

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:15

android Programming Glossary: aspect_tolerance

EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android


List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null.. size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize..

Android 2.2 SDK - setParameters failed for Camera API on Nexus One


List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null.. size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize..

How to set Android camera orientation properly?


List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.2 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null.. size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize..

Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception


List Size supportedSizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if supportedSizes null return.. size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize..

Android onActivityResult not called / triggered


List Size sizes int width int height final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double width height if sizes null return.. size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize..

Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize


List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null.. size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize..

Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails


List Camera.Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 final double MAX_DOWNSIZE 1.5 double targetRatio double.. preview sizes continue if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize.. int width int height Size optimalSize null final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 double targetRatio double height width Try to find a size..

EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android


generated catch block e.printStackTrace private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight.. int targetHeight h for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight if..

Android 2.2 SDK - setParameters failed for Camera API on Nexus One


mCamera.release mCamera null private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight.. int targetHeight h for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight if..

How to set Android camera orientation properly?


SurfaceHolder holder initCamera private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.2 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight.. Checking size size.width w size.height h double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight Cannot..

Android: “Camera.takePicture failed” Exception


for the current hardware. public static Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size supportedSizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if supportedSizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE.. ratio and size for Size size supportedSizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight Cannot..

Android onActivityResult not called / triggered


releaseCameraResources private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int width int height final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double width height if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE.. int targetHeight height for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight if..

Picture distorted with Camera and getOptimalPreviewSize


i 04042011172937.jpg But with this code private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.05 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Size optimalSize null double minDiff Double.MAX_VALUE int targetHeight.. aspect ratio and size for Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight Cannot..

Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails


camera.startPreview static Camera.Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Camera.Size sizes int w int h final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 final double MAX_DOWNSIZE 1.5 double targetRatio double w h if sizes null return null Camera.Size optimalSize null double.. phones there is not enough heap available to show the larger preview sizes continue if Math.abs ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight Cannot.. height private Size getOptimalPreviewSize List Size sizes int width int height Size optimalSize null final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 double targetRatio double height width Try to find a size match which suits the whole screen minus the menu on the left...