

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:19

android Programming Glossary: aurl

ProcessDialog is not appearing properly?


@Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl String responseString DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient.. @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl String responseString HttpClient client try HttpClient client.. client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet aurl 0 url HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity..

Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask


@Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl int count try URL url new URL aurl 0 URLConnection conexion.. String... aurl int count try URL url new URL aurl 0 URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect.. output new FileOutputStream root.getAbsolutePath videos aurl 1 byte data new byte 10485760 long total 0 while count input.read..

Android: How to run asynctask from different class file?


@Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL.. @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL u..

how to show progress bar status by percentage


@Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl int count try URL url new URL aurl 0 URLConnection conexion.. String... aurl int count try URL url new URL aurl 0 URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect..

AsyncTask ImageView from image web using setImageBitmap


String... params TODO Auto generated method stub try URL aURL new URL imageUrl final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection.. try URL aURL new URL imageUrl final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect final BufferedInputStream bis..

Connection Reset by Peer Java Exception


by Peer Java Exception URL uri null try uri new URL aURL catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block..

Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask


download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect.. Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream.. download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect..

How to use setImageUri() on Android


Bitmap getImageBitmap String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect.. Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream..

How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database?


ImageView i new ImageView this.myContext try URL aURL new URL myRemoteImages position URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection.. aURL new URL myRemoteImages position URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream..

Android ImageGetter images overlapping text


public Drawable fetchDrawable String urlString try URL aURL new URL urlString final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection.. try URL aURL new URL urlString final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect final BufferedInputStream bis..

ProcessDialog is not appearing properly?


context pDialog.setMessage Authenticating user... pDialog.show @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl String responseString DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet.. context pDialog.setMessage Authenticating user... pDialog.show @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl String responseString HttpClient client try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet aurl 0 url HttpResponse.. aurl String responseString HttpClient client try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet aurl 0 url HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null responseString..

Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask


super.onPreExecute showDialog DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl int count try URL url new URL aurl 0 URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect File root android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl int count try URL url new URL aurl 0 URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect File root android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream root.getAbsolutePath videos aurl 1 byte data new byte 10485760 long total 0 while count input.read data 1 total count publishProgress int total 100 lenghtOfFile..

Android: How to run asynctask from different class file?


super.onPreExecute showDialog DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection u.openConnection.. super.onPreExecute showDialog DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection c HttpURLConnection u.openConnection..

how to show progress bar status by percentage


super.onPreExecute showDialog DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl int count try URL url new URL aurl 0 URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength.. DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS @Override protected String doInBackground String... aurl int count try URL url new URL aurl 0 URLConnection conexion url.openConnection conexion.connect int lenghtOfFile conexion.getContentLength Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC..

AsyncTask ImageView from image web using setImageBitmap


progress.show protected String doInBackground String... params TODO Auto generated method stub try URL aURL new URL imageUrl final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect final BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream.. String... params TODO Auto generated method stub try URL aURL new URL imageUrl final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect final BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream conn.getInputStream final Bitmap bm..

Connection Reset by Peer Java Exception


Reset by Peer Java Exception URL uri null try uri new URL aURL catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch block Log.e My SOCKET CONNECTION ERROR 1 e.toString e.printStackTrace..

Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask


... mChart.setImageBitmap download_Image URL public static Bitmap download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream.. URL public static Bitmap download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bm.. result how do I pass a reference to mChart here private Bitmap download_Image String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis..

How to use setImageUri() on Android


uri imagebutton share improve this question private Bitmap getImageBitmap String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream.. this question private Bitmap getImageBitmap String url Bitmap bm null try URL aURL new URL url URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bm..

How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database?


View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent ImageView i new ImageView this.myContext try URL aURL new URL myRemoteImages position URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream.. parent ImageView i new ImageView this.myContext try URL aURL new URL myRemoteImages position URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect InputStream is conn.getInputStream Buffered is always good for a performance plus. BufferedInputStream..

Android ImageGetter images overlapping text


Get the Drawable from URL @param urlString @return public Drawable fetchDrawable String urlString try URL aURL new URL urlString final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect final BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream.. @return public Drawable fetchDrawable String urlString try URL aURL new URL urlString final URLConnection conn aURL.openConnection conn.connect final BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream conn.getInputStream final Bitmap bm..