

OpenStack Study: switch.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips,

                          port_security_enabled, security_profiles,

                          queue_id, mac_learning_enabled,


    lport_obj['allowed_address_pairs'] = []

    if port_security_enabled:

        for fixed_ip in fixed_ips:

            ip_address = fixed_ip.get('ip_address')

            if ip_address:


                    {'mac_address': mac_address, 'ip_address': ip_address})

        # add address pair allowing src_ip to leave

        # this is required for outgoing dhcp request


            {"mac_address": mac_address,

             "ip_address": ""})

    lport_obj['security_profiles'] = list(security_profiles or [])

    lport_obj['queue_uuid'] = queue_id

    if mac_learning_enabled is not None:

        lport_obj["mac_learning"] = mac_learning_enabled

        lport_obj["type"] = "LogicalSwitchPortConfig"

    for address_pair in list(allowed_address_pairs or []):


            {'mac_address': address_pair['mac_address'],

             'ip_address': address_pair['ip_address']})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_lswitch_by_id(cluster, lswitch_id):


        lswitch_uri_path = _build_uri_path(

            LSWITCH_RESOURCE, lswitch_id,


        return do_request(HTTP_GET, lswitch_uri_path, cluster=cluster)

    except exception.NotFound:

        # FIXME(salv-orlando): this should not raise a neutron exception

        raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=lswitch_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_lswitches(cluster, neutron_net_id):

    def lookup_switches_by_tag():

        # Fetch extra logical switches

        lswitch_query_path = _build_uri_path(




            filters={'tag': neutron_net_id,

                     'tag_scope': 'quantum_net_id'})

        return get_all_query_pages(lswitch_query_path, cluster)

    lswitch_uri_path = _build_uri_path(LSWITCH_RESOURCE, neutron_net_id,


    results = []


        ls = do_request(HTTP_GET, lswitch_uri_path, cluster=cluster)


        for tag in ls['tags']:

            if (tag['scope'] == "multi_lswitch" and

                tag['tag'] == "True"):


    except exception.NotFound:

        # This is legit if the neutron network was created using

        # a post-Havana version of the plugin


    if results:

        return results


        raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=neutron_net_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def create_lswitch(cluster, neutron_net_id, tenant_id, display_name,




    # The tag scope adopts a slightly different naming convention for

    # historical reasons

    lswitch_obj = {"display_name": utils.check_and_truncate(display_name),

                   "transport_zones": transport_zones_config,

                   "replication_mode": cfg.CONF.NSX.replication_mode,

                   "tags": utils.get_tags(os_tid=tenant_id,


    # TODO(salv-orlando): Now that we have async status synchronization

    # this tag is perhaps not needed anymore

    if shared:

        lswitch_obj["tags"].append({"tag": "true",

                                    "scope": "shared"})

    if "tags" in kwargs:


    uri = _build_uri_path(LSWITCH_RESOURCE)

    lswitch = do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, json.dumps(lswitch_obj),


    LOG.debug(_("Created logical switch: %s"), lswitch['uuid'])

    return lswitch

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def update_lswitch(cluster, lswitch_id, display_name,

                   tenant_id=None, **kwargs):

    uri = _build_uri_path(LSWITCH_RESOURCE, resource_id=lswitch_id)

    lswitch_obj = {"display_name": utils.check_and_truncate(display_name),

                   "tags": utils.get_tags(os_tid=tenant_id)}

    if "tags" in kwargs:



        return do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, json.dumps(lswitch_obj),


    except exception.NotFound as e:

        LOG.error(_("Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e))

        raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=lswitch_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def delete_network(cluster, net_id, lswitch_id):

    delete_networks(cluster, net_id, [lswitch_id])

#TODO(salvatore-orlando): Simplify and harmonize

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def delete_networks(cluster, net_id, lswitch_ids):

    for ls_id in lswitch_ids:

        path = "/ws.v1/lswitch/%s" % ls_id


            do_request(HTTP_DELETE, path, cluster=cluster)

        except exception.NotFound as e:

            LOG.error(_("Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e))

            raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=ls_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def query_lswitch_lports(cluster, ls_uuid, fields="*",

                         filters=None, relations=None):

    # Fix filter for attachments

    if filters and "attachment" in filters:

        filters['attachment_vif_uuid'] = filters["attachment"]

        del filters['attachment']

    uri = _build_uri_path(LSWITCHPORT_RESOURCE, parent_resource_id=ls_uuid,

                          fields=fields, filters=filters, relations=relations)

    return do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, cluster=cluster)['results']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def delete_port(cluster, switch, port):

    uri = "/ws.v1/lswitch/" + switch + "/lport/" + port


        do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, cluster=cluster)

    except exception.NotFound:

        LOG.exception(_("Port or Network not found"))

        raise exception.PortNotFoundOnNetwork(

            net_id=switch, port_id=port)

    except api_exc.NsxApiException:

        raise exception.NeutronException()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_ports(cluster, networks=None, devices=None, tenants=None):

    vm_filter_obsolete = ""

    vm_filter = ""

    tenant_filter = ""

    # This is used when calling delete_network. Neutron checks to see if

    # the network has any ports.

    if networks:

        # FIXME (Aaron) If we get more than one network_id this won't work

        lswitch = networks[0]


        lswitch = "*"

    if devices:

        for device_id in devices:

            vm_filter_obsolete = '&'.join(


                 "tag=%s" % utils.device_id_to_vm_id(device_id,



            vm_filter = '&'.join(


                 "tag=%s" % utils.device_id_to_vm_id(device_id),


    if tenants:

        for tenant in tenants:

            tenant_filter = '&'.join(


                 "tag=%s" % tenant,


    nsx_lports = {}

    lport_fields_str = ("tags,admin_status_enabled,display_name,"



        lport_query_path_obsolete = (


            "&relations=LogicalPortStatus" %

            (lswitch, lport_fields_str, vm_filter_obsolete, tenant_filter))

        lport_query_path = (


            "&relations=LogicalPortStatus" %

            (lswitch, lport_fields_str, vm_filter, tenant_filter))


            # NOTE(armando-migliaccio): by querying with obsolete tag first

            # current deployments won't take the performance hit of a double

            # call. In release L-** or M-**, we might want to swap the calls

            # as it's likely that ports with the new tag would outnumber the

            # ones with the old tag

            ports = get_all_query_pages(lport_query_path_obsolete, cluster)

            if not ports:

                ports = get_all_query_pages(lport_query_path, cluster)

        except exception.NotFound:

            LOG.warn(_("Lswitch %s not found in NSX"), lswitch)

            ports = None

        if ports:

            for port in ports:

                for tag in port["tags"]:

                    if tag["scope"] == "q_port_id":

                        nsx_lports[tag["tag"]] = port

    except Exception:

        err_msg = _("Unable to get ports")


        raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=err_msg)

    return nsx_lports

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_port_by_neutron_tag(cluster, lswitch_uuid, neutron_port_id):

    """Get port by neutron tag.

    Returns the NSX UUID of the logical port with tag q_port_id equal to

    neutron_port_id or None if the port is not Found.


    uri = _build_uri_path(LSWITCHPORT_RESOURCE,



                          filters={'tag': neutron_port_id,

                                   'tag_scope': 'q_port_id'})

    LOG.debug(_("Looking for port with q_port_id tag '%(neutron_port_id)s' "

                "on: '%(lswitch_uuid)s'"),

              {'neutron_port_id': neutron_port_id,

               'lswitch_uuid': lswitch_uuid})

    res = do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, cluster=cluster)

    num_results = len(res["results"])

    if num_results >= 1:

        if num_results > 1:

            LOG.warn(_("Found '%(num_ports)d' ports with "

                       "q_port_id tag: '%(neutron_port_id)s'. "

                       "Only 1 was expected."),

                     {'num_ports': num_results,

                      'neutron_port_id': neutron_port_id})

        return res["results"][0]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_port(cluster, network, port, relations=None):

    LOG.info(_("get_port() %(network)s %(port)s"),

             {'network': network, 'port': port})

    uri = "/ws.v1/lswitch/" + network + "/lport/" + port + "?"

    if relations:

        uri += "relations=%s" % relations


        return do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, cluster=cluster)

    except exception.NotFound as e:

        LOG.error(_("Port or Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e))

        raise exception.PortNotFoundOnNetwork(

            port_id=port, net_id=network)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def update_port(cluster, lswitch_uuid, lport_uuid, neutron_port_id, tenant_id,

                display_name, device_id, admin_status_enabled,

                mac_address=None, fixed_ips=None, port_security_enabled=None,

                security_profiles=None, queue_id=None,

                mac_learning_enabled=None, allowed_address_pairs=None):

    lport_obj = dict(






    _configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips,

                          port_security_enabled, security_profiles,

                          queue_id, mac_learning_enabled,


    path = "/ws.v1/lswitch/" + lswitch_uuid + "/lport/" + lport_uuid


        result = do_request(HTTP_PUT, path, json.dumps(lport_obj),


        LOG.debug(_("Updated logical port %(result)s "

                    "on logical switch %(uuid)s"),

                  {'result': result['uuid'], 'uuid': lswitch_uuid})

        return result

    except exception.NotFound as e:

        LOG.error(_("Port or Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e))

        raise exception.PortNotFoundOnNetwork(

            port_id=lport_uuid, net_id=lswitch_uuid)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def create_lport(cluster, lswitch_uuid, tenant_id, neutron_port_id,

                 display_name, device_id, admin_status_enabled,

                 mac_address=None, fixed_ips=None, port_security_enabled=None,

                 security_profiles=None, queue_id=None,

                 mac_learning_enabled=None, allowed_address_pairs=None):

    """Creates a logical port on the assigned logical switch."""

    display_name = utils.check_and_truncate(display_name)

    lport_obj = dict(







    _configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips,

                          port_security_enabled, security_profiles,

                          queue_id, mac_learning_enabled,


    path = _build_uri_path(LSWITCHPORT_RESOURCE,


    result = do_request(HTTP_POST, path, json.dumps(lport_obj),


    LOG.debug(_("Created logical port %(result)s on logical switch %(uuid)s"),

              {'result': result['uuid'], 'uuid': lswitch_uuid})

    return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def get_port_status(cluster, lswitch_id, port_id):

    """Retrieve the operational status of the port."""


        r = do_request(HTTP_GET,

                       "/ws.v1/lswitch/%s/lport/%s/status" %

                       (lswitch_id, port_id), cluster=cluster)

    except exception.NotFound as e:

        LOG.error(_("Port not found, Error: %s"), str(e))

        raise exception.PortNotFoundOnNetwork(

            port_id=port_id, net_id=lswitch_id)

    if r['link_status_up'] is True:

        return constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE


        return constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def plug_interface(cluster, lswitch_id, lport_id, att_obj):

    return do_request(HTTP_PUT,


                                      lport_id, lswitch_id,




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def plug_vif_interface(

    cluster, lswitch_id, port_id, port_type, attachment=None):

    """Plug a VIF Attachment object in a logical port."""

    lport_obj = {}

    if attachment:

        lport_obj["vif_uuid"] = attachment

    lport_obj["type"] = port_type

    return plug_interface(cluster, lswitch_id, port_id, lport_obj)