

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:10:58

android Programming Glossary: c.drawbitmap

Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask


bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl.. ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter..

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


paint1 c.drawCircle radius radius radius paint2 draw icon c.drawBitmap icon radius icon.getWidth 2 radius icon.getHeight 2 new Paint..

How can i work with Android EffectFactory Class?


f new ColorMatrixColorFilter cm paint.setColorFilter f c.drawBitmap bmpOriginal 0 0 paint return bmpGrayscale share improve this..

Drawable => grayscale


Android View.onDraw() always has a clean Canvas


0 0 10 10 paint draw the bitmap to the real canvas c c.drawBitmap bitmap new Rect 0 0 bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight new Rect..

Android drawing cache


draw Canvas c I do Bitmap cac getDrawingCache if cac null c.drawBitmap cac 0 0 new Paint return Yet the getDrawingCache returns null..

Android and MJPEG


bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl.. ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter..

Android Drop Shadow on View


ARGB here can't remember. Canvas c new Canvas shadowImage c.drawBitmap originalBitmap offsetXY 0 offsetXY 1 null Then put shadowImage..

How to prevent Android's drawBitmap from only drawing black images?


shadowPaint offsetXY Canvas c new Canvas shadowImage c.drawBitmap originalBitmap offsetXY 0 offsetXY 1 null imageView.setImageBitmap.. true Canvas c new Canvas shadowImage32 c.drawBitmap originalBitmap offsetXY 0 offsetXY 1 null imageView.setImageBitmap..

Android Edit Bitmap Channels


height greenPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height bluePaint c.drawBitmap alphaImg 0 0 alphaPaint save off resultImage display it etc.....

Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps


TileMode.CLAMP Canvas c new Canvas c.setBitmap result c.drawBitmap base 0 0 null c.drawRect 0 0 base.getWidth base.getHeight p..

Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap


drawPaint.setFilterBitmap false drawPaint.setDither true c.drawBitmap image matrix drawPaint Any insight would be greatly appreciated...

How can I manipulate the camera preview?


i int rgbbuffer i decodeYUV rgbbuffer data 100 100 c.drawBitmap rgbints 0 256 0 0 256 256 false new Paint Log.d SOMETHING Got..

live wallpaper with images


Canvas c null try c holder.lockCanvas if c null c.drawBitmap image1 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image2 0 0 null c.drawBitmap.. if c null c.drawBitmap image1 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image2 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image3 0 0 null finally if.. image1 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image2 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image3 0 0 null finally if c null holder.unlockCanvasAndPost..

Android : Converting color image to grayscale [duplicate]


f new ColorMatrixColorFilter cm paint.setColorFilter f c.drawBitmap bmpOriginal 0 0 paint return bmpGrayscale share improve this..

Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask


mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null height ovlPos 1 1 destRect.top destRect.bottom ovl.getHeight.. ovlPos 1 1 destRect.top destRect.bottom ovl.getHeight width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf..

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


radius icon.getWidth 2 c.drawCircle radius radius radius paint1 c.drawCircle radius radius radius paint2 draw icon c.drawBitmap icon radius icon.getWidth 2 radius icon.getHeight 2 new Paint return b 4. calculate image offset private LatLng getCoords..

How can i work with Android EffectFactory Class?


Drawable => grayscale


Android View.onDraw() always has a clean Canvas


maybe only the parts of animation that changed canvas.drawRect 0 0 10 10 paint draw the bitmap to the real canvas c c.drawBitmap bitmap new Rect 0 0 bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight new Rect 0 0 bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight null share improve..

Android drawing cache


constructor I call setDrawingCacheEnabled true Then in the draw Canvas c I do Bitmap cac getDrawingCache if cac null c.drawBitmap cac 0 0 new Paint return Yet the getDrawingCache returns null to me. My draw is not called neither from setDrawingCacheEnabled..

Android and MJPEG


mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null height ovlPos 1 1 destRect.top destRect.bottom ovl.getHeight.. ovlPos 1 1 destRect.top destRect.bottom ovl.getHeight width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf..

Android Drop Shadow on View


offsetXY Might need to convert shadowImage from 8 bit to ARGB here can't remember. Canvas c new Canvas shadowImage c.drawBitmap originalBitmap offsetXY 0 offsetXY 1 null Then put shadowImage into your ImageView. If this image never changes but is display..

How to prevent Android's drawBitmap from only drawing black images?


R.drawable.pier_t Bitmap shadowImage originalBitmap.extractAlpha shadowPaint offsetXY Canvas c new Canvas shadowImage c.drawBitmap originalBitmap offsetXY 0 offsetXY 1 null imageView.setImageBitmap shadowImage UPDATE I implemented Josh's suggestion about.. offsetXY Bitmap shadowImage32 shadowImage.copy Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 true Canvas c new Canvas shadowImage32 c.drawBitmap originalBitmap offsetXY 0 offsetXY 1 null imageView.setImageBitmap shadowImage32 android paint blur shadow drawbitmap..

Android Edit Bitmap Channels


c.drawRect 0 0 width height redPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height greenPaint c.drawRect 0 0 width height bluePaint c.drawBitmap alphaImg 0 0 alphaPaint save off resultImage display it etc... With the above code and the following 4 images red green..

Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps


Mode.MULTIPLY p.setShader new BitmapShader blend TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Canvas c new Canvas c.setBitmap result c.drawBitmap base 0 0 null c.drawRect 0 0 base.getWidth base.getHeight p With that you aren't doing the per pixel calculations but you..

Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap


Paint drawPaint new Paint drawPaint.setAntiAlias false drawPaint.setFilterBitmap false drawPaint.setDither true c.drawBitmap image matrix drawPaint Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks android image manipulation share improve this..

How can I manipulate the camera preview?


bwCounter 256 for int i 0 i rgbints.length i rgbints i int rgbbuffer i decodeYUV rgbbuffer data 100 100 c.drawBitmap rgbints 0 256 0 0 256 256 false new Paint Log.d SOMETHING Got Bitmap finally do this in a finally so that if an exception..

live wallpaper with images


void drawFrame final SurfaceHolder holder getSurfaceHolder Canvas c null try c holder.lockCanvas if c null c.drawBitmap image1 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image2 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image3 0 0 null finally if c null holder.unlockCanvasAndPost.. holder getSurfaceHolder Canvas c null try c holder.lockCanvas if c null c.drawBitmap image1 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image2 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image3 0 0 null finally if c null holder.unlockCanvasAndPost c This code just display.. Canvas c null try c holder.lockCanvas if c null c.drawBitmap image1 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image2 0 0 null c.drawBitmap image3 0 0 null finally if c null holder.unlockCanvasAndPost c This code just display the pictures too quickly because..

Android : Converting color image to grayscale [duplicate]
