

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:46

android Programming Glossary: bufferedreader.readline

Read logcat programmatically within application


StringBuilder log new StringBuilder String line while line bufferedReader.readLine null log.append line TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.textView1..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


String bufferedStrChunk null while bufferedStrChunk bufferedReader.readLine null stringBuilder.append bufferedStrChunk Firendslist_Detail..

How To Read/Write String From A File In Android


stringBuilder new StringBuilder while receiveString bufferedReader.readLine null stringBuilder.append receiveString inputStream.close..

Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service


numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine null System.out.println 'Reading File..............................

Android file copy


new BufferedReader stringReader for String line bufferedReader.readLine TODO Handle each line appropriately or something Log.d Reading..

Write android logcat data to a file


StringBuilder log new StringBuilder String line while line bufferedReader.readLine null log.append line TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.textView1..

How to find Location near by my Current location?


urlConnection.getInputStream 8 String line while line bufferedReader.readLine null content.append line n bufferedReader.close catch Exception..

how can i access logcat file on device


new InputStreamReader process.getInputStream 1024 bufferedReader.readLine Store this bufferedReader in an string or string builder to..

Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory


read StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder while read bufferedReader.readLine null builder.append read Log.d Output builder.toString bufferedReader.close..

HTTP POST response into WebView in android


LineSeparator System.getProperty line.separator while line bufferedReader.readLine null stringBuffer.append line LineSeparator bufferedReader.close..

Read logcat programmatically within application


BufferedReader new InputStreamReader process.getInputStream StringBuilder log new StringBuilder String line while line bufferedReader.readLine null log.append line TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.textView1 tv.setText log.toString catch IOException e This code..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


inputStreamReader StringBuilder stringBuilder new StringBuilder String bufferedStrChunk null while bufferedStrChunk bufferedReader.readLine null stringBuilder.append bufferedStrChunk Firendslist_Detail stringBuilder.toString catch ClientProtocolException cpe..

How To Read/Write String From A File In Android


inputStreamReader String receiveString StringBuilder stringBuilder new StringBuilder while receiveString bufferedReader.readLine null stringBuilder.append receiveString inputStream.close ret stringBuilder.toString catch FileNotFoundException e Log.e..

Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service


numRead stream.read data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine null System.out.println 'Reading File............................ System.out.println n System.out.println Data Reading Successful..

Android file copy


Write android logcat data to a file


BufferedReader new InputStreamReader process.getInputStream StringBuilder log new StringBuilder String line while line bufferedReader.readLine null log.append line TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.textView1 tv.setText log.toString catch IOException e share..

How to find Location near by my Current location?


bufferedReader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader urlConnection.getInputStream 8 String line while line bufferedReader.readLine null content.append line n bufferedReader.close catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return content.toString Now create..

how can i access logcat file on device


new String 0 BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader process.getInputStream 1024 bufferedReader.readLine Store this bufferedReader in an string or string builder to check your logs yes you need permission in your manifest file..

Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory


HTTP POST response into WebView in android


stringBuffer new StringBuffer String line String LineSeparator System.getProperty line.separator while line bufferedReader.readLine null stringBuffer.append line LineSeparator bufferedReader.close String webData stringBuffer.toString Log.i TAG web data..