

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:10

android Programming Glossary: chip

What NFC tags does the Nexus 7 Support? (2012)


improve this question Nexus 7 contains the same NFC chip PN544 by NXP Semiconductors as Nexus S Galaxy Nexus Nexus Q.. to somewhat varying results . Blackberry contains an NFC chip by a different manufacturer. MIFARE Classic is a technology.. is a technology by NXP so it is supported by NXP's NFC chips but generally not by other manufacturers. When choosing a tag..

android device id confusion


Internet which is an IP network . A telephony module is a chip or circuit board that handles the telephone network either GSM..

How to capture raw image from android camera


which does not necessarily mean pretty. The raw camera chip capture format is bayer. android camera share improve this..

does single thread application utilize multi core in android?


at the same time. Having said that please be aware that chipset manufacturers like Qualcomm are developing intelligent processors.. multiple threads. To get the most out of your multi core chip you would rather create a multi threaded app with maximum possible..

Why my opengl output differs for various devices?


next tile. Because this tile based approach uses a fast on chip tile buffer the GPU only writes the tile buffer contents to..

Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable


to which I am trying to connect is based on TI's CC2541 chip. I obtained a TI SensorTag also based on the CC2541 to play.. I'm starting to wonder if it's an issue with this specific chip android bluetooth bluetooth lowenergy android bluetooth android..

Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android


to connect to an embedded device with a BlueSMiRF Gold chip. My working Python code using the PyBluez library which I'd.. from my Linux host comes up empty so I surmise that the chip in question simply lacks SDP support. android bluetooth rfcomm..

Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ)


all players and well established ecosystem banks MNO NFC chip producers phone manufacturers TSM . They are still options for.. element in UICC instead of the embedded one in SmartMX chip . Although not related removing time limit to bluetooth discoverability.. system library are the places to look at. Embedded SmartMX chip inside Nexus S presents itself as a dual smartcard. A programable..

How to use OpenCL on Android?


OpenCL are the ones based on the Mali T600 family of chips article here . They have an OpenCL SDK here . Apparently it.. profile as well. The Nexus 10 is a device that uses such a chip. The Samsung Exynos 5 dual SoC uses a Mali T604 so anything..

How to Connect External NFC Card Reader to Tablet


library in Android 2.3 and 4.0 only supports the PN544 NFC chip by NXP Semiconductors. I don't think there are any card readers.. are any card readers on the market that use it as this chip is specifically designed for use in mobile devices. You may.. of the Android NFC API that support other NFC chips though. Another issue may be that your tablet most likely does..

Google Android USB Driver and ADB


the same for the same Device OEM for example MSI gets usb chip in MSI enjoy tablet from a company and usb chip in MSI enjoy.. gets usb chip in MSI enjoy tablet from a company and usb chip in MSI enjoy plus tablets in another company rockchip . How.. usb chip in MSI enjoy plus tablets in another company rockchip . How to get the vid and pid they are in drivers you are merging..

What NFC tags does the Nexus 7 Support? (2012)


has on this issue would be helpful. android nfc nexus 7 share improve this question Nexus 7 contains the same NFC chip PN544 by NXP Semiconductors as Nexus S Galaxy Nexus Nexus Q Samsung Galaxy S3 HTC One X and many other Android devices... tag types in principle antenna performance may differ leading to somewhat varying results . Blackberry contains an NFC chip by a different manufacturer. MIFARE Classic is a technology by NXP so it is supported by NXP's NFC chips but generally not.. an NFC chip by a different manufacturer. MIFARE Classic is a technology by NXP so it is supported by NXP's NFC chips but generally not by other manufacturers. When choosing a tag type that should work on all or the majority of devices I..

android device id confusion


phone over the GSM network right up to the gateway into the Internet which is an IP network . A telephony module is a chip or circuit board that handles the telephone network either GSM or CMDA and often has a slot for a removable SIM card. Some..

How to capture raw image from android camera


working on needs the most detailed image the camera can produce which does not necessarily mean pretty. The raw camera chip capture format is bayer. android camera share improve this question The android at least mine has 2 camera parameters..

does single thread application utilize multi core in android?


times it can not be sub divided and execute by different cores at the same time. Having said that please be aware that chipset manufacturers like Qualcomm are developing intelligent processors capable of sub dividing your single threaded app into.. to utilize multi core the single thread was sub divided into multiple threads. To get the most out of your multi core chip you would rather create a multi threaded app with maximum possible asynchronous threads so as to have optimum utilization..

Why my opengl output differs for various devices?


for all pixels in that tile before starting work on the next tile. Because this tile based approach uses a fast on chip tile buffer the GPU only writes the tile buffer contents to the framebuffer in main memory at the end of each tile. Non..

Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable


able to discover services characteristics. EDIT 2 The device to which I am trying to connect is based on TI's CC2541 chip. I obtained a TI SensorTag also based on the CC2541 to play around with and discovered that TI released an android app for.. discover services thereafter causing all sorts of crashes. I'm starting to wonder if it's an issue with this specific chip android bluetooth bluetooth lowenergy android bluetooth android 4.3 share improve this question Work around I could..

Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android


to connect to that socket. I'm trying to connect to an embedded device with a BlueSMiRF Gold chip. My working Python code using the PyBluez library which I'd like to port to Android is as follows sock bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.. lookup of a UUID I'm slightly at a loss. Using sdptool browse from my Linux host comes up empty so I surmise that the chip in question simply lacks SDP support. android bluetooth rfcomm share improve this question Ok the short answer is I..

Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ)


mentioned services use cases needs a lot coordination of all players and well established ecosystem banks MNO NFC chip producers phone manufacturers TSM . They are still options for p2p applications tags reading but many functionality will.. being the only one working. Selecting an external secure element in UICC instead of the embedded one in SmartMX chip . Although not related removing time limit to bluetooth discoverability option. What I have found out about NFC card emulation.. Alteration of Nfc system application and libnfc nxp system library are the places to look at. Embedded SmartMX chip inside Nexus S presents itself as a dual smartcard. A programable one allowing installing of cardlets on it based and a..

How to use OpenCL on Android?


this question The only Android devices I know that support OpenCL are the ones based on the Mali T600 family of chips article here . They have an OpenCL SDK here . Apparently it is OpenCL 1.1 full profile as well. The Nexus 10 is a device.. have an OpenCL SDK here . Apparently it is OpenCL 1.1 full profile as well. The Nexus 10 is a device that uses such a chip. The Samsung Exynos 5 dual SoC uses a Mali T604 so anything using this supposedly could be used with the Mali T600 OpenCL..

How to Connect External NFC Card Reader to Tablet


cardreader share improve this question The built in NFC library in Android 2.3 and 4.0 only supports the PN544 NFC chip by NXP Semiconductors. I don't think there are any card readers on the market that use it as this chip is specifically designed.. the PN544 NFC chip by NXP Semiconductors. I don't think there are any card readers on the market that use it as this chip is specifically designed for use in mobile devices. You may be able to find alternative implementations of the Android NFC.. in mobile devices. You may be able to find alternative implementations of the Android NFC API that support other NFC chips though. Another issue may be that your tablet most likely does not have the required NFC libraries installed including..

Google Android USB Driver and ADB


i go on vid is the usb vendor id it doesn ™t have to be the same for the same Device OEM for example MSI gets usb chip in MSI enjoy tablet from a company and usb chip in MSI enjoy plus tablets in another company rockchip . How to get the vid.. ™t have to be the same for the same Device OEM for example MSI gets usb chip in MSI enjoy tablet from a company and usb chip in MSI enjoy plus tablets in another company rockchip . How to get the vid and pid they are in drivers you are merging but.. MSI gets usb chip in MSI enjoy tablet from a company and usb chip in MSI enjoy plus tablets in another company rockchip . How to get the vid and pid they are in drivers you are merging but if you don ™t have a driver for the device you can get..