

OpenStack Study: api.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the

# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

# Copyright 2011 Piston Cloud Computing, Inc.

# Copyright 2012-2013 Red Hat, Inc.

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

"""Handles all requests relating to compute resources (e.g. guest VMs,

networking and storage of VMs, and compute hosts on which they run)."""

import base64

import functools

import re

import string

import uuid

from oslo.config import cfg

import six

from nova import availability_zones

from nova import block_device

from nova.cells import opts as cells_opts

from nova.compute import flavors

from nova.compute import instance_actions

from nova.compute import power_state

from nova.compute import rpcapi as compute_rpcapi

from nova.compute import task_states

from nova.compute import utils as compute_utils

from nova.compute import vm_states

from nova.consoleauth import rpcapi as consoleauth_rpcapi

from nova import crypto

from nova.db import base

from nova import exception

from nova import hooks

from nova.image import glance

from nova import network

from nova.network import model as network_model

from nova.network.security_group import openstack_driver

from nova.network.security_group import security_group_base

from nova import notifications

from nova.objects import aggregate as aggregate_obj

from nova.objects import base as obj_base

from nova.objects import block_device as block_device_obj

from nova.objects import flavor as flavor_obj

from nova.objects import instance as instance_obj

from nova.objects import instance_action

from nova.objects import instance_group as instance_group_obj

from nova.objects import instance_info_cache

from nova.objects import keypair as keypair_obj

from nova.objects import migration as migration_obj

from nova.objects import quotas as quotas_obj

from nova.objects import security_group as security_group_obj

from nova.objects import service as service_obj

from nova.openstack.common import excutils

from nova.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

from nova.openstack.common import log as logging

from nova.openstack.common import strutils

from nova.openstack.common import timeutils

from nova.openstack.common import uuidutils

import nova.policy

from nova import quota

from nova import rpc

from nova import servicegroup

from nova import utils

from nova import volume

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

get_notifier = functools.partial(rpc.get_notifier, service='compute')

wrap_exception = functools.partial(exception.wrap_exception,


compute_opts = [



help='Allow destination machine to match source for resize. '

'Useful when testing in single-host environments.'),



help='Allow migrate machine to the same host. '

'Useful when testing in single-host environments.'),


help='Availability zone to use when user doesn\'t specify one'),




help='These are image properties which a snapshot should not'

' inherit from an instance'),



help='Kernel image that indicates not to use a kernel, but to '

'use a raw disk image instead'),



help='When creating multiple instances with a single request '

'using the os-multiple-create API extension, this '

'template will be used to build the display name for '

'each instance. The benefit is that the instances '

'end up with different hostnames. To restore legacy '

'behavior of every instance having the same name, set '

'this option to "%(name)s". Valid keys for the '

'template are: name, uuid, count.'),



help='Maximum number of devices that will result '

'in a local image being created on the hypervisor node. '

'Setting this to 0 means nova will allow only '

'boot from volume. A negative number means unlimited.'),




CONF.import_opt('compute_topic', 'nova.compute.rpcapi')

CONF.import_opt('enable', 'nova.cells.opts', group='cells')

CONF.import_opt('default_ephemeral_format', 'nova.virt.driver')



RO_SECURITY_GROUPS = ['default']

VIDEO_RAM = 'hw_video:ram_max_mb'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def check_instance_state(vm_state=None, task_state=(None,),


    """Decorator to check VM and/or task state before entry to API functions.

    If the instance is in the wrong state, or has not been successfully

    started at least once the wrapper will raise an exception.


    if vm_state is not None and not isinstance(vm_state, set):

        vm_state = set(vm_state)

    if task_state is not None and not isinstance(task_state, set):

        task_state = set(task_state)

    def outer(f):


        def inner(self, context, instance, *args, **kw):

            if vm_state is not None and instance['vm_state'] not in vm_state:

                raise exception.InstanceInvalidState(





            if (task_state is not None and

                    instance['task_state'] not in task_state):

                raise exception.InstanceInvalidState(





            if must_have_launched and not instance['launched_at']:

                raise exception.InstanceInvalidState(






            return f(self, context, instance, *args, **kw)

        return inner

    return outer

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

 def outer(f):


        def inner(self, context, instance, *args, **kw):

            if vm_state is not None and instance['vm_state'] not in vm_state:

                raise exception.InstanceInvalidState(





            if (task_state is not None and

                    instance['task_state'] not in task_state):

                raise exception.InstanceInvalidState(





            if must_have_launched and not instance['launched_at']:

                raise exception.InstanceInvalidState(






            return f(self, context, instance, *args, **kw)

        return inner

    return outer

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def check_instance_host(function):


    def wrapped(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs):

        if not instance['host']:

            raise exception.InstanceNotReady(instance_id=instance['uuid'])

        return function(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapped

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

 def wrapped(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs):

        if not instance['host']:

            raise exception.InstanceNotReady(instance_id=instance['uuid'])

        return function(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapped

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def check_instance_lock(function):


    def inner(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs):

        if instance['locked'] and not context.is_admin:

            raise exception.InstanceIsLocked(instance_uuid=instance['uuid'])

        return function(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs)

    return inner

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

 def inner(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs):

        if instance['locked'] and not context.is_admin:

            raise exception.InstanceIsLocked(instance_uuid=instance['uuid'])

        return function(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs)

    return inner

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def policy_decorator(scope):

    """Check corresponding policy prior of wrapped method to execution."""

    def outer(func):


        def wrapped(self, context, target, *args, **kwargs):

            check_policy(context, func.__name__, target, scope)

            return func(self, context, target, *args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    return outer

wrap_check_policy = policy_decorator(scope='compute')

wrap_check_security_groups_policy = policy_decorator(


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

 def outer(func):


        def wrapped(self, context, target, *args, **kwargs):

            check_policy(context, func.__name__, target, scope)

            return func(self, context, target, *args, **kwargs)

        return wrapped

    return outer

wrap_check_policy = policy_decorator(scope='compute')

wrap_check_security_groups_policy = policy_decorator(


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def check_policy(context, action, target, scope='compute'):

    _action = '%s:%s' % (scope, action)

    nova.policy.enforce(context, _action, target)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def check_instance_cell(fn):

    def _wrapped(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs):

        self._validate_cell(instance, fn.__name__)

        return fn(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs)

    _wrapped.__name__ = fn.__name__

    return _wrapped

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

 def _wrapped(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs):

        self._validate_cell(instance, fn.__name__)

        return fn(self, context, instance, *args, **kwargs)

    _wrapped.__name__ = fn.__name__

    return _wrapped

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _diff_dict(orig, new):

    """Return a dict describing how to change orig to new.  The keys

    correspond to values that have changed; the value will be a list

    of one or two elements.  The first element of the list will be

    either '+' or '-', indicating whether the key was updated or

    deleted; if the key was updated, the list will contain a second

    element, giving the updated value.


    # Figure out what keys went away

    result = dict((k, ['-']) for k in set(orig.keys()) - set(new.keys()))

    # Compute the updates

    for key, value in new.items():

        if key not in orig or value != orig[key]:

            result[key] = ['+', value]

    return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class API(base.Base):

"""API for interacting with the compute manager."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, image_service=None, network_api=None, volume_api=None,

                 security_group_api=None, **kwargs):

        self.image_service = (image_service or


        self.network_api = network_api or network.API()

        self.volume_api = volume_api or volume.API()

        self.security_group_api = (security_group_api or


        self.consoleauth_rpcapi = consoleauth_rpcapi.ConsoleAuthAPI()

        self.compute_rpcapi = compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI()

        self._compute_task_api = None

        self.servicegroup_api = servicegroup.API()

        self.notifier = rpc.get_notifier('compute', CONF.host)

        super(API, self).__init__(**kwargs)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def compute_task_api(self):

        if self._compute_task_api is None:

            # TODO(alaski): Remove calls into here from conductor manager so

            # that this isn't necessary. #1180540

            from nova import conductor

            self._compute_task_api = conductor.ComputeTaskAPI()

        return self._compute_task_api


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def cell_type(self):


            return getattr(self, '_cell_type')

        except AttributeError:

            self._cell_type = cells_opts.get_cell_type()

            return self._cell_type

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _cell_read_only(self, cell_name):

        """Is the target cell in a read-only mode?"""

        # FIXME(comstud): Add support for this.

        return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _validate_cell(self, instance, method):

        if self.cell_type != 'api':


        cell_name = instance['cell_name']

        if not cell_name:

            raise exception.InstanceUnknownCell(


        if self._cell_read_only(cell_name):

            raise exception.InstanceInvalidState(





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _record_action_start(self, context, instance, action):





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_injected_file_quota(self, context, injected_files):

        """Enforce quota limits on injected files.

        Raises a QuotaError if any limit is exceeded.


        if injected_files is None:


        # Check number of files first


            QUOTAS.limit_check(context, injected_files=len(injected_files))

        except exception.OverQuota:

            raise exception.OnsetFileLimitExceeded()

        # OK, now count path and content lengths; we're looking for

        # the max...

        max_path = 0

        max_content = 0

        for path, content in injected_files:

            max_path = max(max_path, len(path))

            max_content = max(max_content, len(content))


            QUOTAS.limit_check(context, injected_file_path_bytes=max_path,


        except exception.OverQuota as exc:

            # Favor path limit over content limit for reporting

            # purposes

            if 'injected_file_path_bytes' in exc.kwargs['overs']:

                raise exception.OnsetFilePathLimitExceeded()


                raise exception.OnsetFileContentLimitExceeded()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_num_instances_quota(self, context, instance_type, min_count,


        """Enforce quota limits on number of instances created."""

        # Determine requested cores and ram

        req_cores = max_count * instance_type['vcpus']

        vram_mb = int(instance_type.get('extra_specs', {}).get(VIDEO_RAM, 0))

        req_ram = max_count * (instance_type['memory_mb'] + vram_mb)

        # Check the quota


            reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context, instances=max_count,

                                          cores=req_cores, ram=req_ram)

        except exception.OverQuota as exc:

            # OK, we exceeded quota; let's figure out why...

            quotas = exc.kwargs['quotas']

            overs = exc.kwargs['overs']

            headroom = exc.kwargs['headroom']

            allowed = headroom['instances']

            # Reduce 'allowed' instances in line with the cores & ram headroom

            if instance_type['vcpus']:

                allowed = min(allowed,

                              headroom['cores'] // instance_type['vcpus'])

            if instance_type['memory_mb']:

                allowed = min(allowed,

                              headroom['ram'] // (instance_type['memory_mb'] +


            # Convert to the appropriate exception message

            if allowed <= 0:

                msg = _("Cannot run any more instances of this type.")

                allowed = 0

            elif min_count <= allowed <= max_count:

                # We're actually OK, but still need reservations

                return self._check_num_instances_quota(context, instance_type,

                                                       min_count, allowed)


                msg = (_("Can only run %s more instances of this type.") %


            resource = overs[0]

            used = quotas[resource] - headroom[resource]

            total_allowed = used + headroom[resource]

            overs = ','.join(overs)

            params = {'overs': overs, 'pid': context.project_id,

                      'min_count': min_count, 'max_count': max_count,

                      'msg': msg}

            if min_count == max_count:

                LOG.warn(_("%(overs)s quota exceeded for %(pid)s,"

                           " tried to run %(min_count)d instances. %(msg)s"),



                LOG.warn(_("%(overs)s quota exceeded for %(pid)s,"

                           " tried to run between %(min_count)d and"

                           " %(max_count)d instances. %(msg)s"),


            num_instances = (str(min_count) if min_count == max_count else

                "%s-%s" % (min_count, max_count))

            requested = dict(instances=num_instances, cores=req_cores,


            raise exception.TooManyInstances(overs=overs,


                                             used=used, allowed=total_allowed,


        return max_count, reservations

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_metadata_properties_quota(self, context, metadata=None):

        """Enforce quota limits on metadata properties."""

        if not metadata:

            metadata = {}

        if not isinstance(metadata, dict):

            msg = (_("Metadata type should be dict."))

            raise exception.InvalidMetadata(reason=msg)

        num_metadata = len(metadata)


            QUOTAS.limit_check(context, metadata_items=num_metadata)

        except exception.OverQuota as exc:

            LOG.warn(_("Quota exceeded for %(pid)s, tried to set "

                       "%(num_metadata)s metadata properties"),

                     {'pid': context.project_id,

                      'num_metadata': num_metadata})

            quota_metadata = exc.kwargs['quotas']['metadata_items']

            raise exception.MetadataLimitExceeded(allowed=quota_metadata)

        # Because metadata is stored in the DB, we hard-code the size limits

        # In future, we may support more variable length strings, so we act

        #  as if this is quota-controlled for forwards compatibility

        for k, v in metadata.iteritems():

            if not isinstance(k, six.string_types):

                msg = _("Metadata property key '%s' is not a string.") % k

                raise exception.InvalidMetadata(reason=msg)

            if not isinstance(v, six.string_types):

                msg = (_("Metadata property value '%(v)s' for key '%(k)s' is "

                         "not a string.") % {'v': v, 'k': k})

                raise exception.InvalidMetadata(reason=msg)

            if len(k) == 0:

                msg = _("Metadata property key blank")

                raise exception.InvalidMetadata(reason=msg)

            if len(k) > 255:

                msg = _("Metadata property key greater than 255 characters")

                raise exception.InvalidMetadataSize(reason=msg)

            if len(v) > 255:

                msg = _("Metadata property value greater than 255 characters")

                raise exception.InvalidMetadataSize(reason=msg)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_requested_secgroups(self, context, secgroups):

        """Check if the security group requested exists and belongs to

        the project.


        for secgroup in secgroups:

            # NOTE(sdague): default is handled special

            if secgroup == "default":


            if not self.security_group_api.get(context, secgroup):

                raise exception.SecurityGroupNotFoundForProject(

                    project_id=context.project_id, security_group_id=secgroup)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_requested_networks(self, context, requested_networks,


        """Check if the networks requested belongs to the project

        and the fixed IP address for each network provided is within

        same the network block


        return self.network_api.validate_networks(context, requested_networks,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _handle_kernel_and_ramdisk(context, kernel_id, ramdisk_id, image):

        """Choose kernel and ramdisk appropriate for the instance.

        The kernel and ramdisk can be chosen in one of three ways:

            1. Passed in with create-instance request.

            2. Inherited from image.

            3. Forced to None by using `null_kernel` FLAG.


        # Inherit from image if not specified

        image_properties = image.get('properties', {})

        if kernel_id is None:

            kernel_id = image_properties.get('kernel_id')

        if ramdisk_id is None:

            ramdisk_id = image_properties.get('ramdisk_id')

        # Force to None if using null_kernel

        if kernel_id == str(CONF.null_kernel):

            kernel_id = None

            ramdisk_id = None

        # Verify kernel and ramdisk exist (fail-fast)

        if kernel_id is not None:

            image_service, kernel_id = glance.get_remote_image_service(

                context, kernel_id)

            image_service.show(context, kernel_id)

        if ramdisk_id is not None:

            image_service, ramdisk_id = glance.get_remote_image_service(

                context, ramdisk_id)

            image_service.show(context, ramdisk_id)

        return kernel_id, ramdisk_id


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _handle_availability_zone(context, availability_zone):

        # NOTE(vish): We have a legacy hack to allow admins to specify hosts

        #             via az using az:host:node. It might be nice to expose an

        #             api to specify specific hosts to force onto, but for

        #             now it just supports this legacy hack.

        # NOTE(deva): It is also possible to specify az::node, in which case

        #             the host manager will determine the correct host.

        forced_host = None

        forced_node = None

        if availability_zone and ':' in availability_zone:

            c = availability_zone.count(':')

            if c == 1:

                availability_zone, forced_host = availability_zone.split(':')

            elif c == 2:

                if '::' in availability_zone:

                    availability_zone, forced_node = \



                    availability_zone, forced_host, forced_node = \



                raise exception.InvalidInput(

                        reason="Unable to parse availability_zone")

        if not availability_zone:

            availability_zone = CONF.default_schedule_zone

        if forced_host:

            check_policy(context, 'create:forced_host', {})

        if forced_node:

            check_policy(context, 'create:forced_host', {})

        return availability_zone, forced_host, forced_node

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _ensure_auto_disk_config_is_valid(self, auto_disk_config_img,

                                          auto_disk_config, image):

        auto_disk_config_disabled = \


        if auto_disk_config_disabled and auto_disk_config:

            raise exception.AutoDiskConfigDisabledByImage(image=image)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _inherit_properties_from_image(self, image, auto_disk_config):

        image_properties = image.get('properties', {})

        auto_disk_config_img = \





        if auto_disk_config is None:

            auto_disk_config = strutils.bool_from_string(auto_disk_config_img)

        return {

            'os_type': image_properties.get('os_type'),

            'architecture': image_properties.get('architecture'),

            'vm_mode': image_properties.get('vm_mode'),

            'auto_disk_config': auto_disk_config


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _apply_instance_name_template(self, context, instance, index):

        params = {

            'uuid': instance['uuid'],

            'name': instance['display_name'],

            'count': index + 1,



            new_name = (CONF.multi_instance_display_name_template %


        except (KeyError, TypeError):

            LOG.exception(_('Failed to set instance name using '


            new_name = instance['display_name']

        instance.display_name = new_name

        if not instance.get('hostname', None):

            instance.hostname = utils.sanitize_hostname(new_name)


        return instance

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_config_drive(self, config_drive):

        if config_drive:


                bool_val = strutils.bool_from_string(config_drive,


            except ValueError:

                raise exception.ConfigDriveInvalidValue(option=config_drive)


            bool_val = False

        # FIXME(comstud):  Bug ID 1193438 filed for this. This looks silly,

        # but this is because the config drive column is a String.  False

        # is represented by using an empty string.  And for whatever

        # reason, we rely on the DB to cast True to a String.

        return True if bool_val else ''

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_requested_image(self, context, image_id, image, instance_type):

        if not image:

            # Image checks don't apply when building from volume


        if image['status'] != 'active':

            raise exception.ImageNotActive(image_id=image_id)

        if instance_type['memory_mb'] < int(image.get('min_ram') or 0):

            raise exception.FlavorMemoryTooSmall()

        # NOTE(johannes): root_gb is allowed to be 0 for legacy reasons

        # since libvirt interpreted the value differently than other

        # drivers. A value of 0 means don't check size.

        root_gb = instance_type['root_gb']

        if root_gb:

            if int(image.get('size') or 0) > root_gb * (1024 ** 3):

                raise exception.FlavorDiskTooSmall()

            if int(image.get('min_disk') or 0) > root_gb:

                    raise exception.FlavorDiskTooSmall()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_and_transform_bdm(self, base_options, image_meta, min_count,

                                 max_count, block_device_mapping, legacy_bdm):

        # NOTE (ndipanov): Assume root dev name is 'vda' if not supplied.

        #                  It's needed for legacy conversion to work.

        root_device_name = (base_options.get('root_device_name') or 'vda')

        image_ref = base_options.get('image_ref', '')

        # Get the block device mappings defined by the image.

        image_defined_bdms = \

            image_meta.get('properties', {}).get('block_device_mapping', [])

        legacy_image_defined = not image_meta.get(

                'properties', {}).get('bdm_v2', False)

        if not legacy_image_defined:

            image_defined_bdms = map(block_device.BlockDeviceDict,


        if legacy_bdm:

            if legacy_image_defined:

                block_device_mapping += image_defined_bdms

                block_device_mapping = block_device.from_legacy_mapping(

                     block_device_mapping, image_ref, root_device_name)


                root_in_image_bdms = block_device.get_root_bdm(

                        image_defined_bdms) is not None

                block_device_mapping = block_device.from_legacy_mapping(

                     block_device_mapping, image_ref, root_device_name,

                     no_root=root_in_image_bdms) + image_defined_bdms


            # NOTE (ndipanov): client will insert an image mapping into the v2

            # block_device_mapping, but if there is a bootable device in image

            # mappings - we need to get rid of the inserted image.

            if legacy_image_defined:

                image_defined_bdms = block_device.from_legacy_mapping(

                    image_defined_bdms, None, root_device_name)

            root_in_image_bdms = block_device.get_root_bdm(

                    image_defined_bdms) is not None

            if image_ref and root_in_image_bdms:

                block_device_mapping = [bdm for bdm in block_device_mapping

                                        if not (

                                            bdm.get('source_type') == 'image'

                                            and bdm.get('boot_index') == 0)]

            block_device_mapping += image_defined_bdms

        if min_count > 1 or max_count > 1:

            if any(map(lambda bdm: bdm['source_type'] == 'volume',


                msg = _('Cannot attach one or more volumes to multiple'

                        ' instances')

                raise exception.InvalidRequest(msg)

        return block_device_mapping

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_image(self, context, image_href):

        if not image_href:

            return None, {}

        (image_service, image_id) = glance.get_remote_image_service(

                context, image_href)

        image = image_service.show(context, image_id)

        return image_id, image

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _checks_for_create_and_rebuild(self, context, image_id, image,

                                       instance_type, metadata,


        self._check_metadata_properties_quota(context, metadata)

        self._check_injected_file_quota(context, files_to_inject)

        if image_id is not None:

            self._check_requested_image(context, image_id,

                    image, instance_type)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _validate_and_build_base_options(self, context, instance_type,

                                         boot_meta, image_href, image_id,

                                         kernel_id, ramdisk_id, display_name,

                                         display_description, key_name,

                                         key_data, security_groups,

                                         availability_zone, forced_host,

                                         user_data, metadata, injected_files,

                                         access_ip_v4, access_ip_v6,

                                         requested_networks, config_drive,


                                         auto_disk_config, reservation_id,


        """Verify all the input parameters regardless of the provisioning

        strategy being performed.


        if availability_zone:

            available_zones = availability_zones.\

                get_availability_zones(context.elevated(), True)

            if forced_host is None and availability_zone not in \


                msg = _('The requested availability zone is not available')

                raise exception.InvalidRequest(msg)

        if instance_type['disabled']:

            raise exception.FlavorNotFound(flavor_id=instance_type['id'])

        if user_data:

            l = len(user_data)

            if l > MAX_USERDATA_SIZE:

                # NOTE(mikal): user_data is stored in a text column, and

                # the database might silently truncate if its over length.

                raise exception.InstanceUserDataTooLarge(

                    length=l, maxsize=MAX_USERDATA_SIZE)



            except base64.binascii.Error:

                raise exception.InstanceUserDataMalformed()

        self._checks_for_create_and_rebuild(context, image_id, boot_meta,

                instance_type, metadata, injected_files)

        self._check_requested_secgroups(context, security_groups)

        # Note:  max_count is the number of instances requested by the user,

        # max_network_count is the maximum number of instances taking into

        # account any network quotas

        max_network_count = self._check_requested_networks(context,

                                     requested_networks, max_count)

        kernel_id, ramdisk_id = self._handle_kernel_and_ramdisk(

                context, kernel_id, ramdisk_id, boot_meta)

        config_drive = self._check_config_drive(config_drive)

        if key_data is None and key_name:

            key_pair = keypair_obj.KeyPair.get_by_name(context,



            key_data = key_pair.public_key

        root_device_name = block_device.properties_root_device_name(

            boot_meta.get('properties', {}))

        system_metadata = flavors.save_flavor_info(

            dict(), instance_type)

        base_options = {

            'reservation_id': reservation_id,

            'image_ref': image_href,

            'kernel_id': kernel_id or '',

            'ramdisk_id': ramdisk_id or '',

            'power_state': power_state.NOSTATE,

            'vm_state': vm_states.BUILDING,

            'config_drive': config_drive,

            'user_id': context.user_id,

            'project_id': context.project_id,

            'instance_type_id': instance_type['id'],

            'memory_mb': instance_type['memory_mb'],

            'vcpus': instance_type['vcpus'],

            'root_gb': instance_type['root_gb'],

            'ephemeral_gb': instance_type['ephemeral_gb'],

            'display_name': display_name,

            'display_description': display_description or '',

            'user_data': user_data,

            'key_name': key_name,

            'key_data': key_data,

            'locked': False,

            'metadata': metadata or {},

            'access_ip_v4': access_ip_v4,

            'access_ip_v6': access_ip_v6,

            'availability_zone': availability_zone,

            'root_device_name': root_device_name,

            'progress': 0,

            'system_metadata': system_metadata}

        options_from_image = self._inherit_properties_from_image(

                boot_meta, auto_disk_config)


        # return the validated options and maximum number of instances allowed

        # by the network quotas

        return base_options, max_network_count

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _build_filter_properties(self, context, scheduler_hints, forced_host,

            forced_node, instance_type):

        filter_properties = dict(scheduler_hints=scheduler_hints)

        filter_properties['instance_type'] = instance_type

        if forced_host:

            filter_properties['force_hosts'] = [forced_host]

        if forced_node:

            filter_properties['force_nodes'] = [forced_node]

        return filter_properties

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _provision_instances(self, context, instance_type, min_count,

            max_count, base_options, boot_meta, security_groups,


        # Reserve quotas

        num_instances, quota_reservations = self._check_num_instances_quota(

                context, instance_type, min_count, max_count)

        LOG.debug(_("Going to run %s instances...") % num_instances)

        instances = []


            for i in xrange(num_instances):

                instance = instance_obj.Instance()


                instance = self.create_db_entry_for_new_instance(

                        context, instance_type, boot_meta, instance,

                        security_groups, block_device_mapping,

                        num_instances, i)


                # send a state update notification for the initial create to

                # show it going from non-existent to BUILDING

                notifications.send_update_with_states(context, instance, None,

                        vm_states.BUILDING, None, None, service="api")

        # In the case of any exceptions, attempt DB cleanup and rollback the

        # quota reservations.

        except Exception:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():


                    for instance in instances:



                        except exception.ObjectActionError:



                    QUOTAS.rollback(context, quota_reservations)

        # Commit the reservations

        QUOTAS.commit(context, quota_reservations)

        return instances

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_bdm_image_metadata(self, context, block_device_mapping,


        """If we are booting from a volume, we need to get the

        volume details from Cinder and make sure we pass the

        metadata back accordingly.


        if not block_device_mapping:

            return {}

        for bdm in block_device_mapping:

            if legacy_bdm and bdm.get('device_name') != 'vda':


            elif not legacy_bdm and bdm.get('boot_index') != 0:


            if bdm.get('image_id'):


                    image_id = bdm['image_id']

                    image_meta = self.image_service.show(context, image_id)

                    return image_meta.get('properties', {})

                except Exception:

                    raise exception.InvalidBDMImage(id=image_id)

            elif bdm.get('volume_id'):


                    volume_id = bdm['volume_id']

                    volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)

                    return volume.get('volume_image_metadata', {})

                except Exception:

                    raise exception.InvalidBDMVolume(id=volume_id)

        return {}


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _update_instance_group_by_name(context, instance_uuids, group_name):


            ig = instance_group_obj.InstanceGroup.get_by_name(context,


            instance_group_obj.InstanceGroup.add_members(context, ig.uuid,


        except exception.InstanceGroupNotFound:

            # NOTE(russellb) If the group does not already exist, we need to

            # automatically create it to be backwards compatible with old

            # handling of the 'group' scheduler hint.  The policy type will be

            # 'legacy', indicating that this group was created to emulate

            # legacy group behavior.

            ig = instance_group_obj.InstanceGroup()

            ig.name = group_name

            ig.project_id = context.project_id

            ig.user_id = context.user_id

            ig.policies = ['legacy']

            ig.members = instance_uuids



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _update_instance_group(context, instances, scheduler_hints):

        if not scheduler_hints:


        group_hint = scheduler_hints.get('group')

        if not group_hint:


        instance_uuids = [instance.uuid for instance in instances]

        if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(group_hint):

            instance_group_obj.InstanceGroup.add_members(context, group_hint,



            API._update_instance_group_by_name(context, instance_uuids,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_instance(self, context, instance_type,

               image_href, kernel_id, ramdisk_id,

               min_count, max_count,

               display_name, display_description,

               key_name, key_data, security_groups,

               availability_zone, user_data, metadata,

               injected_files, admin_password,

               access_ip_v4, access_ip_v6,

               requested_networks, config_drive,

               block_device_mapping, auto_disk_config,

               reservation_id=None, scheduler_hints=None,


        """Verify all the input parameters regardless of the provisioning

        strategy being performed and schedule the instance(s) for



        # Normalize and setup some parameters

        if reservation_id is None:

            reservation_id = utils.generate_uid('r')

        security_groups = security_groups or ['default']

        min_count = min_count or 1

        max_count = max_count or min_count

        block_device_mapping = block_device_mapping or []

        if not instance_type:

            instance_type = flavors.get_default_flavor()

        if image_href:

            image_id, boot_meta = self._get_image(context, image_href)


            image_id = None

            boot_meta = {}

            boot_meta['properties'] = \


                    block_device_mapping, legacy_bdm)



        handle_az = self._handle_availability_zone

        availability_zone, forced_host, forced_node = handle_az(context,


        base_options, max_net_count = self._validate_and_build_base_options(


                instance_type, boot_meta, image_href, image_id, kernel_id,

                ramdisk_id, display_name, display_description,

                key_name, key_data, security_groups, availability_zone,

                forced_host, user_data, metadata, injected_files, access_ip_v4,

                access_ip_v6, requested_networks, config_drive,

                block_device_mapping, auto_disk_config, reservation_id,


        # max_net_count is the maximum number of instances requested by the

        # user adjusted for any network quota constraints, including

        # considertaion of connections to each requested network

        if max_net_count == 0:

            raise exception.PortLimitExceeded()

        elif max_net_count < max_count:

            LOG.debug(_("max count reduced from %(max_count)d to "

                        "%(max_net_count)d due to network port quota"),

                       {'max_count': max_count,

                        'max_net_count': max_net_count})

            max_count = max_net_count

        block_device_mapping = self._check_and_transform_bdm(

            base_options, boot_meta, min_count, max_count,

            block_device_mapping, legacy_bdm)

        instances = self._provision_instances(context, instance_type,

                min_count, max_count, base_options, boot_meta, security_groups,


        filter_properties = self._build_filter_properties(context,

                scheduler_hints, forced_host, forced_node, instance_type)

        self._update_instance_group(context, instances, scheduler_hints)

        for instance in instances:

            self._record_action_start(context, instance,



                instances=instances, image=boot_meta,








        return (instances, reservation_id)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _volume_size(instance_type, bdm):

        size = bdm.get('volume_size')

        if size is None and bdm.get('source_type') == 'blank':

            if bdm.get('guest_format') == 'swap':

                size = instance_type.get('swap', 0)


                size = instance_type.get('ephemeral_gb', 0)

        return size

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _prepare_image_mapping(self, instance_type, instance_uuid, mappings):

        """Extract and format blank devices from image mappings."""

        prepared_mappings = []

        for bdm in block_device.mappings_prepend_dev(mappings):

            LOG.debug(_("Image bdm %s"), bdm, instance_uuid=instance_uuid)

            virtual_name = bdm['virtual']

            if virtual_name == 'ami' or virtual_name == 'root':


            if not block_device.is_swap_or_ephemeral(virtual_name):


            guest_format = bdm.get('guest_format')

            if virtual_name == 'swap':

                guest_format = 'swap'

            if not guest_format:

                guest_format = CONF.default_ephemeral_format

            values = block_device.BlockDeviceDict({

                'device_name': bdm['device'],

                'source_type': 'blank',

                'destination_type': 'local',

                'device_type': 'disk',

                'guest_format': guest_format,

                'delete_on_termination': True,

                'boot_index': -1})

            values['volume_size'] = self._volume_size(

                instance_type, values)

            if values['volume_size'] == 0:



        return prepared_mappings

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _update_block_device_mapping(self, elevated_context,

                                     instance_type, instance_uuid,


        """tell vm driver to attach volume at boot time by updating



        LOG.debug(_("block_device_mapping %s"), block_device_mapping,


        for bdm in block_device_mapping:

            bdm['volume_size'] = self._volume_size(instance_type, bdm)

            if bdm.get('volume_size') == 0:


            bdm['instance_uuid'] = instance_uuid




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _validate_bdm(self, context, instance, instance_type, all_mappings):

        def _subsequent_list(l):

            return all(el + 1 == l[i + 1] for i, el in enumerate(l[:-1]))

        # Make sure that the boot indexes make sense

        boot_indexes = sorted([bdm['boot_index']

                               for bdm in all_mappings

                               if bdm.get('boot_index') is not None

                               and bdm.get('boot_index') >= 0])

        if 0 not in boot_indexes or not _subsequent_list(boot_indexes):

            raise exception.InvalidBDMBootSequence()

        for bdm in all_mappings:

            # NOTE(vish): For now, just make sure the volumes are accessible.

            # Additionally, check that the volume can be attached to this

            # instance.

            snapshot_id = bdm.get('snapshot_id')

            volume_id = bdm.get('volume_id')

            image_id = bdm.get('image_id')

            if (image_id is not None and

                    image_id != instance.get('image_ref')):


                    self._get_image(context, image_id)

                except Exception:

                    raise exception.InvalidBDMImage(id=image_id)

                if (bdm['source_type'] == 'image' and

                        bdm['destination_type'] == 'volume' and

                        not bdm['volume_size']):

                    raise exception.InvalidBDM(message=_("Images with "

                        "destination_type 'volume' need to have a non-zero "

                        "size specified"))

            elif volume_id is not None:


                    volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)




                except Exception:

                    raise exception.InvalidBDMVolume(id=volume_id)

            elif snapshot_id is not None:


                    self.volume_api.get_snapshot(context, snapshot_id)

                except Exception:

                    raise exception.InvalidBDMSnapshot(id=snapshot_id)

        ephemeral_size = sum(bdm.get('volume_size') or 0

                for bdm in all_mappings

                if block_device.new_format_is_ephemeral(bdm))

        if ephemeral_size > instance_type['ephemeral_gb']:

            raise exception.InvalidBDMEphemeralSize()

        # There should be only one swap

        swap_list = [bdm for bdm in all_mappings

                if block_device.new_format_is_swap(bdm)]

        if len(swap_list) > 1:

            msg = _("More than one swap drive requested.")

            raise exception.InvalidBDMFormat(details=msg)

        if swap_list:

            swap_size = swap_list[0].get('volume_size') or 0

            if swap_size > instance_type['swap']:

                raise exception.InvalidBDMSwapSize()

        max_local = CONF.max_local_block_devices

        if max_local >= 0:

            num_local = len([bdm for bdm in all_mappings

                             if bdm.get('destination_type') == 'local'])

            if num_local > max_local:

                raise exception.InvalidBDMLocalsLimit()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _subsequent_list(l):

            return all(el + 1 == l[i + 1] for i, el in enumerate(l[:-1]))

        # Make sure that the boot indexes make sense

        boot_indexes = sorted([bdm['boot_index']

                               for bdm in all_mappings

                               if bdm.get('boot_index') is not None

                               and bdm.get('boot_index') >= 0])

        if 0 not in boot_indexes or not _subsequent_list(boot_indexes):

            raise exception.InvalidBDMBootSequence()

        for bdm in all_mappings:

            # NOTE(vish): For now, just make sure the volumes are accessible.

            # Additionally, check that the volume can be attached to this

            # instance.

            snapshot_id = bdm.get('snapshot_id')

            volume_id = bdm.get('volume_id')

            image_id = bdm.get('image_id')

            if (image_id is not None and

                    image_id != instance.get('image_ref')):


                    self._get_image(context, image_id)

                except Exception:

                    raise exception.InvalidBDMImage(id=image_id)

                if (bdm['source_type'] == 'image' and

                        bdm['destination_type'] == 'volume' and

                        not bdm['volume_size']):

                    raise exception.InvalidBDM(message=_("Images with "

                        "destination_type 'volume' need to have a non-zero "

                        "size specified"))

            elif volume_id is not None:


                    volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)




                except Exception:

                    raise exception.InvalidBDMVolume(id=volume_id)

            elif snapshot_id is not None:


                    self.volume_api.get_snapshot(context, snapshot_id)

                except Exception:

                    raise exception.InvalidBDMSnapshot(id=snapshot_id)

        ephemeral_size = sum(bdm.get('volume_size') or 0

                for bdm in all_mappings

                if block_device.new_format_is_ephemeral(bdm))

        if ephemeral_size > instance_type['ephemeral_gb']:

            raise exception.InvalidBDMEphemeralSize()

        # There should be only one swap

        swap_list = [bdm for bdm in all_mappings

                if block_device.new_format_is_swap(bdm)]

        if len(swap_list) > 1:

            msg = _("More than one swap drive requested.")

            raise exception.InvalidBDMFormat(details=msg)

        if swap_list:

            swap_size = swap_list[0].get('volume_size') or 0

            if swap_size > instance_type['swap']:

                raise exception.InvalidBDMSwapSize()

        max_local = CONF.max_local_block_devices

        if max_local >= 0:

            num_local = len([bdm for bdm in all_mappings

                             if bdm.get('destination_type') == 'local'])

            if num_local > max_local:

                raise exception.InvalidBDMLocalsLimit()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_instance_for_bdm(self, context, instance, instance_type,

            image, block_device_mapping):

        """Populate instance block device mapping information."""

        instance_uuid = instance['uuid']

        image_properties = image.get('properties', {})

        image_mapping = image_properties.get('mappings', [])

        if image_mapping:

            image_mapping = self._prepare_image_mapping(instance_type,

                                                instance_uuid, image_mapping)

        self._validate_bdm(context, instance, instance_type,

                           block_device_mapping + image_mapping)

        for mapping in (image_mapping, block_device_mapping):

            if not mapping:



                    instance_type, instance_uuid, mapping)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_instance_shutdown_terminate(self, instance, image,


        """Populate instance shutdown_terminate information."""

        image_properties = image.get('properties', {})

        if (block_device_mapping or

            image_properties.get('mappings') or


            instance.shutdown_terminate = False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_instance_names(self, instance, num_instances):

        """Populate instance display_name and hostname."""

        display_name = instance.get('display_name')

        if instance.obj_attr_is_set('hostname'):

            hostname = instance.get('hostname')


            hostname = None

        if display_name is None:

            display_name = self._default_display_name(instance['uuid'])

            instance.display_name = display_name

        if hostname is None and num_instances == 1:

            # NOTE(russellb) In the multi-instance case, we're going to

            # overwrite the display_name using the

            # multi_instance_display_name_template.  We need the default

            # display_name set so that it can be used in the template, though.

            # Only set the hostname here if we're only creating one instance.

            # Otherwise, it will be built after the template based

            # display_name.

            hostname = display_name

            instance.hostname = utils.sanitize_hostname(hostname)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _default_display_name(self, instance_uuid):

        return "Server %s" % instance_uuid

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _populate_instance_for_create(self, instance, image,

                                      index, security_groups, instance_type):

        """Build the beginning of a new instance."""

        if not instance.obj_attr_is_set('uuid'):

            # Generate the instance_uuid here so we can use it

            # for additional setup before creating the DB entry.

            instance['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())

        instance.launch_index = index

        instance.vm_state = vm_states.BUILDING

        instance.task_state = task_states.SCHEDULING

        info_cache = instance_info_cache.InstanceInfoCache()

        info_cache.instance_uuid = instance.uuid

        info_cache.network_info = network_model.NetworkInfo()

        instance.info_cache = info_cache

        # Store image properties so we can use them later

        # (for notifications, etc).  Only store what we can.

        if not instance.obj_attr_is_set('system_metadata'):

            instance.system_metadata = {}

        # Make sure we have the dict form that we need for instance_update.

        instance['system_metadata'] = utils.instance_sys_meta(instance)

        system_meta = utils.get_system_metadata_from_image(

            image, instance_type)

        # In case we couldn't find any suitable base_image

        system_meta.setdefault('image_base_image_ref', instance['image_ref'])




        return instance

    #NOTE(bcwaldon): No policy check since this is only used by scheduler and

    # the compute api. That should probably be cleaned up, though.

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_db_entry_for_new_instance(self, context, instance_type, image,

            instance, security_group, block_device_mapping, num_instances,


        """Create an entry in the DB for this new instance,

        including any related table updates (such as security group,


        This is called by the scheduler after a location for the

        instance has been determined.


        self._populate_instance_for_create(instance, image, index,

                                           security_group, instance_type)

        self._populate_instance_names(instance, num_instances)

        self._populate_instance_shutdown_terminate(instance, image,




        if num_instances > 1:

            # NOTE(russellb) We wait until this spot to handle

            # multi_instance_display_name_template, because we need

            # the UUID from the instance.

            instance = self._apply_instance_name_template(context, instance,


        # NOTE (ndipanov): This can now raise exceptions but the instance

        #                  has been created, so delete it and re-raise so

        #                  that other cleanup can happen.


            self._populate_instance_for_bdm(context, instance,

                    instance_type, image, block_device_mapping)

        except exception.InvalidBDM:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():


        return instance

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_create_policies(self, context, availability_zone,

            requested_networks, block_device_mapping):

        """Check policies for create()."""

        target = {'project_id': context.project_id,

                  'user_id': context.user_id,

                  'availability_zone': availability_zone}

        check_policy(context, 'create', target)

        if requested_networks:

            check_policy(context, 'create:attach_network', target)

        if block_device_mapping:

            check_policy(context, 'create:attach_volume', target)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_multiple_instances_neutron_ports(self, requested_networks):

        """Check whether multiple instances are created from port id(s)."""

        for net, ip, port in requested_networks:

            if port:

                msg = _("Unable to launch multiple instances with"

                        " a single configured port ID. Please launch your"

                        " instance one by one with different ports.")

                raise exception.MultiplePortsNotApplicable(reason=msg)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create(self, context, instance_type,

               image_href, kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None,

               min_count=None, max_count=None,

               display_name=None, display_description=None,

               key_name=None, key_data=None, security_group=None,

               availability_zone=None, user_data=None, metadata=None,

               injected_files=None, admin_password=None,

               block_device_mapping=None, access_ip_v4=None,

               access_ip_v6=None, requested_networks=None, config_drive=None,

               auto_disk_config=None, scheduler_hints=None, legacy_bdm=True):

        """Provision instances, sending instance information to the

        scheduler.  The scheduler will determine where the instance(s)

        go and will handle creating the DB entries.

        Returns a tuple of (instances, reservation_id)


        self._check_create_policies(context, availability_zone,

                requested_networks, block_device_mapping)

        if requested_networks and max_count > 1 and utils.is_neutron():


        return self._create_instance(

                               context, instance_type,

                               image_href, kernel_id, ramdisk_id,

                               min_count, max_count,

                               display_name, display_description,

                               key_name, key_data, security_group,

                               availability_zone, user_data, metadata,

                               injected_files, admin_password,

                               access_ip_v4, access_ip_v6,

                               requested_networks, config_drive,

                               block_device_mapping, auto_disk_config,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def trigger_provider_fw_rules_refresh(self, context):

        """Called when a rule is added/removed from a provider firewall."""

        services = service_obj.ServiceList.get_all_by_topic(context,


        for service in services:

            host_name = service.host

            self.compute_rpcapi.refresh_provider_fw_rules(context, host_name)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update(self, context, instance, **kwargs):

        """Updates the instance in the datastore.

        :param context: The security context

        :param instance: The instance to update

        :param kwargs: All additional keyword args are treated

                       as data fields of the instance to be


        :returns: A reference to the updated instance


        refs = self._update(context, instance, **kwargs)

        return refs[1]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _update(self, context, instance, **kwargs):

        # Update the instance record and send a state update notification

        # if task or vm state changed

        old_ref, instance_ref = self.db.instance_update_and_get_original(

                                  context, instance['uuid'], kwargs)

        notifications.send_update(context, old_ref,

                                  instance_ref, service="api")

        return dict(old_ref.iteritems()), dict(instance_ref.iteritems())

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_auto_disk_config(self, instance=None, image=None,


        auto_disk_config = extra_instance_updates.get("auto_disk_config")

        if auto_disk_config is None:


        if not image and not instance:


        if image:

            image_props = image.get("properties", {})

            auto_disk_config_img = \


            image_ref = image.get("id")


            sys_meta = utils.instance_sys_meta(instance)

            image_ref = sys_meta.get('image_base_image_ref')

            auto_disk_config_img = \





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _delete(self, context, instance, delete_type, cb, **instance_attrs):

        if instance.disable_terminate:

            LOG.info(_('instance termination disabled'),



        host = instance['host']

        bdms = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid(

                context, instance.uuid)

        reservations = None

        project_id, user_id = quotas_obj.ids_from_instance(context, instance)

        # At these states an instance has a snapshot associate.

        if instance['vm_state'] in (vm_states.SHELVED,


            snapshot_id = instance.system_metadata.get('shelved_image_id')

            LOG.info(_("Working on deleting snapshot %s "

                       "from shelved instance..."),

                     snapshot_id, instance=instance)


                self.image_service.delete(context, snapshot_id)

            except (exception.ImageNotFound,

                    exception.ImageNotAuthorized) as exc:

                LOG.warning(_("Failed to delete snapshot "

                              "from shelved instance (%s)."),

                            exc.format_message(), instance=instance)

            except Exception as exc:

                LOG.exception(_("Something wrong happened when trying to "

                                "delete snapshot from shelved instance."),


        original_task_state = instance.task_state


            # NOTE(maoy): no expected_task_state needs to be set


            instance.progress = 0


            new_type_id = instance.instance_type_id

            # NOTE(comstud): If we delete the instance locally, we'll

            # commit the reservations here.  Otherwise, the manager side

            # will commit or rollback the reservations based on success.

            reservations = self._create_reservations(context,



                                                     project_id, user_id)

            if self.cell_type == 'api':

                # NOTE(comstud): If we're in the API cell, we need to

                # skip all remaining logic and just call the callback,

                # which will cause a cast to the child cell.  Also,

                # commit reservations here early until we have a better

                # way to deal with quotas with cells.

                cb(context, instance, bdms, reservations=None)

                if reservations:






            if not host:



                            self.notifier, context, instance,

                            "%s.start" % delete_type)



                            self.notifier, context, instance,

                            "%s.end" % delete_type,


                    if reservations:






                except exception.ObjectActionError:


            if instance.vm_state == vm_states.RESIZED:

                self._confirm_resize_on_deleting(context, instance)

            is_up = False


                service = service_obj.Service.get_by_compute_host(

                    context.elevated(), instance.host)

                if self.servicegroup_api.service_is_up(service):

                    is_up = True

                    if original_task_state in (task_states.DELETING,


                        LOG.info(_('Instance is already in deleting state, '

                                   'ignoring this request'), instance=instance)

                        if reservations:

                            QUOTAS.rollback(context, reservations,




                    self._record_action_start(context, instance,


                    cb(context, instance, bdms, reservations=reservations)

            except exception.ComputeHostNotFound:


            if not is_up:

                # If compute node isn't up, just delete from DB

                self._local_delete(context, instance, bdms, delete_type, cb)

                if reservations:





                    reservations = None

        except exception.InstanceNotFound:

            # NOTE(comstud): Race condition. Instance already gone.

            if reservations:





        except Exception:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                if reservations:





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _confirm_resize_on_deleting(self, context, instance):

        # If in the middle of a resize, use confirm_resize to

        # ensure the original instance is cleaned up too

        mig_cls = migration_obj.Migration

        migration = None

        for status in ('finished', 'confirming'):


                migration = mig_cls.get_by_instance_and_status(

                        context.elevated(), instance.uuid, status)

                LOG.info(_('Found an unconfirmed migration during delete, '

                           'id: %(id)s, status: %(status)s') %

                           {'id': migration.id,

                            'status': migration.status},

                           context=context, instance=instance)


            except exception.MigrationNotFoundByStatus:


        if not migration:

            LOG.info(_('Instance may have been confirmed during delete'),

                    context=context, instance=instance)


        src_host = migration.source_compute

        # Call since this can race with the terminate_instance.

        # The resize is done but awaiting confirmation/reversion,

        # so there are two cases:

        # 1. up-resize: here -instance['vcpus'/'memory_mb'] match

        #    the quota usages accounted for this instance,

        #    so no further quota adjustment is needed

        # 2. down-resize: here -instance['vcpus'/'memory_mb'] are

        #    shy by delta(old, new) from the quota usages accounted

        #    for this instance, so we must adjust


            deltas = self._downsize_quota_delta(context, instance)

        except KeyError:

            LOG.info(_('Migration %s may have been confirmed during delete') %

                    migration.id, context=context, instance=instance)


        quotas = self._reserve_quota_delta(context, deltas)

        self._record_action_start(context, instance,



                instance, migration,

                src_host, quotas.reservations,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_reservations(self, context, old_instance, new_instance_type_id,

                             project_id, user_id):

        instance_vcpus = old_instance['vcpus']

        instance_memory_mb = old_instance['memory_mb']

        # NOTE(wangpan): if the instance is resizing, and the resources

        #                are updated to new instance type, we should use

        #                the old instance type to create reservation.

        # see https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1099729 for more details

        if old_instance['task_state'] in (task_states.RESIZE_MIGRATED,


            Migration = migration_obj.Migration


                migration = Migration.get_by_instance_and_status(

                    context.elevated(), old_instance.uuid, 'post-migrating')

            except exception.MigrationNotFoundByStatus:

                migration = None

            if (migration and

                    new_instance_type_id ==


                old_inst_type_id = migration.old_instance_type_id


                    old_inst_type = flavors.get_flavor(old_inst_type_id)

                except exception.FlavorNotFound:

                    LOG.warning(_("Flavor %d not found"), old_inst_type_id)



                    instance_vcpus = old_inst_type['vcpus']

                    vram_mb = int(old_inst_type['extra_specs']

                                                            .get(VIDEO_RAM, 0))

                    instance_memory_mb = (old_inst_type['memory_mb'] + vram_mb)

                    LOG.debug(_("going to delete a resizing instance"))

        reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context,






        return reservations

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _local_delete(self, context, instance, bdms, delete_type, cb):

        LOG.warning(_("instance's host %s is down, deleting from "

                      "database") % instance['host'], instance=instance)



            self.notifier, context, instance, "%s.start" % delete_type)

        elevated = context.elevated()

        if self.cell_type != 'api':



        # cleanup volumes

        for bdm in bdms:

            if bdm.is_volume:

                # NOTE(vish): We don't have access to correct volume

                #             connector info, so just pass a fake

                #             connector. This can be improved when we

                #             expose get_volume_connector to rpc.

                connector = {'ip': '', 'initiator': 'iqn.fake'}





                    self.volume_api.detach(elevated, bdm.volume_id)

                    if bdm.delete_on_termination:

                        self.volume_api.delete(context, bdm.volume_id)

                except Exception as exc:

                    err_str = _("Ignoring volume cleanup failure due to %s")

                    LOG.warn(err_str % exc, instance=instance)


        cb(context, instance, bdms, local=True)

        sys_meta = instance.system_metadata



            self.notifier, context, instance, "%s.end" % delete_type,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _do_delete(self, context, instance, bdms, reservations=None,


        if local:

            instance.vm_state = vm_states.DELETED

            instance.task_state = None

            instance.terminated_at = timeutils.utcnow()



            self.compute_rpcapi.terminate_instance(context, instance, bdms,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _do_soft_delete(self, context, instance, bdms, reservations=None,


        if local:

            instance.vm_state = vm_states.SOFT_DELETED

            instance.task_state = None

            instance.terminated_at = timeutils.utcnow()



            self.compute_rpcapi.soft_delete_instance(context, instance,


    # NOTE(maoy): we allow delete to be called no matter what vm_state says.




    @check_instance_state(vm_state=None, task_state=None,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def soft_delete(self, context, instance):

        """Terminate an instance."""

        LOG.debug(_('Going to try to soft delete instance'),


        self._delete(context, instance, 'soft_delete', self._do_soft_delete,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _delete_instance(self, context, instance):

        self._delete(context, instance, 'delete', self._do_delete,





    @check_instance_state(vm_state=None, task_state=None,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete(self, context, instance):

        """Terminate an instance."""

        LOG.debug(_("Going to try to terminate instance"), instance=instance)

        self._delete_instance(context, instance)




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def restore(self, context, instance):

        """Restore a previously deleted (but not reclaimed) instance."""

        # Reserve quotas

        flavor = instance.get_flavor()

        num_instances, quota_reservations = self._check_num_instances_quota(

                context, flavor, 1, 1)

        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.RESTORE)


            if instance.host:

                instance.task_state = task_states.RESTORING

                instance.deleted_at = None


                self.compute_rpcapi.restore_instance(context, instance)


                instance.vm_state = vm_states.ACTIVE

                instance.task_state = None

                instance.deleted_at = None


            QUOTAS.commit(context, quota_reservations)

        except Exception:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                QUOTAS.rollback(context, quota_reservations)





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def force_delete(self, context, instance):

        """Force delete a previously deleted (but not reclaimed) instance."""

        self._delete_instance(context, instance)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def force_stop(self, context, instance, do_cast=True):

        LOG.debug(_("Going to try to stop instance"), instance=instance)

        instance.task_state = task_states.POWERING_OFF

        instance.progress = 0


        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.STOP)

        self.compute_rpcapi.stop_instance(context, instance, do_cast=do_cast)




    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.RESCUED,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def stop(self, context, instance, do_cast=True):

        """Stop an instance."""

        self.force_stop(context, instance, do_cast)





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def start(self, context, instance):

        """Start an instance."""

        LOG.debug(_("Going to try to start instance"), instance=instance)

        instance.task_state = task_states.POWERING_ON


        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.START)

        # TODO(yamahata): injected_files isn't supported right now.

        #                 It is used only for osapi. not for ec2 api.

        #                 availability_zone isn't used by run_instance.

        self.compute_rpcapi.start_instance(context, instance)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get(self, context, instance_id, want_objects=False,


        """Get a single instance with the given instance_id."""

        if not expected_attrs:

            expected_attrs = []

        expected_attrs.extend(['metadata', 'system_metadata',

                               'security_groups', 'info_cache'])

        # NOTE(ameade): we still need to support integer ids for ec2


            if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(instance_id):

                instance = instance_obj.Instance.get_by_uuid(

                    context, instance_id, expected_attrs=expected_attrs)

            elif utils.is_int_like(instance_id):

                instance = instance_obj.Instance.get_by_id(

                    context, instance_id, expected_attrs=expected_attrs)


                raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_id)

        except exception.InvalidID:

            raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_id)

        check_policy(context, 'get', instance)

        if not want_objects:

            instance = obj_base.obj_to_primitive(instance)

        return instance

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_all(self, context, search_opts=None, sort_key='created_at',

                sort_dir='desc', limit=None, marker=None, want_objects=False,


        """Get all instances filtered by one of the given parameters.

        If there is no filter and the context is an admin, it will retrieve

        all instances in the system.

        Deleted instances will be returned by default, unless there is a

        search option that says otherwise.

        The results will be returned sorted in the order specified by the

        'sort_dir' parameter using the key specified in the 'sort_key'



        #TODO(bcwaldon): determine the best argument for target here

        target = {

            'project_id': context.project_id,

            'user_id': context.user_id,


        check_policy(context, "get_all", target)

        if search_opts is None:

            search_opts = {}

        LOG.debug(_("Searching by: %s") % str(search_opts))

        # Fixups for the DB call

        filters = {}

        def _remap_flavor_filter(flavor_id):

            flavor = flavor_obj.Flavor.get_by_flavor_id(context, flavor_id)

            filters['instance_type_id'] = flavor.id

        def _remap_fixed_ip_filter(fixed_ip):

            # Turn fixed_ip into a regexp match. Since '.' matches

            # any character, we need to use regexp escaping for it.

            filters['ip'] = '^%s$' % fixed_ip.replace('.', '\\.')

        # search_option to filter_name mapping.

        filter_mapping = {

                'image': 'image_ref',

                'name': 'display_name',

                'tenant_id': 'project_id',

                'flavor': _remap_flavor_filter,

                'fixed_ip': _remap_fixed_ip_filter}

        # copy from search_opts, doing various remappings as necessary

        for opt, value in search_opts.iteritems():

            # Do remappings.

            # Values not in the filter_mapping table are copied as-is.

            # If remapping is None, option is not copied

            # If the remapping is a string, it is the filter_name to use


                remap_object = filter_mapping[opt]

            except KeyError:

                filters[opt] = value


                # Remaps are strings to translate to, or functions to call

                # to do the translating as defined by the table above.

                if isinstance(remap_object, six.string_types):

                    filters[remap_object] = value




                    # We already know we can't match the filter, so

                    # return an empty list

                    except ValueError:

                        return []

        inst_models = self._get_instances_by_filters(context, filters,

                sort_key, sort_dir, limit=limit, marker=marker,


        if want_objects:

            return inst_models

        # Convert the models to dictionaries

        instances = []

        for inst_model in inst_models:


        return instances

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _remap_flavor_filter(flavor_id):

            flavor = flavor_obj.Flavor.get_by_flavor_id(context, flavor_id)

            filters['instance_type_id'] = flavor.id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _remap_fixed_ip_filter(fixed_ip):

            # Turn fixed_ip into a regexp match. Since '.' matches

            # any character, we need to use regexp escaping for it.

            filters['ip'] = '^%s$' % fixed_ip.replace('.', '\\.')

        # search_option to filter_name mapping.

        filter_mapping = {

                'image': 'image_ref',

                'name': 'display_name',

                'tenant_id': 'project_id',

                'flavor': _remap_flavor_filter,

                'fixed_ip': _remap_fixed_ip_filter}

        # copy from search_opts, doing various remappings as necessary

        for opt, value in search_opts.iteritems():

            # Do remappings.

            # Values not in the filter_mapping table are copied as-is.

            # If remapping is None, option is not copied

            # If the remapping is a string, it is the filter_name to use


                remap_object = filter_mapping[opt]

            except KeyError:

                filters[opt] = value


                # Remaps are strings to translate to, or functions to call

                # to do the translating as defined by the table above.

                if isinstance(remap_object, six.string_types):

                    filters[remap_object] = value




                    # We already know we can't match the filter, so

                    # return an empty list

                    except ValueError:

                        return []

        inst_models = self._get_instances_by_filters(context, filters,

                sort_key, sort_dir, limit=limit, marker=marker,


        if want_objects:

            return inst_models

        # Convert the models to dictionaries

        instances = []

        for inst_model in inst_models:


        return instances

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_instances_by_filters(self, context, filters,

                                  sort_key, sort_dir,


                                  marker=None, expected_attrs=None):

        if 'ip6' in filters or 'ip' in filters:

            res = self.network_api.get_instance_uuids_by_ip_filter(context,


            # NOTE(jkoelker) It is possible that we will get the same

            #                instance uuid twice (one for ipv4 and ipv6)

            uuids = set([r['instance_uuid'] for r in res])

            filters['uuid'] = uuids

        fields = ['metadata', 'system_metadata', 'info_cache',


        if expected_attrs:


        return instance_obj.InstanceList.get_by_filters(

            context, filters=filters, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir,

            limit=limit, marker=marker, expected_attrs=fields)



    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def backup(self, context, instance, name, backup_type, rotation,


        """Backup the given instance

        :param instance: nova.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance

        :param name: name of the backup

        :param backup_type: 'daily' or 'weekly'

        :param rotation: int representing how many backups to keep around;

            None if rotation shouldn't be used (as in the case of snapshots)

        :param extra_properties: dict of extra image properties to include

                                 when creating the image.

        :returns: A dict containing image metadata


        props_copy = dict(extra_properties, backup_type=backup_type)

        image_meta = self._create_image(context, instance, name,

                                       'backup', extra_properties=props_copy)

        # NOTE(comstud): Any changes to this method should also be made

        # to the backup_instance() method in nova/cells/messaging.py

        instance.task_state = task_states.IMAGE_BACKUP


        self.compute_rpcapi.backup_instance(context, instance,




        return image_meta



    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED,

                                    vm_states.PAUSED, vm_states.SUSPENDED])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def snapshot(self, context, instance, name, extra_properties=None):

        """Snapshot the given instance.

        :param instance: nova.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance

        :param name: name of the snapshot

        :param extra_properties: dict of extra image properties to include

                                 when creating the image.

        :returns: A dict containing image metadata


        image_meta = self._create_image(context, instance, name,



        # NOTE(comstud): Any changes to this method should also be made

        # to the snapshot_instance() method in nova/cells/messaging.py

        instance.task_state = task_states.IMAGE_SNAPSHOT_PENDING


        self.compute_rpcapi.snapshot_instance(context, instance,


        return image_meta

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_image(self, context, instance, name, image_type,


        """Create new image entry in the image service.  This new image

        will be reserved for the compute manager to upload a snapshot

        or backup.

        :param context: security context

        :param instance: nova.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance

        :param name: string for name of the snapshot

        :param image_type: snapshot | backup

        :param extra_properties: dict of extra image properties to include


        if extra_properties is None:

            extra_properties = {}

        instance_uuid = instance['uuid']

        properties = {

            'instance_uuid': instance_uuid,

            'user_id': str(context.user_id),

            'image_type': image_type,


        image_ref = instance.image_ref

        sent_meta = compute_utils.get_image_metadata(

            context, self.image_service, image_ref, instance)

        sent_meta['name'] = name

        sent_meta['is_public'] = False

        # The properties set up above and in extra_properties have precedence

        properties.update(extra_properties or {})


        return self.image_service.create(context, sent_meta)

    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def snapshot_volume_backed(self, context, instance, image_meta, name,


        """Snapshot the given volume-backed instance.

        :param instance: nova.db.sqlalchemy.models.Instance

        :param image_meta: metadata for the new image

        :param name: name of the backup or snapshot

        :param extra_properties: dict of extra image properties to include

        :returns: the new image metadata


        image_meta['name'] = name

        image_meta['is_public'] = False

        properties = image_meta['properties']

        if instance['root_device_name']:

            properties['root_device_name'] = instance['root_device_name']

        properties.update(extra_properties or {})

        bdms = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid(

                context, instance['uuid'])

        mapping = []

        for bdm in bdms:

            if bdm.no_device:


            if bdm.is_volume:

                # create snapshot based on volume_id

                volume = self.volume_api.get(context, bdm.volume_id)

                # NOTE(yamahata): Should we wait for snapshot creation?

                #                 Linux LVM snapshot creation completes in

                #                 short time, it doesn't matter for now.

                name = _('snapshot for %s') % image_meta['name']

                snapshot = self.volume_api.create_snapshot_force(

                    context, volume['id'], name, volume['display_description'])

                mapping_dict = block_device.snapshot_from_bdm(snapshot['id'],


                mapping_dict = mapping_dict.get_image_mapping()


                mapping_dict = bdm.get_image_mapping()


        # NOTE (ndipanov): Remove swap/ephemerals from mappings as they will be

        # in the block_device_mapping for the new image.

        image_mappings = properties.get('mappings')

        if image_mappings:

            properties['mappings'] = [m for m in image_mappings

                                      if not block_device.is_swap_or_ephemeral(


        if mapping:

            properties['block_device_mapping'] = mapping

            properties['bdm_v2'] = True

        for attr in ('status', 'location', 'id'):

            image_meta.pop(attr, None)

        # the new image is simply a bucket of properties (particularly the

        # block device mapping, kernel and ramdisk IDs) with no image data,

        # hence the zero size

        image_meta['size'] = 0

        return self.image_service.create(context, image_meta, data='')




                    vm_states.ALLOW_SOFT_REBOOT + vm_states.ALLOW_HARD_REBOOT),

                          task_state=[None, task_states.REBOOTING,






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def reboot(self, context, instance, reboot_type):

        """Reboot the given instance."""

        if (reboot_type == 'SOFT' and

            (instance['vm_state'] not in vm_states.ALLOW_SOFT_REBOOT)):

            raise exception.InstanceInvalidState(





        if ((reboot_type == 'SOFT' and

                instance['task_state'] in

                (task_states.REBOOTING, task_states.REBOOTING_HARD)) or

            (reboot_type == 'HARD' and

                instance['task_state'] == task_states.REBOOTING_HARD)):

            raise exception.InstanceInvalidState(





        state = {'SOFT': task_states.REBOOTING,

                 'HARD': task_states.REBOOTING_HARD}[reboot_type]

        instance.task_state = state

        instance.save(expected_task_state=[None, task_states.REBOOTING])

        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.REBOOT)

        self.compute_rpcapi.reboot_instance(context, instance=instance,






    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def rebuild(self, context, instance, image_href, admin_password,

                files_to_inject=None, **kwargs):

        """Rebuild the given instance with the provided attributes."""

        orig_image_ref = instance.image_ref or ''

        files_to_inject = files_to_inject or []

        metadata = kwargs.get('metadata', {})

        preserve_ephemeral = kwargs.get('preserve_ephemeral', False)

        auto_disk_config = kwargs.get('auto_disk_config')

        image_id, image = self._get_image(context, image_href)

        self._check_auto_disk_config(image=image, **kwargs)

        flavor = instance.get_flavor()

        self._checks_for_create_and_rebuild(context, image_id, image,

                flavor, metadata, files_to_inject)

        kernel_id, ramdisk_id = self._handle_kernel_and_ramdisk(

                context, None, None, image)

        def _reset_image_metadata():

            """Remove old image properties that we're storing as instance

            system metadata.  These properties start with 'image_'.

            Then add the properties for the new image.


            # FIXME(comstud): There's a race condition here in that if

            # the system_metadata for this instance is updated after

            # we do the previous save() and before we update.. those

            # other updates will be lost. Since this problem exists in

            # a lot of other places, I think it should be addressed in

            # a DB layer overhaul.

            orig_sys_metadata = dict(instance.system_metadata)

            # Remove the old keys

            for key in instance.system_metadata.keys():

                if key.startswith(utils.SM_IMAGE_PROP_PREFIX):

                    del instance.system_metadata[key]

            # Add the new ones

            new_sys_metadata = utils.get_system_metadata_from_image(

                image, flavor)



            return orig_sys_metadata

        # Since image might have changed, we may have new values for

        # os_type, vm_mode, etc

        options_from_image = self._inherit_properties_from_image(

                image, auto_disk_config)


        instance.task_state = task_states.REBUILDING

        instance.image_ref = image_href

        instance.kernel_id = kernel_id or ""

        instance.ramdisk_id = ramdisk_id or ""

        instance.progress = 0



        # On a rebuild, since we're potentially changing images, we need to

        # wipe out the old image properties that we're storing as instance

        # system metadata... and copy in the properties for the new image.

        orig_sys_metadata = _reset_image_metadata()

        bdms = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid(

                context, instance.uuid)

        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.REBUILD)

        self.compute_rpcapi.rebuild_instance(context, instance=instance,

                new_pass=admin_password, injected_files=files_to_inject,

                image_ref=image_href, orig_image_ref=orig_image_ref,

                orig_sys_metadata=orig_sys_metadata, bdms=bdms,

                preserve_ephemeral=preserve_ephemeral, kwargs=kwargs)





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _reset_image_metadata():

            """Remove old image properties that we're storing as instance

            system metadata.  These properties start with 'image_'.

            Then add the properties for the new image.


            # FIXME(comstud): There's a race condition here in that if

            # the system_metadata for this instance is updated after

            # we do the previous save() and before we update.. those

            # other updates will be lost. Since this problem exists in

            # a lot of other places, I think it should be addressed in

            # a DB layer overhaul.

            orig_sys_metadata = dict(instance.system_metadata)

            # Remove the old keys

            for key in instance.system_metadata.keys():

                if key.startswith(utils.SM_IMAGE_PROP_PREFIX):

                    del instance.system_metadata[key]

            # Add the new ones

            new_sys_metadata = utils.get_system_metadata_from_image(

                image, flavor)



            return orig_sys_metadata

        # Since image might have changed, we may have new values for

        # os_type, vm_mode, etc

        options_from_image = self._inherit_properties_from_image(

                image, auto_disk_config)


        instance.task_state = task_states.REBUILDING

        instance.image_ref = image_href

        instance.kernel_id = kernel_id or ""

        instance.ramdisk_id = ramdisk_id or ""

        instance.progress = 0



        # On a rebuild, since we're potentially changing images, we need to

        # wipe out the old image properties that we're storing as instance

        # system metadata... and copy in the properties for the new image.

        orig_sys_metadata = _reset_image_metadata()

        bdms = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid(

                context, instance.uuid)

        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.REBUILD)

        self.compute_rpcapi.rebuild_instance(context, instance=instance,

                new_pass=admin_password, injected_files=files_to_inject,

                image_ref=image_href, orig_image_ref=orig_image_ref,

                orig_sys_metadata=orig_sys_metadata, bdms=bdms,

                preserve_ephemeral=preserve_ephemeral, kwargs=kwargs)





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def revert_resize(self, context, instance):

        """Reverts a resize, deleting the 'new' instance in the process."""

        elevated = context.elevated()

        migration = migration_obj.Migration.get_by_instance_and_status(

            elevated, instance.uuid, 'finished')

        # reverse quota reservation for increased resource usage

        deltas = self._reverse_upsize_quota_delta(context, migration)

        quotas = self._reserve_quota_delta(context, deltas)

        instance.task_state = task_states.RESIZE_REVERTING



        except Exception:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():


        migration.status = 'reverting'


        # With cells, the best we can do right now is commit the reservations

        # immediately...

        if CONF.cells.enable:


        self._record_action_start(context, instance,


        self.compute_rpcapi.revert_resize(context, instance,



                                          quotas.reservations or [])





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def confirm_resize(self, context, instance, migration=None):

        """Confirms a migration/resize and deletes the 'old' instance."""

        elevated = context.elevated()

        if migration is None:

            migration = migration_obj.Migration.get_by_instance_and_status(

                elevated, instance.uuid, 'finished')

        # reserve quota only for any decrease in resource usage

        deltas = self._downsize_quota_delta(context, instance)

        quotas = self._reserve_quota_delta(context, deltas)

        migration.status = 'confirming'


        # With cells, the best we can do right now is commit the reservations

        # immediately...

        if CONF.cells.enable:


        self._record_action_start(context, instance,






                                           quotas.reservations or [])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _resize_quota_delta(context, new_flavor,

                            old_flavor, sense, compare):

        """Calculate any quota adjustment required at a particular point

        in the resize cycle.

        :param context: the request context

        :param new_instance_type: the target instance type

        :param old_instance_type: the original instance type

        :param sense: the sense of the adjustment, 1 indicates a

                      forward adjustment, whereas -1 indicates a

                      reversal of a prior adjustment

        :param compare: the direction of the comparison, 1 indicates

                        we're checking for positive deltas, whereas

                        -1 indicates negative deltas


        def _quota_delta(resource):

            return sense * (new_flavor[resource] - old_flavor[resource])

        deltas = {}

        if compare * _quota_delta('vcpus') > 0:

            deltas['cores'] = _quota_delta('vcpus')

        if compare * _quota_delta('memory_mb') > 0:

            deltas['ram'] = _quota_delta('memory_mb')

        return deltas


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _quota_delta(resource):

            return sense * (new_flavor[resource] - old_flavor[resource])

        deltas = {}

        if compare * _quota_delta('vcpus') > 0:

            deltas['cores'] = _quota_delta('vcpus')

        if compare * _quota_delta('memory_mb') > 0:

            deltas['ram'] = _quota_delta('memory_mb')

        return deltas


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _upsize_quota_delta(context, new_flavor, old_flavor):

        """Calculate deltas required to adjust quota for an instance upsize.


        return API._resize_quota_delta(context, new_flavor, old_flavor, 1, 1)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _reverse_upsize_quota_delta(context, migration_ref):

        """Calculate deltas required to reverse a prior upsizing

        quota adjustment.


        old_flavor = flavor_obj.Flavor.get_by_id(

            context, migration_ref['old_instance_type_id'])

        new_flavor = flavor_obj.Flavor.get_by_id(

            context, migration_ref['new_instance_type_id'])

        return API._resize_quota_delta(context, new_flavor, old_flavor, -1, -1)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _downsize_quota_delta(context, instance):

        """Calculate deltas required to adjust quota for an instance downsize.


        old_flavor = instance.get_flavor('old')

        new_flavor = instance.get_flavor('new')

        return API._resize_quota_delta(context, new_flavor, old_flavor, 1, -1)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _reserve_quota_delta(context, deltas, project_id=None):

        """If there are deltas to reserve, construct a Quotas object and

        reserve the deltas for the given project.

        @param context:    The nova request context.

        @param deltas:     A dictionary of the proposed delta changes.

        @param project_id: Specify the project_id if current context

                           is admin and admin wants to impact on

                           common user's tenant.

        @return: nova.objects.quotas.Quotas


        quotas = quotas_obj.Quotas()

        if deltas:

            quotas.reserve(context, project_id=project_id, **deltas)

        return quotas


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _resize_cells_support(context, quotas, instance,

                              current_instance_type, new_instance_type):

        """Special API cell logic for resize."""

        # With cells, the best we can do right now is commit the

        # reservations immediately...


        # NOTE(johannes/comstud): The API cell needs a local migration

        # record for later resize_confirm and resize_reverts to deal

        # with quotas.  We don't need source and/or destination

        # information, just the old and new flavors. Status is set to

        # 'finished' since nothing else will update the status along

        # the way.

        mig = migration_obj.Migration()

        mig.instance_uuid = instance.uuid

        mig.old_instance_type_id = current_instance_type['id']

        mig.new_instance_type_id = new_instance_type['id']

        mig.status = 'finished'





    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED],


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def resize(self, context, instance, flavor_id=None,


        """Resize (ie, migrate) a running instance.

        If flavor_id is None, the process is considered a migration, keeping

        the original flavor_id. If flavor_id is not None, the instance should

        be migrated to a new host and resized to the new flavor_id.


        self._check_auto_disk_config(instance, **extra_instance_updates)

        current_instance_type = flavors.extract_flavor(instance)

        # If flavor_id is not provided, only migrate the instance.

        if not flavor_id:

            LOG.debug(_("flavor_id is None. Assuming migration."),


            new_instance_type = current_instance_type


            new_instance_type = flavors.get_flavor_by_flavor_id(

                    flavor_id, read_deleted="no")

        current_instance_type_name = current_instance_type['name']

        new_instance_type_name = new_instance_type['name']

        LOG.debug(_("Old instance type %(current_instance_type_name)s, "

                    " new instance type %(new_instance_type_name)s"),

                  {'current_instance_type_name': current_instance_type_name,

                   'new_instance_type_name': new_instance_type_name},


        if not new_instance_type:

            raise exception.FlavorNotFound(flavor_id=flavor_id)

        same_instance_type = (current_instance_type['id'] ==


        # NOTE(sirp): We don't want to force a customer to change their flavor

        # when Ops is migrating off of a failed host.

        if not same_instance_type and new_instance_type.get('disabled'):

            raise exception.FlavorNotFound(flavor_id=flavor_id)

        if same_instance_type and flavor_id and self.cell_type != 'compute':

            raise exception.CannotResizeToSameFlavor()

        # ensure there is sufficient headroom for upsizes

        deltas = self._upsize_quota_delta(context, new_instance_type,



            project_id, user_id = quotas_obj.ids_from_instance(context,


            quotas = self._reserve_quota_delta(context, deltas,


        except exception.OverQuota as exc:

            quotas = exc.kwargs['quotas']

            overs = exc.kwargs['overs']

            headroom = exc.kwargs['headroom']

            resource = overs[0]

            used = quotas[resource] - headroom[resource]

            total_allowed = used + headroom[resource]

            overs = ','.join(overs)

            LOG.warn(_("%(overs)s quota exceeded for %(pid)s,"

                       " tried to resize instance."),

                     {'overs': overs, 'pid': context.project_id})

            raise exception.TooManyInstances(overs=overs,


                                             used=used, allowed=total_allowed,


        instance.task_state = task_states.RESIZE_PREP

        instance.progress = 0



        filter_properties = {'ignore_hosts': []}

        if not CONF.allow_resize_to_same_host:


        # Here when flavor_id is None, the process is considered as migrate.

        if (not flavor_id and not CONF.allow_migrate_to_same_host):


        if self.cell_type == 'api':

            # Commit reservations early and create migration record.

            self._resize_cells_support(context, quotas, instance,



        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.RESIZE)

        scheduler_hint = {'filter_properties': filter_properties}

        self.compute_task_api.resize_instance(context, instance,

                extra_instance_updates, scheduler_hint=scheduler_hint,


                reservations=quotas.reservations or [])



    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED,

                                    vm_states.PAUSED, vm_states.SUSPENDED],


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def shelve(self, context, instance):

        """Shelve an instance.

        Shuts down an instance and frees it up to be removed from the



        instance.task_state = task_states.SHELVING


        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.SHELVE)

        image_id = None

        if not self.is_volume_backed_instance(context, instance):

            name = '%s-shelved' % instance['display_name']

            image_meta = self._create_image(context, instance, name,


            image_id = image_meta['id']

            self.compute_rpcapi.shelve_instance(context, instance=instance,







    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.SHELVED], task_state=[None])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def shelve_offload(self, context, instance):

        """Remove a shelved instance from the hypervisor."""

        instance.task_state = task_states.SHELVING_OFFLOADING


        self.compute_rpcapi.shelve_offload_instance(context, instance=instance)




        vm_states.SHELVED_OFFLOADED], task_state=[None])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unshelve(self, context, instance):

        """Restore a shelved instance."""

        instance.task_state = task_states.UNSHELVING


        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.UNSHELVE)

        self.compute_task_api.unshelve_instance(context, instance)



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_fixed_ip(self, context, instance, network_id):

        """Add fixed_ip from specified network to given instance."""


                instance=instance, network_id=network_id)



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_fixed_ip(self, context, instance, address):

        """Remove fixed_ip from specified network to given instance."""


                instance=instance, address=address)




    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.RESCUED])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def pause(self, context, instance):

        """Pause the given instance."""

        instance.task_state = task_states.PAUSING


        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.PAUSE)

        self.compute_rpcapi.pause_instance(context, instance)





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unpause(self, context, instance):

        """Unpause the given instance."""

        instance.task_state = task_states.UNPAUSING


        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.UNPAUSE)

        self.compute_rpcapi.unpause_instance(context, instance)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_diagnostics(self, context, instance):

        """Retrieve diagnostics for the given instance."""

        return self.compute_rpcapi.get_diagnostics(context, instance=instance)




    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.RESCUED])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def suspend(self, context, instance):

        """Suspend the given instance."""

        instance.task_state = task_states.SUSPENDING


        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.SUSPEND)

        self.compute_rpcapi.suspend_instance(context, instance)





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def resume(self, context, instance):

        """Resume the given instance."""

        instance.task_state = task_states.RESUMING


        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.RESUME)

        self.compute_rpcapi.resume_instance(context, instance)



    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def rescue(self, context, instance, rescue_password=None):

        """Rescue the given instance."""

        bdms = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMappingList.get_by_instance_uuid(

                    context, instance['uuid'])

        for bdm in bdms:

            if bdm.volume_id:

                vol = self.volume_api.get(context, bdm.volume_id)

                self.volume_api.check_attached(context, vol)

        if self.is_volume_backed_instance(context, instance, bdms):

            reason = _("Cannot rescue a volume-backed instance")

            raise exception.InstanceNotRescuable(instance_id=instance['uuid'],






        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.RESCUE)

        self.compute_rpcapi.rescue_instance(context, instance=instance,





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unrescue(self, context, instance):

        """Unrescue the given instance."""





        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.UNRESCUE)

        self.compute_rpcapi.unrescue_instance(context, instance=instance)




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def set_admin_password(self, context, instance, password=None):

        """Set the root/admin password for the given instance."""





        self._record_action_start(context, instance,







**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_vnc_console(self, context, instance, console_type):

        """Get a url to an instance Console."""

        connect_info = self.compute_rpcapi.get_vnc_console(context,

                instance=instance, console_type=console_type)


                connect_info['token'], console_type,

                connect_info['host'], connect_info['port'],

                connect_info['internal_access_path'], instance['uuid'])

        return {'url': connect_info['access_url']}


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_vnc_connect_info(self, context, instance, console_type):

        """Used in a child cell to get console info."""

        connect_info = self.compute_rpcapi.get_vnc_console(context,

                instance=instance, console_type=console_type)

        return connect_info



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_spice_console(self, context, instance, console_type):

        """Get a url to an instance Console."""

        connect_info = self.compute_rpcapi.get_spice_console(context,

                instance=instance, console_type=console_type)


                connect_info['token'], console_type,

                connect_info['host'], connect_info['port'],

                connect_info['internal_access_path'], instance['uuid'])

        return {'url': connect_info['access_url']}


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_spice_connect_info(self, context, instance, console_type):

        """Used in a child cell to get console info."""

        connect_info = self.compute_rpcapi.get_spice_console(context,

                instance=instance, console_type=console_type)

        return connect_info



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_rdp_console(self, context, instance, console_type):

        """Get a url to an instance Console."""

        connect_info = self.compute_rpcapi.get_rdp_console(context,

                instance=instance, console_type=console_type)


                connect_info['token'], console_type,

                connect_info['host'], connect_info['port'],

                connect_info['internal_access_path'], instance['uuid'])

        return {'url': connect_info['access_url']}


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_rdp_connect_info(self, context, instance, console_type):

        """Used in a child cell to get console info."""

        connect_info = self.compute_rpcapi.get_rdp_console(context,

                instance=instance, console_type=console_type)

        return connect_info



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_console_output(self, context, instance, tail_length=None):

        """Get console output for an instance."""

        return self.compute_rpcapi.get_console_output(context,

                instance=instance, tail_length=tail_length)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def lock(self, context, instance):

        """Lock the given instance."""

        # Only update the lock if we are an admin (non-owner)

        is_owner = instance.project_id == context.project_id

        if instance.locked and is_owner:


        context = context.elevated()

        LOG.debug(_('Locking'), context=context, instance=instance)

        instance.locked = True

        instance.locked_by = 'owner' if is_owner else 'admin'



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def unlock(self, context, instance):

        """Unlock the given instance."""

        # If the instance was locked by someone else, check

        # that we're allowed to override the lock

        is_owner = instance.project_id == context.project_id

        expect_locked_by = 'owner' if is_owner else 'admin'

        locked_by = instance.locked_by

        if locked_by and locked_by != expect_locked_by:

            check_policy(context, 'unlock_override', instance)

        context = context.elevated()

        LOG.debug(_('Unlocking'), context=context, instance=instance)

        instance.locked = False

        instance.locked_by = None



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_lock(self, context, instance):

        """Return the boolean state of given instance's lock."""

        return self.get(context, instance['uuid'])['locked']




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def reset_network(self, context, instance):

        """Reset networking on the instance."""

        self.compute_rpcapi.reset_network(context, instance=instance)




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def inject_network_info(self, context, instance):

        """Inject network info for the instance."""

        self.compute_rpcapi.inject_network_info(context, instance=instance)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _attach_volume(self, context, instance, volume_id, device,

                       disk_bus, device_type):

        """Attach an existing volume to an existing instance.

        This method is separated to make it possible for cells version

        to override it.


        # NOTE(vish): This is done on the compute host because we want

        #             to avoid a race where two devices are requested at

        #             the same time. When db access is removed from

        #             compute, the bdm will be created here and we will

        #             have to make sure that they are assigned atomically.

        device = self.compute_rpcapi.reserve_block_device_name(

            context, device=device, instance=instance, volume_id=volume_id,

            disk_bus=disk_bus, device_type=device_type)

        volume_bdm = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMapping.get_by_volume_id(

            context, volume_id)


            volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)

            self.volume_api.check_attach(context, volume, instance=instance)

            self.volume_api.reserve_volume(context, volume_id)

            self.compute_rpcapi.attach_volume(context, instance=instance,

                    volume_id=volume_id, mountpoint=device, bdm=volume_bdm)

        except Exception:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():


        return device



    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.PAUSED,

                                    vm_states.STOPPED, vm_states.RESIZED,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def attach_volume(self, context, instance, volume_id, device=None,

                       disk_bus=None, device_type=None):

        """Attach an existing volume to an existing instance."""

        # NOTE(vish): Fail fast if the device is not going to pass. This

        #             will need to be removed along with the test if we

        #             change the logic in the manager for what constitutes

        #             a valid device.

        if device and not block_device.match_device(device):

            raise exception.InvalidDevicePath(path=device)

        return self._attach_volume(context, instance, volume_id, device,

                                   disk_bus, device_type)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _detach_volume(self, context, instance, volume):

        """Detach volume from instance.

        This method is separated to make it easier for cells version

        to override.


        self.volume_api.check_detach(context, volume)

        self.volume_api.begin_detaching(context, volume['id'])

        self.compute_rpcapi.detach_volume(context, instance=instance,




    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.PAUSED,

                                    vm_states.STOPPED, vm_states.RESIZED,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def detach_volume(self, context, instance, volume):

        """Detach a volume from an instance."""

        if volume['attach_status'] == 'detached':

            msg = _("Volume must be attached in order to detach.")

            raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)

        # The caller likely got the instance from volume['instance_uuid']

        # in the first place, but let's sanity check.

        if volume['instance_uuid'] != instance['uuid']:

            raise exception.VolumeUnattached(volume_id=volume['id'])

        self._detach_volume(context, instance, volume)



    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.PAUSED,

                                    vm_states.SUSPENDED, vm_states.STOPPED,

                                    vm_states.RESIZED, vm_states.SOFT_DELETED],


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def swap_volume(self, context, instance, old_volume, new_volume):

        """Swap volume attached to an instance."""

        if old_volume['attach_status'] == 'detached':

            raise exception.VolumeUnattached(volume_id=old_volume['id'])

        # The caller likely got the instance from volume['instance_uuid']

        # in the first place, but let's sanity check.

        if old_volume['instance_uuid'] != instance['uuid']:

            msg = _("Old volume is attached to a different instance.")

            raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)

        if new_volume['attach_status'] == 'attached':

            msg = _("New volume must be detached in order to swap.")

            raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)

        if int(new_volume['size']) < int(old_volume['size']):

            msg = _("New volume must be the same size or larger.")

            raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)

        self.volume_api.check_detach(context, old_volume)

        self.volume_api.check_attach(context, new_volume, instance=instance)

        self.volume_api.begin_detaching(context, old_volume['id'])

        self.volume_api.reserve_volume(context, new_volume['id'])



                    context, instance=instance,



        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=W0702

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                self.volume_api.roll_detaching(context, old_volume['id'])

                self.volume_api.unreserve_volume(context, new_volume['id'])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def attach_interface(self, context, instance, network_id, port_id,


        """Use hotplug to add an network adapter to an instance."""

        return self.compute_rpcapi.attach_interface(context,

            instance=instance, network_id=network_id, port_id=port_id,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def detach_interface(self, context, instance, port_id):

        """Detach an network adapter from an instance."""

        self.compute_rpcapi.detach_interface(context, instance=instance,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_instance_metadata(self, context, instance):

        """Get all metadata associated with an instance."""

        rv = self.db.instance_metadata_get(context, instance['uuid'])

        return dict(rv.iteritems())

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_all_instance_metadata(self, context, search_filts):

        return self._get_all_instance_metadata(

            context, search_filts, metadata_type='metadata')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_all_system_metadata(self, context, search_filts):

        return self._get_all_instance_metadata(

            context, search_filts, metadata_type='system_metadata')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_all_instance_metadata(self, context, search_filts, metadata_type):

        """Get all metadata."""

        def _match_any(pattern_list, string):

            return any([re.match(pattern, string)

                        for pattern in pattern_list])

        def _filter_metadata(instance, search_filt, input_metadata):

            uuids = search_filt.get('resource_id', [])

            keys_filter = search_filt.get('key', [])

            values_filter = search_filt.get('value', [])

            output_metadata = {}

            if uuids and instance.get('uuid') not in uuids:

                return {}

            for (k, v) in input_metadata.iteritems():

                # Both keys and value defined -- AND

                if ((keys_filter and values_filter) and

                   not _match_any(keys_filter, k) and

                   not _match_any(values_filter, v)):


                # Only keys or value is defined

                elif ((keys_filter and not _match_any(keys_filter, k)) or

                      (values_filter and not _match_any(values_filter, v))):


                output_metadata[k] = v

            return output_metadata

        formatted_metadata_list = []

        instances = self._get_instances_by_filters(context, filters={},



        for instance in instances:


                check_policy(context, 'get_all_instance_%s' % metadata_type,


                metadata = instance.get(metadata_type, {})

                for filt in search_filts:

                    # By chaining the input to the output, the filters are

                    # ANDed together

                    metadata = _filter_metadata(instance, filt, metadata)

                for (k, v) in metadata.iteritems():

                    formatted_metadata_list.append({'key': k, 'value': v,

                                     'instance_id': instance.get('uuid')})

            except exception.PolicyNotAuthorized:

                # failed policy check - not allowed to

                # read this metadata


        return formatted_metadata_list



    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.PAUSED,

                                    vm_states.SUSPENDED, vm_states.STOPPED],


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _match_any(pattern_list, string):

            return any([re.match(pattern, string)

                        for pattern in pattern_list])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _filter_metadata(instance, search_filt, input_metadata):

            uuids = search_filt.get('resource_id', [])

            keys_filter = search_filt.get('key', [])

            values_filter = search_filt.get('value', [])

            output_metadata = {}

            if uuids and instance.get('uuid') not in uuids:

                return {}

            for (k, v) in input_metadata.iteritems():

                # Both keys and value defined -- AND

                if ((keys_filter and values_filter) and

                   not _match_any(keys_filter, k) and

                   not _match_any(values_filter, v)):


                # Only keys or value is defined

                elif ((keys_filter and not _match_any(keys_filter, k)) or

                      (values_filter and not _match_any(values_filter, v))):


                output_metadata[k] = v

            return output_metadata

        formatted_metadata_list = []

        instances = self._get_instances_by_filters(context, filters={},



        for instance in instances:


                check_policy(context, 'get_all_instance_%s' % metadata_type,


                metadata = instance.get(metadata_type, {})

                for filt in search_filts:

                    # By chaining the input to the output, the filters are

                    # ANDed together

                    metadata = _filter_metadata(instance, filt, metadata)

                for (k, v) in metadata.iteritems():

                    formatted_metadata_list.append({'key': k, 'value': v,

                                     'instance_id': instance.get('uuid')})

            except exception.PolicyNotAuthorized:

                # failed policy check - not allowed to

                # read this metadata


        return formatted_metadata_list



    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.PAUSED,

                                    vm_states.SUSPENDED, vm_states.STOPPED],


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_instance_metadata(self, context, instance, key):

        """Delete the given metadata item from an instance."""




                                                     diff={key: ['-']})



    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.PAUSED,

                                    vm_states.SUSPENDED, vm_states.STOPPED],


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_instance_metadata(self, context, instance,

                                 metadata, delete=False):

        """Updates or creates instance metadata.

        If delete is True, metadata items that are not specified in the

        `metadata` argument will be deleted.


        orig = dict(instance.metadata)

        if delete:

            _metadata = metadata


            _metadata = dict(instance.metadata)


        self._check_metadata_properties_quota(context, _metadata)

        instance.metadata = _metadata


        diff = _diff_dict(orig, instance.metadata)




        return _metadata

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_instance_faults(self, context, instances):

        """Get all faults for a list of instance uuids."""

        if not instances:

            return {}

        for instance in instances:

            check_policy(context, 'get_instance_faults', instance)

        uuids = [instance['uuid'] for instance in instances]

        return self.db.instance_fault_get_by_instance_uuids(context, uuids)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def is_volume_backed_instance(self, context, instance, bdms=None):

        if not instance['image_ref']:

            return True

        if bdms is None:

            bdms = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMappingList.\

                        get_by_instance_uuid(context, instance['uuid'])

        root_bdm = bdms.root_bdm()

        if not root_bdm:

            return False

        return root_bdm.is_volume



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def live_migrate(self, context, instance, block_migration,

                     disk_over_commit, host_name):

        """Migrate a server lively to a new host."""

        LOG.debug(_("Going to try to live migrate instance to %s"),

                  host_name or "another host", instance=instance)

        instance.task_state = task_states.MIGRATING


        self.compute_task_api.live_migrate_instance(context, instance,

                host_name, block_migration=block_migration,


    @check_instance_state(vm_state=[vm_states.ACTIVE, vm_states.STOPPED],


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def evacuate(self, context, instance, host, on_shared_storage,


        """Running evacuate to target host.

        Checking vm compute host state, if the host not in expected_state,

        raising an exception.


        LOG.debug(_('vm evacuation scheduled'))

        inst_host = instance['host']

        service = service_obj.Service.get_by_compute_host(context, inst_host)

        if self.servicegroup_api.service_is_up(service):

            msg = (_('Instance compute service state on %s '

                     'expected to be down, but it was up.') % inst_host)


            raise exception.ComputeServiceInUse(host=inst_host)

        instance = self.update(context, instance, expected_task_state=[None],


        self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.EVACUATE)

        # NOTE(danms): Transitional until evacuate supports objects

        inst_obj = instance_obj.Instance._from_db_object(

            context, instance_obj.Instance(), instance,

            expected_attrs=['metadata', 'system_metadata'])

        return self.compute_rpcapi.rebuild_instance(context,











**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_migrations(self, context, filters):

        """Get all migrations for the given filters."""

        return migration_obj.MigrationList.get_by_filters(context, filters)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def volume_snapshot_create(self, context, volume_id, create_info):

        bdm = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMapping.get_by_volume_id(

                context, volume_id, expected_attrs=['instance'])

        self.compute_rpcapi.volume_snapshot_create(context, bdm.instance,

                volume_id, create_info)

        snapshot = {

            'snapshot': {

                'id': create_info.get('id'),

                'volumeId': volume_id



        return snapshot


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def volume_snapshot_delete(self, context, volume_id, snapshot_id,


        bdm = block_device_obj.BlockDeviceMapping.get_by_volume_id(

                context, volume_id, expected_attrs=['instance'])

        self.compute_rpcapi.volume_snapshot_delete(context, bdm.instance,

                volume_id, snapshot_id, delete_info)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def external_instance_event(self, context, instances, events):

        # NOTE(danms): The external API consumer just provides events,

        # but doesn't know where they go. We need to collate lists

        # by the host the affected instance is on and dispatch them

        # according to host

        instances_by_host = {}

        events_by_host = {}

        hosts_by_instance = {}

        for instance in instances:

            instances_on_host = instances_by_host.get(instance.host, [])


            instances_by_host[instance.host] = instances_on_host

            hosts_by_instance[instance.uuid] = instance.host

        for event in events:

            host = hosts_by_instance[event.instance_uuid]

            events_on_host = events_by_host.get(host, [])


            events_by_host[host] = events_on_host

        for host in instances_by_host:


                context, instances_by_host[host], events_by_host[host])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class HostAPI(base.Base):

"""Sub-set of the Compute Manager API for managing host operations."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, rpcapi=None):

        self.rpcapi = rpcapi or compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI()

        self.servicegroup_api = servicegroup.API()

        super(HostAPI, self).__init__()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _assert_host_exists(self, context, host_name, must_be_up=False):

        """Raise HostNotFound if compute host doesn't exist."""

        service = service_obj.Service.get_by_compute_host(context, host_name)

        if not service:

            raise exception.HostNotFound(host=host_name)

        if must_be_up and not self.servicegroup_api.service_is_up(service):

            raise exception.ComputeServiceUnavailable(host=host_name)

        return service['host']


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def set_host_enabled(self, context, host_name, enabled):

        """Sets the specified host's ability to accept new instances."""

        host_name = self._assert_host_exists(context, host_name)

        payload = {'host_name': host_name, 'enabled': enabled}




        result = self.rpcapi.set_host_enabled(context, enabled=enabled,





        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_host_uptime(self, context, host_name):

        """Returns the result of calling "uptime" on the target host."""

        host_name = self._assert_host_exists(context, host_name,


        return self.rpcapi.get_host_uptime(context, host=host_name)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def host_power_action(self, context, host_name, action):

        """Reboots, shuts down or powers up the host."""

        host_name = self._assert_host_exists(context, host_name)

        payload = {'host_name': host_name, 'action': action}




        result = self.rpcapi.host_power_action(context, action=action,





        return result


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def set_host_maintenance(self, context, host_name, mode):

        """Start/Stop host maintenance window. On start, it triggers

        guest VMs evacuation.


        host_name = self._assert_host_exists(context, host_name)

        payload = {'host_name': host_name, 'mode': mode}




        result = self.rpcapi.host_maintenance_mode(context,

                host_param=host_name, mode=mode, host=host_name)




        return result

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def service_get_all(self, context, filters=None, set_zones=False):

        """Returns a list of services, optionally filtering the results.

        If specified, 'filters' should be a dictionary containing services

        attributes and matching values.  Ie, to get a list of services for

        the 'compute' topic, use filters={'topic': 'compute'}.


        if filters is None:

            filters = {}

        disabled = filters.pop('disabled', None)

        if 'availability_zone' in filters:

            set_zones = True

        services = service_obj.ServiceList.get_all(context, disabled,


        ret_services = []

        for service in services:

            for key, val in filters.iteritems():

                if service[key] != val:



                # All filters matched.


        return ret_services

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def service_get_by_compute_host(self, context, host_name):

        """Get service entry for the given compute hostname."""

        return service_obj.Service.get_by_compute_host(context, host_name)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def service_update(self, context, host_name, binary, params_to_update):

        """Enable / Disable a service.

        For compute services, this stops new builds and migrations going to

        the host.


        service = service_obj.Service.get_by_args(context, host_name,




        return service

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def service_delete(self, context, service_id):

        """Deletes the specified service."""

        service_obj.Service.get_by_id(context, service_id).destroy()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def instance_get_all_by_host(self, context, host_name):

        """Return all instances on the given host."""

        return self.db.instance_get_all_by_host(context, host_name)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def task_log_get_all(self, context, task_name, period_beginning,

                         period_ending, host=None, state=None):

        """Return the task logs within a given range, optionally

        filtering by host and/or state.


        return self.db.task_log_get_all(context, task_name,





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def compute_node_get(self, context, compute_id):

        """Return compute node entry for particular integer ID."""

        return self.db.compute_node_get(context, int(compute_id))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def compute_node_get_all(self, context):

        return self.db.compute_node_get_all(context)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def compute_node_search_by_hypervisor(self, context, hypervisor_match):

        return self.db.compute_node_search_by_hypervisor(context,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def compute_node_statistics(self, context):

        return self.db.compute_node_statistics(context)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class InstanceActionAPI(base.Base):

"""Sub-set of the Compute Manager API for managing instance actions."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def actions_get(self, context, instance):

        return instance_action.InstanceActionList.get_by_instance_uuid(

            context, instance['uuid'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def action_get_by_request_id(self, context, instance, request_id):

        return instance_action.InstanceAction.get_by_request_id(

            context, instance['uuid'], request_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def action_events_get(self, context, instance, action_id):

        return instance_action.InstanceActionEventList.get_by_action(

            context, action_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class AggregateAPI(base.Base):

"""Sub-set of the Compute Manager API for managing host aggregates."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self.compute_rpcapi = compute_rpcapi.ComputeAPI()

        super(AggregateAPI, self).__init__(**kwargs)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_aggregate(self, context, aggregate_name, availability_zone):

        """Creates the model for the aggregate."""

        aggregate = aggregate_obj.Aggregate()

        aggregate.name = aggregate_name

        if availability_zone:

            aggregate.metadata = {'availability_zone': availability_zone}


        aggregate = self._reformat_aggregate_info(aggregate)

        # To maintain the same API result as before.

        del aggregate['hosts']

        del aggregate['metadata']

        return aggregate

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_aggregate(self, context, aggregate_id):

        """Get an aggregate by id."""

        aggregate = aggregate_obj.Aggregate.get_by_id(context, aggregate_id)

        return self._reformat_aggregate_info(aggregate)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_aggregate_list(self, context):

        """Get all the aggregates."""

        aggregates = aggregate_obj.AggregateList.get_all(context)

        return [self._reformat_aggregate_info(agg) for agg in aggregates]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def is_safe_to_update_az(self, context, aggregate, metadata,


        """Determine if updates alter an aggregate's availability zone."""

        if 'availability_zone' in metadata:

            aggregate_az = aggregate.metadata.get("availability_zone")

            for host in aggregate.hosts:

                host_az = availability_zones.get_host_availability_zone(

                                                    context, host)

                if (host_az and host_az != metadata["availability_zone"]

                   and host_az != CONF.default_availability_zone and

                   host_az != aggregate_az):

                    msg = _("This aggregate contains hosts in"

                            " an existing availability zone")

                    raise exception.InvalidAggregateAction(





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_aggregate(self, context, aggregate_id, values):

        """Update the properties of an aggregate."""

        aggregate = aggregate_obj.Aggregate.get_by_id(context, aggregate_id)

        if 'name' in values:

            aggregate.name = values.pop('name')

        self.is_safe_to_update_az(context, aggregate,

                                    values, "update aggregate")

        if values:

            aggregate.metadata = values


        # If updated values include availability_zones, then the cache

        # which stored availability_zones and host need to be reset

        if values.get('availability_zone'):


        return self._reformat_aggregate_info(aggregate)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_aggregate_metadata(self, context, aggregate_id, metadata):

        """Updates the aggregate metadata."""

        aggregate = aggregate_obj.Aggregate.get_by_id(context, aggregate_id)

        self.is_safe_to_update_az(context, aggregate,

                         metadata, "update aggregate metadata")


        # If updated metadata include availability_zones, then the cache

        # which stored availability_zones and host need to be reset

        if metadata and metadata.get('availability_zone'):


        return aggregate


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_aggregate(self, context, aggregate_id):

        """Deletes the aggregate."""

        aggregate_payload = {'aggregate_id': aggregate_id}




        aggregate = aggregate_obj.Aggregate.get_by_id(context,


        if len(aggregate.hosts) > 0:

            raise exception.InvalidAggregateAction(action='delete',


                                                   reason='not empty')





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _check_az_for_host(self, aggregate_meta, host_az, aggregate_id):

        # NOTE(mtreinish) The availability_zone key returns a set of

        # zones so loop over each zone. However there should only

        # ever be one zone in the set because an aggregate can only

        # have a single availability zone set at one time.

        for aggregate_az in aggregate_meta["availability_zone"]:

            # NOTE(mtreinish) Ensure that the aggregate_az is not none

            # if it is none then that is just a regular aggregate and

            # it is valid to have a host in multiple aggregates.

            if aggregate_az and aggregate_az != host_az:

                msg = _("Host already in availability zone "

                        "%s") % host_az

                action_name = "add_host_to_aggregate"

                raise exception.InvalidAggregateAction(

                    action=action_name, aggregate_id=aggregate_id,


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    def _update_az_cache_for_host(self, context, host_name, aggregate_meta):

        # Update the availability_zone cache to avoid getting wrong

        # availability_zone in cache retention time when add/remove

        # host to/from aggregate.

        if aggregate_meta and aggregate_meta.get('availability_zone'):




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_host_to_aggregate(self, context, aggregate_id, host_name):

        """Adds the host to an aggregate."""

        aggregate_payload = {'aggregate_id': aggregate_id,

                             'host_name': host_name}




        # validates the host; ComputeHostNotFound is raised if invalid

        service_obj.Service.get_by_compute_host(context, host_name)

        host_az = availability_zones.get_host_availability_zone(context,


        if host_az and host_az != CONF.default_availability_zone:

            aggregate_meta = self.db.aggregate_metadata_get_by_metadata_key(

                context, aggregate_id, 'availability_zone')

            if aggregate_meta.get("availability_zone"):

                self._check_az_for_host(aggregate_meta, host_az, aggregate_id)

        aggregate = aggregate_obj.Aggregate.get_by_id(context, aggregate_id)

        aggregate.add_host(context, host_name)

        self._update_az_cache_for_host(context, host_name, aggregate.metadata)

        #NOTE(jogo): Send message to host to support resource pools


                aggregate=aggregate, host_param=host_name, host=host_name)

        aggregate_payload.update({'name': aggregate['name']})




        return self._reformat_aggregate_info(aggregate)


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    def remove_host_from_aggregate(self, context, aggregate_id, host_name):

        """Removes host from the aggregate."""

        aggregate_payload = {'aggregate_id': aggregate_id,

                             'host_name': host_name}




        # validates the host; ComputeHostNotFound is raised if invalid

        service_obj.Service.get_by_compute_host(context, host_name)

        aggregate = aggregate_obj.Aggregate.get_by_id(context, aggregate_id)


        self._update_az_cache_for_host(context, host_name, aggregate.metadata)


                aggregate=aggregate, host_param=host_name, host=host_name)




        return self._reformat_aggregate_info(aggregate)

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    def _reformat_aggregate_info(self, aggregate):

        """Builds a dictionary with aggregate props, metadata and hosts."""

        return dict(aggregate.iteritems())

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class KeypairAPI(base.Base):

"""Subset of the Compute Manager API for managing key pairs."""

get_notifier = functools.partial(rpc.get_notifier, service='api')

wrap_exception = functools.partial(exception.wrap_exception,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _notify(self, context, event_suffix, keypair_name):

        payload = {

            'tenant_id': context.project_id,

            'user_id': context.user_id,

            'key_name': keypair_name,


        notify = self.get_notifier()

        notify.info(context, 'keypair.%s' % event_suffix, payload)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _validate_new_key_pair(self, context, user_id, key_name):

        safe_chars = "_- " + string.digits + string.ascii_letters

        clean_value = "".join(x for x in key_name if x in safe_chars)

        if clean_value != key_name:

            raise exception.InvalidKeypair(

                reason=_("Keypair name contains unsafe characters"))

        if not 0 < len(key_name) < 256:

            raise exception.InvalidKeypair(

                reason=_('Keypair name must be between '

                         '1 and 255 characters long'))

        count = QUOTAS.count(context, 'key_pairs', user_id)


            QUOTAS.limit_check(context, key_pairs=count + 1)

        except exception.OverQuota:

            raise exception.KeypairLimitExceeded()


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def import_key_pair(self, context, user_id, key_name, public_key):

        """Import a key pair using an existing public key."""

        self._validate_new_key_pair(context, user_id, key_name)

        self._notify(context, 'import.start', key_name)

        fingerprint = crypto.generate_fingerprint(public_key)

        keypair = keypair_obj.KeyPair()

        keypair.user_id = user_id

        keypair.name = key_name

        keypair.fingerprint = fingerprint

        keypair.public_key = public_key


        self._notify(context, 'import.end', key_name)

        return keypair


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    def create_key_pair(self, context, user_id, key_name):

        """Create a new key pair."""

        self._validate_new_key_pair(context, user_id, key_name)

        self._notify(context, 'create.start', key_name)

        private_key, public_key, fingerprint = crypto.generate_key_pair()

        keypair = keypair_obj.KeyPair()

        keypair.user_id = user_id

        keypair.name = key_name

        keypair.fingerprint = fingerprint

        keypair.public_key = public_key


        self._notify(context, 'create.end', key_name)

        return keypair, private_key


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    def delete_key_pair(self, context, user_id, key_name):

        """Delete a keypair by name."""

        self._notify(context, 'delete.start', key_name)

        keypair_obj.KeyPair.destroy_by_name(context, user_id, key_name)

        self._notify(context, 'delete.end', key_name)

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    def get_key_pairs(self, context, user_id):

        """List key pairs."""

        return keypair_obj.KeyPairList.get_by_user(context, user_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_key_pair(self, context, user_id, key_name):

        """Get a keypair by name."""

        return keypair_obj.KeyPair.get_by_name(context, user_id, key_name)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class SecurityGroupAPI(base.Base, security_group_base.SecurityGroupBase):

"""Sub-set of the Compute API related to managing security groups

and security group rules


# The nova security group api does not use a uuid for the id.

id_is_uuid = False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        super(SecurityGroupAPI, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.security_group_rpcapi = compute_rpcapi.SecurityGroupAPI()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def validate_property(self, value, property, allowed):

        """Validate given security group property.

        :param value:          the value to validate, as a string or unicode

        :param property:       the property, either 'name' or 'description'

        :param allowed:        the range of characters allowed



            val = value.strip()

        except AttributeError:

            msg = _("Security group %s is not a string or unicode") % property


        if not val:

            msg = _("Security group %s cannot be empty.") % property


        if allowed and not re.match(allowed, val):

            # Some validation to ensure that values match API spec.

            # - Alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, and underscores.

            # TODO(Daviey): LP: #813685 extend beyond group_name checking, and

            #  probably create a param validator that can be used elsewhere.

            msg = (_("Value (%(value)s) for parameter Group%(property)s is "

                     "invalid. Content limited to '%(allowed)s'.") %

                   {'value': value, 'allowed': allowed,

                    'property': property.capitalize()})


        if len(val) > 255:

            msg = _("Security group %s should not be greater "

                            "than 255 characters.") % property


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    def ensure_default(self, context):

        """Ensure that a context has a security group.

        Creates a security group for the security context if it does not

        already exist.

        :param context: the security context



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_security_group(self, context, name, description):


            reservations = QUOTAS.reserve(context, security_groups=1)

        except exception.OverQuota:

            msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many security groups.")


        LOG.audit(_("Create Security Group %s"), name, context=context)



            group = {'user_id': context.user_id,

                     'project_id': context.project_id,

                     'name': name,

                     'description': description}


                group_ref = self.db.security_group_create(context, group)

            except exception.SecurityGroupExists:

                msg = _('Security group %s already exists') % name


            # Commit the reservation

            QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations)

        except Exception:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                QUOTAS.rollback(context, reservations)

        return group_ref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_security_group(self, context, security_group,

                                name, description):

        if security_group['name'] in RO_SECURITY_GROUPS:

            msg = (_("Unable to update system group '%s'") %



        group = {'name': name,

                 'description': description}

        columns_to_join = ['rules.grantee_group']

        group_ref = self.db.security_group_update(context,




        return group_ref

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    def get(self, context, name=None, id=None, map_exception=False):



            if name:

                return self.db.security_group_get_by_name(context,



            elif id:

                return self.db.security_group_get(context, id)

        except exception.NotFound as exp:

            if map_exception:

                msg = exp.format_message()




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def list(self, context, names=None, ids=None, project=None,



        groups = []

        if names or ids:

            if names:

                for name in names:




            if ids:

                for id in ids:

                    groups.append(self.db.security_group_get(context, id))

        elif context.is_admin:

            # TODO(eglynn): support a wider set of search options than just

            # all_tenants, at least include the standard filters defined for

            # the EC2 DescribeSecurityGroups API for the non-admin case also

            if (search_opts and 'all_tenants' in search_opts):

                groups = self.db.security_group_get_all(context)


                groups = self.db.security_group_get_by_project(context,


        elif project:

            groups = self.db.security_group_get_by_project(context, project)

        return groups

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    def destroy(self, context, security_group):

        if security_group['name'] in RO_SECURITY_GROUPS:

            msg = _("Unable to delete system group '%s'") % \



        if self.db.security_group_in_use(context, security_group['id']):

            msg = _("Security group is still in use")


        quotas = quotas_obj.Quotas()

        quota_project, quota_user = quotas_obj.ids_from_security_group(

                                context, security_group)


            quotas.reserve(context, project_id=quota_project,

                           user_id=quota_user, security_groups=-1)

        except Exception:

            LOG.exception(_("Failed to update usages deallocating "

                            "security group"))

        LOG.audit(_("Delete security group %s"), security_group['name'],


        self.db.security_group_destroy(context, security_group['id'])

        # Commit the reservations


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def is_associated_with_server(self, security_group, instance_uuid):

        """Check if the security group is already associated

           with the instance. If Yes, return True.


        if not security_group:

            return False

        instances = security_group.get('instances')

        if not instances:

            return False

        for inst in instances:

            if (instance_uuid == inst['uuid']):

                return True

        return False


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_to_instance(self, context, instance, security_group_name):

        """Add security group to the instance."""

        security_group = self.db.security_group_get_by_name(context,



        instance_uuid = instance['uuid']

        #check if the security group is associated with the server

        if self.is_associated_with_server(security_group, instance_uuid):

            raise exception.SecurityGroupExistsForInstance(






        # NOTE(comstud): No instance_uuid argument to this compute manager

        # call


                security_group['id'], host=instance['host'])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_from_instance(self, context, instance, security_group_name):

        """Remove the security group associated with the instance."""

        security_group = self.db.security_group_get_by_name(context,



        instance_uuid = instance['uuid']

        #check if the security group is associated with the server

        if not self.is_associated_with_server(security_group, instance_uuid):

            raise exception.SecurityGroupNotExistsForInstance(






        # NOTE(comstud): No instance_uuid argument to this compute manager

        # call


                security_group['id'], host=instance['host'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_rule(self, context, id):



            return self.db.security_group_rule_get(context, id)

        except exception.NotFound:

            msg = _("Rule (%s) not found") % id


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_rules(self, context, id, name, vals):

        """Add security group rule(s) to security group.

        Note: the Nova security group API doesn't support adding multiple

        security group rules at once but the EC2 one does. Therefore,

        this function is written to support both.


        count = QUOTAS.count(context, 'security_group_rules', id)


            projected = count + len(vals)

            QUOTAS.limit_check(context, security_group_rules=projected)

        except exception.OverQuota:

            msg = _("Quota exceeded, too many security group rules.")


        msg = _("Authorize security group ingress %s")

        LOG.audit(msg, name, context=context)

        rules = [self.db.security_group_rule_create(context, v) for v in vals]

        self.trigger_rules_refresh(context, id=id)

        return rules

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_rules(self, context, security_group, rule_ids):

        msg = _("Revoke security group ingress %s")

        LOG.audit(msg, security_group['name'], context=context)

        for rule_id in rule_ids:

            self.db.security_group_rule_destroy(context, rule_id)

        # NOTE(vish): we removed some rules, so refresh

        self.trigger_rules_refresh(context, id=security_group['id'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_default_rules(self, context, rule_ids):

        for rule_id in rule_ids:

            self.db.security_group_default_rule_destroy(context, rule_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_default_rules(self, context, vals):

        rules = [self.db.security_group_default_rule_create(context, v)

                 for v in vals]

        return rules

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def default_rule_exists(self, context, values):

        """Indicates whether the specified rule values are already

           defined in the default security group rules.


        for rule in self.db.security_group_default_rule_list(context):

            is_duplicate = True

            keys = ('cidr', 'from_port', 'to_port', 'protocol')

            for key in keys:

                if rule.get(key) != values.get(key):

                    is_duplicate = False


            if is_duplicate:

                return rule.get('id') or True

        return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_all_default_rules(self, context):


            rules = self.db.security_group_default_rule_list(context)

        except Exception:

            msg = 'cannot get default security group rules'

            raise exception.SecurityGroupDefaultRuleNotFound(msg)

        return rules

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_default_rule(self, context, id):


            return self.db.security_group_default_rule_get(context, id)

        except exception.NotFound:

            msg = _("Rule (%s) not found") % id


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def validate_id(self, id):


            return int(id)

        except ValueError:

            msg = _("Security group id should be integer")


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def trigger_rules_refresh(self, context, id):

        """Called when a rule is added to or removed from a security_group."""

        security_group = self.db.security_group_get(

            context, id, columns_to_join=['instances'])

        for instance in security_group['instances']:

            if instance['host'] is not None:


                        context, instance['host'], instance)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def trigger_members_refresh(self, context, group_ids):

        """Called when a security group gains a new or loses a member.

        Sends an update request to each compute node for each instance for

        which this is relevant.


        # First, we get the security group rules that reference these groups as

        # the grantee..

        security_group_rules = set()

        for group_id in group_ids:





        # ..then we distill the rules into the groups to which they belong..

        security_groups = set()

        for rule in security_group_rules:

            security_group = self.db.security_group_get(

                context, rule['parent_group_id'],



        # ..then we find the instances that are members of these groups..

        instances = {}

        for security_group in security_groups:

            for instance in security_group['instances']:

                if instance['uuid'] not in instances:

                    instances[instance['uuid']] = instance

        # ..then we send a request to refresh the rules for each instance.

        for instance in instances.values():

            if instance['host']:


                        context, instance['host'], instance)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_instance_security_groups(self, context, instance_uuid,


        if detailed:

            return self.db.security_group_get_by_instance(context,


        instance = self.db.instance_get_by_uuid(context, instance_uuid)

        groups = instance.get('security_groups')

        if groups:

            return [{'name': group['name']} for group in groups]

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    def populate_security_groups(self, instance, security_groups):

        if not security_groups:

            # Make sure it's an empty list and not None

            security_groups = []

        instance.security_groups = security_group_obj.make_secgroup_list(
