties(self):

        url = self.MAPPING_URL + uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.put(url, expected_status=400,

                 body={'mapping': mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_EXTRA_RULES_PROPS})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class MappingRuleEngineTests(FederationTests):

"""A class for testing the mapping rule engine."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_rule_engine_any_one_of_and_direct_mapping(self):

        """Should return user's name and group id EMPLOYEE_GROUP_ID.

        The ADMIN_ASSERTION should successfully have a match in MAPPING_LARGE.

        The will test the case where `any_one_of` is valid, and there is

        a direct mapping for the users name.


        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_LARGE

        assertion = mapping_fixtures.ADMIN_ASSERTION

        rp = mapping_utils.RuleProcessor(mapping['rules'])

        values = rp.process(assertion)

        fn = assertion.get('FirstName')

        ln = assertion.get('LastName')

        full_name = '%s %s' % (fn, ln)

        group_ids = values.get('group_ids')

        name = values.get('name')

        self.assertIn(mapping_fixtures.EMPLOYEE_GROUP_ID, group_ids)

        self.assertEqual(name, full_name)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_rule_engine_no_regex_match(self):

        """Should deny authorization, the email of the tester won't match.

        This will not match since the email in the assertion will fail

        the regex test. It is set to match any @example.com address.

        But the incoming value is set to eviltester@example.org.

        RuleProcessor should raise exception.Unauthorized exception.


        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_LARGE

        assertion = mapping_fixtures.BAD_TESTER_ASSERTION

        rp = mapping_utils.RuleProcessor(mapping['rules'])


                          rp.process, assertion)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_rule_engine_any_one_of_many_rules(self):

        """Should return group CONTRACTOR_GROUP_ID.

        The CONTRACTOR_ASSERTION should successfully have a match in

        MAPPING_SMALL. This will test the case where many rules

        must be matched, including an `any_one_of`, and a direct



        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_SMALL

        assertion = mapping_fixtures.CONTRACTOR_ASSERTION

        rp = mapping_utils.RuleProcessor(mapping['rules'])

        values = rp.process(assertion)

        user_name = assertion.get('UserName')

        group_ids = values.get('group_ids')

        name = values.get('name')

        self.assertEqual(user_name, name)

        self.assertIn(mapping_fixtures.CONTRACTOR_GROUP_ID, group_ids)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_rule_engine_not_any_of_and_direct_mapping(self):

        """Should return user's name and email.

        The CUSTOMER_ASSERTION should successfully have a match in

        MAPPING_LARGE. This will test the case where a requirement

        has `not_any_of`, and direct mapping to a username, no group.


        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_LARGE

        assertion = mapping_fixtures.CUSTOMER_ASSERTION

        rp = mapping_utils.RuleProcessor(mapping['rules'])

        values = rp.process(assertion)

        user_name = assertion.get('UserName')

        group_ids = values.get('group_ids')

        name = values.get('name')

        self.assertEqual(name, user_name)

        self.assertEqual(group_ids, [])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_rule_engine_not_any_of_many_rules(self):

        """Should return group EMPLOYEE_GROUP_ID.

        The EMPLOYEE_ASSERTION should successfully have a match in

        MAPPING_SMALL. This will test the case where many remote

        rules must be matched, including a `not_any_of`.


        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_SMALL

        assertion = mapping_fixtures.EMPLOYEE_ASSERTION

        rp = mapping_utils.RuleProcessor(mapping['rules'])

        values = rp.process(assertion)

        user_name = assertion.get('UserName')

        group_ids = values.get('group_ids')

        name = values.get('name')

        self.assertEqual(name, user_name)

        self.assertIn(mapping_fixtures.EMPLOYEE_GROUP_ID, group_ids)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _rule_engine_regex_match_and_many_groups(self, assertion):

        """Should return group DEVELOPER_GROUP_ID and TESTER_GROUP_ID.

        A helper function injecting assertion passed as an argument.

        Expect DEVELOPER_GROUP_ID and TESTER_GROUP_ID in the results.


        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_LARGE

        rp = mapping_utils.RuleProcessor(mapping['rules'])

        values = rp.process(assertion)

        user_name = assertion.get('UserName')

        group_ids = values.get('group_ids')

        name = values.get('name')

        self.assertEqual(user_name, name)

        self.assertIn(mapping_fixtures.DEVELOPER_GROUP_ID, group_ids)

        self.assertIn(mapping_fixtures.TESTER_GROUP_ID, group_ids)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_rule_engine_regex_match_and_many_groups(self):

        """Should return group DEVELOPER_GROUP_ID and TESTER_GROUP_ID.

        The TESTER_ASSERTION should successfully have a match in

        MAPPING_LARGE. This will test a successful regex match

        for an `any_one_of` evaluation type, and will have many

        groups returned.




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_rule_engine_discards_nonstring_objects(self):

        """Check whether RuleProcessor discards non string objects.

        Despite the fact that assertion is malformed and contains

        non string objects, RuleProcessor should correctly discard them and

        successfully have a match in MAPPING_LARGE.




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_rule_engine_fails_after_discarding_nonstring(self):

        """Check whether RuleProcessor discards non string objects.

        Expect RuleProcessor to discard non string object, which

        is required for a correct rule match. Since no rules are

        matched expect RuleProcessor to raise exception.Unauthorized



        mapping = mapping_fixtures.MAPPING_SMALL

        rp = mapping_utils.RuleProcessor(mapping['rules'])

        assertion = mapping_fixtures.CONTRACTOR_MALFORMED_ASSERTION


                          rp.process, assertion)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class FederatedTokenTests(FederationTests):


PROTOCOL = 'saml2'

AUTH_METHOD = 'saml2'




"identity": {

"methods": [AUTH_METHOD],


"identity_provider": IDP,

"protocol": PROTOCOL




AUTH_URL = '/auth/tokens'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(FederationTests, self).setUp()



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def idp_ref(self, id=None):

        idp = {

            'id': id or uuid.uuid4().hex,

            'enabled': True,

            'description': uuid.uuid4().hex


        return idp

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def proto_ref(self, mapping_id=None):

        proto = {

            'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,

            'mapping_id': mapping_id or uuid.uuid4().hex


        return proto

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def mapping_ref(self, rules=None):

        return {

            'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,

            'rules': rules or self.rules['rules']


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _assertSerializeToXML(self, json_body):

        """Serialize JSON body to XML.

        Serialize JSON body to XML, then deserialize to JSON

        again. Expect both JSON dictionaries to be equal.


        xml_body = serializer.to_xml(json_body)

        json_deserialized = serializer.from_xml(xml_body)

        self.assertDictEqual(json_deserialized, json_body)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _scope_request(self, unscoped_token_id, scope, scope_id):

        return {

            'auth': {

                'identity': {

                    'methods': [



                    self.AUTH_METHOD: {

                        'id': unscoped_token_id



                'scope': {

                    scope: {

                        'id': scope_id





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _project(self, project):

        return (project['id'], project['name'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _roles(self, roles):

        return set([(r['id'], r['name']) for r in roles])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_projects_and_roles(self, token, roles, projects):

        """Check whether the projects and the roles match."""

        token_roles = token.get('roles')

        if token_roles is None:

            raise AssertionError('Roles not found in the token')

        token_roles = self._roles(token_roles)

        roles_ref = self._roles(roles)

        self.assertEqual(token_roles, roles_ref)

        token_projects = token.get('project')

        if token_projects is None:

            raise AssertionError('Projects not found in the token')

        token_projects = self._project(token_projects)

        projects_ref = self._project(projects)

        self.assertEqual(token_projects, projects_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_scoped_token_attributes(self, token):

        def xor_project_domain(iterable):

            return sum(('project' in iterable, 'domain' in iterable)) % 2

        for obj in ('user', 'catalog', 'expires_at', 'issued_at',

                    'methods', 'roles'):

            self.assertIn(obj, token)

        # Check for either project or domain

        if not xor_project_domain(token.keys()):

            raise AssertionError("You must specify either"

                                 "project or domain.")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def xor_project_domain(iterable):

            return sum(('project' in iterable, 'domain' in iterable)) % 2

        for obj in ('user', 'catalog', 'expires_at', 'issued_at',

                    'methods', 'roles'):

            self.assertIn(obj, token)

        # Check for either project or domain

        if not xor_project_domain(token.keys()):

            raise AssertionError("You must specify either"

                                 "project or domain.")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _issue_unscoped_token(self, assertion='EMPLOYEE_ASSERTION'):

        api = federation_controllers.Auth()

        context = {'environment': {}}

        self._inject_assertion(context, assertion)

        r = api.federated_authentication(context, self.IDP, self.PROTOCOL)

        return r

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_issue_unscoped_token(self):

        r = self._issue_unscoped_token()


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_issue_unscoped_token_serialize_to_xml(self):

        """Issue unscoped token and serialize to XML.

        Make sure common.serializer doesn't complain about

        the response structure and tag names.


        r = self._issue_unscoped_token()

        token_resp = r.json_body

        # Remove 'extras' if empty or None,

        # as JSON and XML (de)serializers treat

        # them differently, making dictionaries

        # comparisions fail.

        if not token_resp['token'].get('extras'):



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_issue_unscoped_token_no_groups(self):




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_issue_unscoped_token_malformed_environment(self):

        """Test whether non string objects are filtered out.

        Put non string objects into the environment, inject

        correct assertion and try to get an unscoped token.

        Expect server not to fail on using split() method on

        non string objects and return token id in the HTTP header.


        api = auth_controllers.Auth()

        context = {

            'environment': {

                'malformed_object': object(),

                'another_bad_idea': tuple(xrange(10)),

                'yet_another_bad_param': dict(zip(uuid.uuid4().hex,




        self._inject_assertion(context, 'EMPLOYEE_ASSERTION')

        r = api.authenticate_for_token(context, self.UNSCOPED_V3_SAML2_REQ)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_scope_to_project_once(self):

        r = self.post(self.AUTH_URL,


        token_resp = r.result['token']

        project_id = token_resp['project']['id']

        self.assertEqual(project_id, self.proj_employees['id'])


        roles_ref = [self.role_employee]

        projects_ref = self.proj_employees

        self._check_projects_and_roles(token_resp, roles_ref, projects_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_scope_to_bad_project(self):

        """Scope unscoped token with a project we don't have access to."""




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_scope_to_project_multiple_times(self):

        """Try to scope the unscoped token multiple times.

        The new tokens should be scoped to:

        * Customers' project

        * Employees' project




        project_ids = (self.proj_employees['id'],


        for body, project_id_ref in zip(bodies, project_ids):

            r = self.post(self.AUTH_URL, body=body)

            token_resp = r.result['token']

            project_id = token_resp['project']['id']

            self.assertEqual(project_id, project_id_ref)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_scope_token_from_nonexistent_unscoped_token(self):

        """Try to scope token from non-existent unscoped token."""




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_issue_token_from_rules_without_user(self):

        api = auth_controllers.Auth()

        context = {'environment': {}}

        self._inject_assertion(context, 'BAD_TESTER_ASSERTION')



                          context, self.UNSCOPED_V3_SAML2_REQ)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_issue_token_with_nonexistent_group(self):

        """Inject assertion that matches rule issuing bad group id.

        Expect server to find out that some groups are missing in the

        backend and raise exception.MappedGroupNotFound exception.





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_scope_to_domain_once(self):

        r = self.post(self.AUTH_URL,


        token_resp = r.result['token']

        domain_id = token_resp['domain']['id']

        self.assertEqual(domain_id, self.domainA['id'])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_scope_to_domain_multiple_tokens(self):

        """Issue multiple tokens scoping to different domains.

        The new tokens should be scoped to:

        * domainA

        * domainB

        * domainC


        bodies = (self.TOKEN_SCOPE_DOMAIN_A_FROM_ADMIN,



        domain_ids = (self.domainA['id'],



        for body, domain_id_ref in zip(bodies, domain_ids):

            r = self.post(self.AUTH_URL, body=body)

            token_resp = r.result['token']

            domain_id = token_resp['domain']['id']

            self.assertEqual(domain_id, domain_id_ref)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_projects(self):

        url = '/OS-FEDERATION/projects'

        token = (self.tokens['CUSTOMER_ASSERTION'],



        projects_refs = (set([self.proj_customers['id']]),






        for token, projects_ref in zip(token, projects_refs):

            r = self.get(url, token=token)

            projects_resp = r.result['projects']

            projects = set(p['id'] for p in projects_resp)

            self.assertEqual(projects, projects_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_domains(self):

        url = '/OS-FEDERATION/domains'

        tokens = (self.tokens['CUSTOMER_ASSERTION'],



        domain_refs = (set([self.domainA['id']]),






        for token, domains_ref in zip(tokens, domain_refs):

            r = self.get(url, token=token)

            domains_resp = r.result['domains']

            domains = set(p['id'] for p in domains_resp)

            self.assertEqual(domains, domains_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_full_workflow(self):

        """Test 'standard' workflow for granting access tokens.

        * Issue unscoped token

        * List available projects based on groups

        * Scope token to a one of available projects


        r = self._issue_unscoped_token()

        employee_unscoped_token_id = r.headers.get('X-Subject-Token')

        r = self.get('/OS-FEDERATION/projects',


        projects = r.result['projects']

        random_project = random.randint(0, len(projects)) - 1

        project = projects[random_project]

        v3_scope_request = self._scope_request(employee_unscoped_token_id,

                                               'project', project['id'])

        r = self.post(self.AUTH_URL, body=v3_scope_request)

        token_resp = r.result['token']

        project_id = token_resp['project']['id']

        self.assertEqual(project_id, project['id'])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_workflow_with_groups_deletion(self):

        """Test full workflow with groups deletion before token scoping.

        The test scenario is as follows:

         - Create group ``group``

         - Create and assign roles to ``group`` and ``project_all``

         - Patch mapping rules for existing IdP so it issues group id

         - Issue unscoped token with ``group``'s id

         - Delete group ``group``

         - Scope token to ``project_all``

         - Expect HTTP 500 response


        # create group and role

        group = self.new_group_ref(




        role = self.new_role_ref()



        # assign role to group and project_admins




        rules = {

            'rules': [


                    'local': [


                            'group': {

                                'id': group['id']




                            'user': {

                                'name': '{0}'




                    'remote': [


                            'type': 'UserName'



                            'type': 'LastName',

                            'any_one_of': [








        self.federation_api.update_mapping(self.mapping['id'], rules)

        r = self._issue_unscoped_token(assertion='TESTER_ASSERTION')

        token_id = r.headers.get('X-Subject-Token')

        # delete group


        # scope token to project_all, expect HTTP 500

        scoped_token = self._scope_request(

            token_id, 'project',





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_assertion_prefix_parameter(self):

        """Test parameters filtering based on the prefix.

        With ``assertion_prefix`` set to fixed, non defailt value,

        issue an unscoped token from assertion EMPLOYEE_ASSERTION_PREFIXED.

        Expect server to return unscoped token.




        r = self._issue_unscoped_token(assertion='EMPLOYEE_ASSERTION_PREFIXED')


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_assertion_prefix_parameter_expect_fail(self):

        """Test parameters filtering based on the prefix.

        With ``assertion_prefix`` default value set to empty string

        issue an unscoped token from assertion EMPLOYEE_ASSERTION.

        Next, configure ``assertion_prefix`` to value ``UserName``.

        Try issuing unscoped token with EMPLOYEE_ASSERTION.

        Expect server to raise exception.Unathorized exception.


        r = self._issue_unscoped_token()






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def load_federation_sample_data(self):

        """Inject additional data."""

        # Create and add domains

        self.domainA = self.new_domain_ref()



        self.domainB = self.new_domain_ref()



        self.domainC = self.new_domain_ref()



        # Create and add projects

        self.proj_employees = self.new_project_ref(




        self.proj_customers = self.new_project_ref(




        self.project_all = self.new_project_ref(




        # Create and add groups

        self.group_employees = self.new_group_ref(




        self.group_customers = self.new_group_ref(




        self.group_admins = self.new_group_ref(




        # Create and add roles

        self.role_employee = self.new_role_ref()



        self.role_customer = self.new_role_ref()



        self.role_admin = self.new_role_ref()



        # Employees can access

        # * proj_employees

        # * project_all







        # Customers can access

        # * proj_customers




        # Admins can access:

        # * proj_customers

        # * proj_employees

        # * project_all













        # Customers can access:

        # * domain A




        # Employees can access:

        # * domain A

        # * domain B







        # Admins can access:

        # * domain A

        # * domain B

        # * domain C










        self.rules = {

            'rules': [


                    'local': [


                            'group': {

                                'id': self.group_employees['id']




                            'user': {

                                'name': '{0}'




                    'remote': [


                            'type': 'UserName'



                            'type': 'orgPersonType',

                            'any_one_of': [







                    'local': [


                            'group': {

                                'id': self.group_employees['id']




                            'user': {

                                'name': '{0}'




                    'remote': [


                            'type': self.ASSERTION_PREFIX + 'UserName'



                            'type': self.ASSERTION_PREFIX + 'orgPersonType',

                            'any_one_of': [







                    'local': [


                            'group': {

                                'id': self.group_customers['id']




                            'user': {

                                'name': '{0}'




                    'remote': [


                            'type': 'UserName'



                            'type': 'orgPersonType',

                            'any_one_of': [







                    'local': [


                            'group': {

                                'id': self.group_admins['id']




                            'group': {

                                'id': self.group_employees['id']




                            'group': {

                                'id': self.group_customers['id']




                            'user': {

                                'name': '{0}'




                    'remote': [


                            'type': 'UserName'



                            'type': 'orgPersonType',

                            'any_one_of': [








                    'local': [


                            'group': {

                                'id': uuid.uuid4().hex




                            'group': {

                                'id': self.group_customers['id']




                            'user': {

                                'name': '{0}'




                    'remote': [


                            'type': 'UserName',



                            'type': 'FirstName',

                            'any_one_of': [





                            'type': 'LastName',

                            'any_one_of': [







                    'local': [


                            'group': {

                                'id': 'this_group_no_longer_exists'




                            'user': {

                                'name': '{0}'




                    'remote': [


                            'type': 'UserName',



                            'type': 'Email',

                            'any_one_of': [





                            'type': 'orgPersonType',

                            'any_one_of': [








        # Add IDP

        self.idp = self.idp_ref(id=self.IDP)



        # Add a mapping

        self.mapping = self.mapping_ref()



        # Add protocols

        self.proto_saml = self.proto_ref(mapping_id=self.mapping['id'])

        self.proto_saml['id'] = self.PROTOCOL




        # Generate fake tokens

        context = {'environment': {}}

        self.tokens = {}



        api = auth_controllers.Auth()

        for variant in VARIANTS:

            self._inject_assertion(context, variant)

            r = api.authenticate_for_token(context, self.UNSCOPED_V3_SAML2_REQ)

            self.tokens[variant] = r.headers.get('X-Subject-Token')

        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_PROJECT_FROM_NONEXISTENT_TOKEN = self._scope_request(

            uuid.uuid4().hex, 'project', self.proj_customers['id'])

        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_PROJECT_EMPLOYEE_FROM_EMPLOYEE = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['EMPLOYEE_ASSERTION'], 'project',


        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_PROJECT_EMPLOYEE_FROM_ADMIN = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['ADMIN_ASSERTION'], 'project',


        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_PROJECT_CUSTOMER_FROM_ADMIN = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['ADMIN_ASSERTION'], 'project',


        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_PROJECT_EMPLOYEE_FROM_CUSTOMER = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['CUSTOMER_ASSERTION'], 'project',


        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_DOMAIN_A_FROM_CUSTOMER = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['CUSTOMER_ASSERTION'], 'domain', self.domainA['id'])

        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_DOMAIN_B_FROM_CUSTOMER = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['CUSTOMER_ASSERTION'], 'domain', self.domainB['id'])

        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_DOMAIN_B_FROM_CUSTOMER = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['CUSTOMER_ASSERTION'], 'domain',


        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_DOMAIN_A_FROM_ADMIN = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['ADMIN_ASSERTION'], 'domain', self.domainA['id'])

        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_DOMAIN_B_FROM_ADMIN = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['ADMIN_ASSERTION'], 'domain', self.domainB['id'])

        self.TOKEN_SCOPE_DOMAIN_C_FROM_ADMIN = self._scope_request(

            self.tokens['ADMIN_ASSERTION'], 'domain',


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _inject_assertion(self, context, variant):

        assertion = getattr(mapping_fixtures, variant)


        context['query_string'] = []