

OpenStack Study: rpc_driver.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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Cells RPC Communication Driver


from oslo.config import cfg

from oslo import messaging

from nova.cells import driver

from nova import rpc

cell_rpc_driver_opts = [



help="Base queue name to use when communicating between "

"cells. Various topics by message type will be "

"appended to this.")]


CONF.register_opts(cell_rpc_driver_opts, group='cells')

CONF.import_opt('call_timeout', 'nova.cells.opts', group='cells')

rpcapi_cap_opt = cfg.StrOpt('intercell',

help='Set a version cap for messages sent between cells services')

CONF.register_opt(rpcapi_cap_opt, 'upgrade_levels')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class CellsRPCDriver(driver.BaseCellsDriver):

"""Driver for cell<->cell communication via RPC. This is used to

setup the RPC consumers as well as to send a message to another cell.

One instance of this class will be created for every neighbor cell

that we find in the DB and it will be associated with the cell in

its CellState.

One instance is also created by the cells manager for setting up

the consumers.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        super(CellsRPCDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.rpc_servers = []

        self.intercell_rpcapi = InterCellRPCAPI()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def start_servers(self, msg_runner):

        """Start RPC servers.

        Start up 2 separate servers for handling inter-cell

        communication via RPC.  Both handle the same types of

        messages, but requests/replies are separated to solve

        potential deadlocks. (If we used the same queue for both,

        it's possible to exhaust the RPC thread pool while we wait

        for replies.. such that we'd never consume a reply.)


        topic_base = CONF.cells.rpc_driver_queue_base

        proxy_manager = InterCellRPCDispatcher(msg_runner)

        for msg_type in msg_runner.get_message_types():

            target = messaging.Target(topic='%s.%s' % (topic_base, msg_type),


            # NOTE(comstud): We do not need to use the object serializer

            # on this because object serialization is taken care for us in

            # the nova.cells.messaging module.

            server = rpc.get_server(target, endpoints=[proxy_manager])



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def stop_servers(self):

        """Stop RPC servers.

        NOTE: Currently there's no hooks when stopping services

        to have managers cleanup, so this is not currently called.


        for server in self.rpc_servers:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def send_message_to_cell(self, cell_state, message):

        """Use the IntercellRPCAPI to send a message to a cell."""

        self.intercell_rpcapi.send_message_to_cell(cell_state, message)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class InterCellRPCAPI(object):

"""Client side of the Cell<->Cell RPC API.

The CellsRPCDriver uses this to make calls to another cell.

API version history:

1.0 - Initial version.

... Grizzly supports message version 1.0. So, any changes to existing

methods in 2.x after that point should be done such that they can

handle the version_cap being set to 1.0.



'grizzly': '1.0',


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self):

        super(InterCellRPCAPI, self).__init__()

        self.version_cap = (



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_client(self, next_hop, topic):

        """Turn the DB information for a cell into a messaging.RPCClient."""

        transport_url = next_hop.db_info['transport_url']

        transport = messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF, transport_url,


        target = messaging.Target(topic=topic, version='1.0')

        serializer = rpc.RequestContextSerializer(None)

        return messaging.RPCClient(transport,




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def send_message_to_cell(self, cell_state, message):

        """Send a message to another cell by JSON-ifying the message and

        making an RPC cast to 'process_message'.  If the message says to

        fanout, do it.  The topic that is used will be



        topic_base = CONF.cells.rpc_driver_queue_base

        topic = '%s.%s' % (topic_base, message.message_type)

        cctxt = self._get_client(cell_state, topic)

        if message.fanout:

            cctxt = cctxt.prepare(fanout=message.fanout)

        return cctxt.cast(message.ctxt, 'process_message',


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class InterCellRPCDispatcher(object):

"""RPC Dispatcher to handle messages received from other cells.

All messages received here have come from a sibling cell. Depending

on the ultimate target and type of message, we may process the message

in this cell, relay the message to another sibling cell, or both. This

logic is

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    def __init__(self, msg_runner):

        """Init the Intercell RPC Dispatcher."""

        self.msg_runner = msg_runner

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    def process_message(self, _ctxt, message):

        """We received a message from another cell.  Use the MessageRunner

        to turn this from JSON back into an instance of the correct

        Message class.  Then process it!


        message = self.msg_runner.message_from_json(message)
