

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:09:40

android Programming Glossary: alphaindexer

Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter


private Context context private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections new String 0 private Filter filter private.. this.enableSections enableSections if enableSections alphaIndexer new HashMap String Integer for int i items.size 1 i 0 i Manga.. 0 'Z' firstChar.charAt 0 'A' firstChar @ alphaIndexer.put firstChar i Set String keys alphaIndexer.keySet Iterator..

Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data


Context context private int layout private AlphabetIndexer alphaIndexer public CustomCursorAdapter Context context int layout Cursor.. this.layout layout public void initIndexer Cursor c alphaIndexer new AlphabetIndexer c c.getColumnIndex DataBaseNamesHelper.COLUMN_NAME.. public int getPositionForSection int section return alphaIndexer.getPositionForSection section @Override public int getSectionForPosition..

How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView


implements SectionIndexer private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections public AlphabeticalAdapter Context c.. i String s data.get i .substring 0 1 .toUpperCase alphaIndexer.put s i Set String sectionLetters alphaIndexer.keySet ArrayList.. alphaIndexer.put s i Set String sectionLetters alphaIndexer.keySet ArrayList String sectionList new ArrayList String sectionLetters..

Custom filtering in Android using ArrayAdapter


public ArrayList Manga items public ArrayList Manga filtered private Context context private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections new String 0 private Filter filter private boolean enableSections public MangaListAdapter Context.. filtered this.context context this.filter new MangaNameFilter this.enableSections enableSections if enableSections alphaIndexer new HashMap String Integer for int i items.size 1 i 0 i Manga element items.get i String firstChar element.getName .substring.. firstChar element.getName .substring 0 1 .toUpperCase if firstChar.charAt 0 'Z' firstChar.charAt 0 'A' firstChar @ alphaIndexer.put firstChar i Set String keys alphaIndexer.keySet Iterator String it keys.iterator ArrayList String keyList new ArrayList..

Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data


android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener private Context context private int layout private AlphabetIndexer alphaIndexer public CustomCursorAdapter Context context int layout Cursor c String from int to super context layout c from to this.context.. from int to super context layout c from to this.context context this.layout layout public void initIndexer Cursor c alphaIndexer new AlphabetIndexer c c.getColumnIndex DataBaseNamesHelper.COLUMN_NAME ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @Override public View.. View.INVISIBLE else button.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override public int getPositionForSection int section return alphaIndexer.getPositionForSection section @Override public int getSectionForPosition int position return alphaIndexer.getSectionForPosition..

How to show alphabetical letters on side of Android ListView


close. class AlphabeticalAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String implements SectionIndexer private HashMap String Integer alphaIndexer private String sections public AlphabeticalAdapter Context c int resource List String data super c resource data for int.. List String data super c resource data for int i 0 i data.size i String s data.get i .substring 0 1 .toUpperCase alphaIndexer.put s i Set String sectionLetters alphaIndexer.keySet ArrayList String sectionList new ArrayList String sectionLetters.. i 0 i data.size i String s data.get i .substring 0 1 .toUpperCase alphaIndexer.put s i Set String sectionLetters alphaIndexer.keySet ArrayList String sectionList new ArrayList String sectionLetters Collections.sort sectionList sections new String..