

OpenStack Study: container_quotas.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,


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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

# limitations under the License.


The ``container_quotas`` middleware implements simple quotas that can be

imposed on swift containers by a user with the ability to set container

metadata, most likely the account administrator. This can be useful for

limiting the scope of containers that are delegated to non-admin users, exposed

to ``formpost`` uploads, or just as a self-imposed sanity check.

Any object PUT operations that exceed these quotas return a 413 response

(request entity too large) with a descriptive body.

Quotas are subject to several limitations: eventual consistency, the timeliness

of the cached container_info (60 second ttl by default), and it's unable to

reject chunked transfer uploads that exceed the quota (though once the quota

is exceeded, new chunked transfers will be refused).

Quotas are set by adding meta values to the container, and are validated when



|Metadata | Use |


| X-Container-Meta-Quota-Bytes | Maximum size of the |

| | container, in bytes. |


| X-Container-Meta-Quota-Count | Maximum object count of the |

| | container. |



from swift.common.constraints import check_copy_from_header

from swift.common.http import is_success

from swift.common.swob import Response, HTTPBadRequest, wsgify

from swift.common.utils import register_swift_info

from swift.proxy.controllers.base import get_container_info, get_object_info

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ContainerQuotaMiddleware(object):

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    def __init__(self, app, *args, **kwargs):

        self.app = app

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def bad_response(self, req, container_info):

        # 401 if the user couldn't have PUT this object in the first place.

        # This prevents leaking the container's existence to unauthed users.

        if 'swift.authorize' in req.environ:

            req.acl = container_info['write_acl']

            aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)

            if aresp:

                return aresp

        return Response(status=413, body='Upload exceeds quota.')


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, req):


            (version, account, container, obj) = req.split_path(3, 4, True)

        except ValueError:

            return self.app

        # verify new quota headers are properly formatted

        if not obj and req.method in ('PUT', 'POST'):

            val = req.headers.get('X-Container-Meta-Quota-Bytes')

            if val and not val.isdigit():

                return HTTPBadRequest(body='Invalid bytes quota.')

            val = req.headers.get('X-Container-Meta-Quota-Count')

            if val and not val.isdigit():

                return HTTPBadRequest(body='Invalid count quota.')

        # check user uploads against quotas

        elif obj and req.method in ('PUT', 'COPY'):

            container_info = None

            if req.method == 'PUT':

                container_info = get_container_info(

                    req.environ, self.app, swift_source='CQ')

            if req.method == 'COPY' and 'Destination' in req.headers:

                dest = req.headers.get('Destination').lstrip('/')

                path_info = req.environ['PATH_INFO']

                req.environ['PATH_INFO'] = "/%s/%s/%s" % (

                    version, account, dest)


                    container_info = get_container_info(

                        req.environ, self.app, swift_source='CQ')


                    req.environ['PATH_INFO'] = path_info

            if not container_info or not is_success(container_info['status']):

                # this will hopefully 404 later

                return self.app

            if 'quota-bytes' in container_info.get('meta', {}) and \

                    'bytes' in container_info and \


                content_length = (req.content_length or 0)

                if 'x-copy-from' in req.headers or req.method == 'COPY':

                    if 'x-copy-from' in req.headers:

                        container, obj = check_copy_from_header(req)

                    path = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (version, account,

                                             container, obj)

                    object_info = get_object_info(req.environ, self.app, path)

                    if not object_info or not object_info['length']:

                        content_length = 0


                        content_length = int(object_info['length'])

                new_size = int(container_info['bytes']) + content_length

                if int(container_info['meta']['quota-bytes']) < new_size:

                    return self.bad_response(req, container_info)

            if 'quota-count' in container_info.get('meta', {}) and \

                    'object_count' in container_info and \


                new_count = int(container_info['object_count']) + 1

                if int(container_info['meta']['quota-count']) < new_count:

                    return self.bad_response(req, container_info)

        return self.app

def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def container_quota_filter(app):

        return ContainerQuotaMiddleware(app)

    return container_quota_filter