

OpenStack Study: firewall_l3_agent.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation.

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.


# @author: Sumit Naiksatam, sumitnaiksatam@gmail.com, Big Switch Networks, Inc.

# @author: Sridar Kandaswamy, skandasw@cisco.com, Cisco Systems, Inc.

# @author: Dan Florea, dflorea@cisco.com, Cisco Systems, Inc.

from oslo.config import cfg

from neutron.agent.common import config

from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib

from neutron.common import topics

from neutron import context

from neutron.extensions import firewall as fw_ext

from neutron.openstack.common import importutils

from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging

from neutron.plugins.common import constants

from neutron.services.firewall.agents import firewall_agent_api as api

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class FWaaSL3PluginApi(api.FWaaSPluginApiMixin):

"""Agent side of the FWaaS agent to FWaaS Plugin RPC API."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, topic, host):

        super(FWaaSL3PluginApi, self).__init__(topic, host)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_firewalls_for_tenant(self, context, **kwargs):

        """Get the Firewalls with rules from the Plugin to send to driver."""

        LOG.debug(_("Retrieve Firewall with rules from Plugin"))

        return self.call(context,




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_tenants_with_firewalls(self, context, **kwargs):

        """Get all Tenants that have Firewalls configured from plugin."""

        LOG.debug(_("Retrieve Tenants with Firewalls configured from Plugin"))

        return self.call(context,




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class FWaaSL3AgentRpcCallback(api.FWaaSAgentRpcCallbackMixin):

"""FWaaS Agent support to be used by Neutron L3 agent."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, conf):

        LOG.debug(_("Initializing firewall agent"))

        self.conf = conf

        fwaas_driver_class_path = cfg.CONF.fwaas.driver

        self.fwaas_enabled = cfg.CONF.fwaas.enabled

        if self.fwaas_enabled:


                self.fwaas_driver = importutils.import_object(


                LOG.debug(_("FWaaS Driver Loaded: '%s'"),


            except ImportError:

                msg = _('Error importing FWaaS device driver: %s')

                raise ImportError(msg % fwaas_driver_class_path)

        self.services_sync = False

        self.root_helper = config.get_root_helper(conf)

        # setup RPC to msg fwaas plugin

        self.fwplugin_rpc = FWaaSL3PluginApi(topics.FIREWALL_PLUGIN,


        super(FWaaSL3AgentRpcCallback, self).__init__(host=conf.host)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_router_info_list_for_tenant(self, routers, tenant_id):

        """Returns the list of router info objects on which to apply the fw."""

        root_ip = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper)

        # Get the routers for the tenant

        router_ids = [


            for router in routers

            if router['tenant_id'] == tenant_id]

        local_ns_list = root_ip.get_namespaces(

            self.root_helper) if self.conf.use_namespaces else []

        router_info_list = []

        # Pick up namespaces for Tenant Routers

        for rid in router_ids:

            # for routers without an interface - get_routers returns

            # the router - but this is not yet populated in router_info

            if rid not in self.router_info:


            if self.router_info[rid].use_namespaces:

                router_ns = self.router_info[rid].ns_name

                if router_ns in local_ns_list:




        return router_info_list

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _invoke_driver_for_plugin_api(self, context, fw, func_name):

        """Invoke driver method for plugin API and provide status back."""

        LOG.debug(_("%(func_name)s from agent for fw: %(fwid)s"),

                  {'func_name': func_name, 'fwid': fw['id']})


            routers = self.plugin_rpc.get_routers(context)

            router_info_list = self._get_router_info_list_for_tenant(



            if not router_info_list:

                LOG.debug(_('No Routers on tenant: %s'), fw['tenant_id'])

                # fw was created before any routers were added, and if a

                # delete is sent then we need to ack so that plugin can

                # cleanup.

                if func_name == 'delete_firewall':

                    self.fwplugin_rpc.firewall_deleted(context, fw['id'])


            LOG.debug(_("Apply fw on Router List: '%s'"),

                      [ri.router['id'] for ri in router_info_list])

            # call into the driver





                if fw['admin_state_up']:

                    status = constants.ACTIVE


                    status = constants.DOWN

            except fw_ext.FirewallInternalDriverError:

                LOG.error(_("Firewall Driver Error for %(func_name)s "

                            "for fw: %(fwid)s"),

                          {'func_name': func_name, 'fwid': fw['id']})

                status = constants.ERROR

            # delete needs different handling

            if func_name == 'delete_firewall':

                if status in [constants.ACTIVE, constants.DOWN]:

                    self.fwplugin_rpc.firewall_deleted(context, fw['id'])






        except Exception:


                _("FWaaS RPC failure in %(func_name)s for fw: %(fwid)s"),

                {'func_name': func_name, 'fwid': fw['id']})

            self.services_sync = True


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _invoke_driver_for_sync_from_plugin(self, ctx, router_info_list, fw):

        """Invoke the delete driver method for status of PENDING_DELETE and

        update method for all other status to (re)apply on driver which is



        if fw['status'] == constants.PENDING_DELETE:


                self.fwaas_driver.delete_firewall(router_info_list, fw)




            except fw_ext.FirewallInternalDriverError:

                LOG.error(_("Firewall Driver Error on fw state %(fwmsg)s "

                            "for fw: %(fwid)s"),

                          {'fwmsg': fw['status'], 'fwid': fw['id']})








                self.fwaas_driver.update_firewall(router_info_list, fw)

                if fw['admin_state_up']:

                    status = constants.ACTIVE


                    status = constants.DOWN

            except fw_ext.FirewallInternalDriverError:

                LOG.error(_("Firewall Driver Error on fw state %(fwmsg)s "

                            "for fw: %(fwid)s"),

                          {'fwmsg': fw['status'], 'fwid': fw['id']})

                status = constants.ERROR





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _process_router_add(self, ri):

        """On router add, get fw with rules from plugin and update driver."""

        LOG.debug(_("Process router add, router_id: '%s'"), ri.router['id'])

        routers = []


        router_info_list = self._get_router_info_list_for_tenant(



        if router_info_list:

            # Get the firewall with rules

            # for the tenant the router is on.

            ctx = context.Context('', ri.router['tenant_id'])

            fw_list = self.fwplugin_rpc.get_firewalls_for_tenant(ctx)

            LOG.debug(_("Process router add, fw_list: '%s'"),

                      [fw['id'] for fw in fw_list])

            for fw in fw_list:





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def process_router_add(self, ri):

        """On router add, get fw with rules from plugin and update driver."""

        # avoid msg to plugin when fwaas is not configured

        if not self.fwaas_enabled:




        except Exception:


                _("FWaaS RPC info call failed for '%s'."),


            self.services_sync = True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def process_services_sync(self, ctx):

        """On RPC issues sync with plugin and apply the sync data."""

        # avoid msg to plugin when fwaas is not configured

        if not self.fwaas_enabled:



            # get all routers

            routers = self.plugin_rpc.get_routers(ctx)

            # get the list of tenants with firewalls configured

            # from the plugin

            tenant_ids = self.fwplugin_rpc.get_tenants_with_firewalls(ctx)

            LOG.debug(_("Tenants with Firewalls: '%s'"), tenant_ids)

            for tenant_id in tenant_ids:

                ctx = context.Context('', tenant_id)

                fw_list = self.fwplugin_rpc.get_firewalls_for_tenant(ctx)

                if fw_list:

                    # if fw present on tenant

                    router_info_list = self._get_router_info_list_for_tenant(



                    if router_info_list:

                        LOG.debug(_("Router List: '%s'"),

                                  [ri.router['id'] for ri in router_info_list])

                        LOG.debug(_("fw_list: '%s'"),

                                  [fw['id'] for fw in fw_list])

                        # apply sync data on fw for this tenant

                        for fw in fw_list:

                            # fw, routers present on this host for tenant

                            # install

                            LOG.debug(_("Apply fw on Router List: '%s'"),


                                          for ri in router_info_list])

                            # no need to apply sync data for ACTIVE fw

                            if fw['status'] != constants.ACTIVE:





            self.services_sync = False

        except Exception:

            LOG.exception(_("Failed fwaas process services sync"))

            self.services_sync = True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_firewall(self, context, firewall, host):

        """Handle Rpc from plugin to create a firewall."""

        return self._invoke_driver_for_plugin_api(




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_firewall(self, context, firewall, host):

        """Handle Rpc from plugin to update a firewall."""

        return self._invoke_driver_for_plugin_api(




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_firewall(self, context, firewall, host):

        """Handle Rpc from plugin to delete a firewall."""

        return self._invoke_driver_for_plugin_api(


