

OpenStack Study: ram_by_instance_type.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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Weigh cells by memory needed in a way that spreads instances.


from oslo.config import cfg

from nova.cells import weights

ram_weigher_opts = [



help='Multiplier used for weighing ram. Negative '

'numbers mean to stack vs spread.'),



CONF.register_opts(ram_weigher_opts, group='cells')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class RamByInstanceTypeWeigher(weights.BaseCellWeigher):

"""Weigh cells by instance_type requested."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def weight_multiplier(self):

        return CONF.cells.ram_weight_multiplier

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _weigh_object(self, cell, weight_properties):

        """Use the 'ram_free' for a particular instance_type advertised from a

        child cell's capacity to compute a weight.  We want to direct the

        build to a cell with a higher capacity.  Since higher weights win,

        we just return the number of units available for the instance_type.


        request_spec = weight_properties['request_spec']

        instance_type = request_spec['instance_type']

        memory_needed = instance_type['memory_mb']

        ram_free = cell.capacities.get('ram_free', {})

        units_by_mb = ram_free.get('units_by_mb', {})

        return units_by_mb.get(str(memory_needed), 0)