

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:13

android Programming Glossary: client_id

Android subscription and Google API


key file_get_contents KEY_FILE client setClientId CLIENT_ID client setClientSecret CLIENT_SECRET client setRedirectUri MY_WEBAPP_URL.. 'grant_type' 'authorization_code' 'code' code 'client_id' CLIENT_ID 'client_secret' CLIENT_SECRET 'redirect_uri' MY_WEBAPP_URL cURL.. 'refresh_token' 'refresh_token' refresh_token 'client_id' CLIENT_ID 'client_secret' CLIENT_SECRET This will give you an access token..

Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API


access_type offline redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI client_id CLIENT_ID Select Allow access when prompted. The browser will be redirected.. nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_id GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_secret GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET.. catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET and GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI are the previously..

“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus


MainActivity extends Activity public static final String CLIENT_ID public static final String CLIENT_SECRET String REDIRECT_URI.. GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder transport jsonFactory CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET SCOPE .setApprovalPrompt force .setAccessType.. transport .setJsonFactory jsonFactory .setClientSecrets CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET .addRefreshListener new CredentialRefreshListener..

Android and Google client API NetHttptransport Class not found


new JacksonFactory private static final String CLIENT_ID XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX private static final String CLIENT_SECRET XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.. String authorizeUrl new GoogleAuthorizationRequestUrl CLIENT_ID CALLBACK_URL SCOPE .build BufferedReader in new BufferedReader.. new GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authorizationCode CALLBACK_URL authRequest.useBasicAuthorization..

Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb


String CALLBACK_URL urn ietf wg oauth 2.0 oob String CLIENT_ID myClientID String CLIENT_SECRET myClientSecret String authorizeUrl.. String authorizeUrl new GoogleAuthorizationRequestUrl CLIENT_ID CALLBACK_URL SCOPE .build String authorizationCode At this point.. new GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authorizationCode CALLBACK_URL authRequest.useBasicAuthorization..

Is it possible to extend Facebook tokens with extendAccessTokenIfNeeded in an Android app?


you to call https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token client_id APP_ID client_secret APP_SECRET grant_type fb_exchange_token..

Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API


code access_type offline redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI client_id CLIENT_ID Select Allow access when prompted. The browser will.. nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_id GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_secret.. refresh_token nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_id GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_secret..

Am I getting the steps right for verifying a user's Android in-app subscription?


code access_type offline redirect_uri YOUR REDIRECT URI client_id YOUR CLIENT ID and allow access when prompted. Look in the address.. with the BasicNameValuePairs grant_type refresh_token client_id YOUR CLIENT ID client_secret YOUR CLIENT SECRET refresh_token..

Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException


mRequestingActivity mSelectedAccount oauth2 server client_id Constants.GOOGLE_PLUS_SERVER_OAUTH_CLIENT api_scope SCOPES_LOGIN..

Single Sign On for Android Facebook


Make sure both apps reference the same Facebook app client_id and client_secret . Once the user authorizes one of your Android..

Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error


parameters.putString type user_agent parameters.putString client_id mAppId else parameters.putString app_id mAppId if isSessionValid..

Android subscription and Google API


Client data and going to client createAuthUrl client new apiClient key file_get_contents KEY_FILE client setClientId CLIENT_ID client setClientSecret CLIENT_SECRET client setRedirectUri MY_WEBAPP_URL client setDeveloperKey key client setScopes array.. url 'https accounts.google.com o oauth2 token' fields array 'grant_type' 'authorization_code' 'code' code 'client_id' CLIENT_ID 'client_secret' CLIENT_SECRET 'redirect_uri' MY_WEBAPP_URL cURL call to OAuth URL with fields sent as POST This should return.. token but with different fields fields array 'grant_type' 'refresh_token' 'refresh_token' refresh_token 'client_id' CLIENT_ID 'client_secret' CLIENT_SECRET This will give you an access token you can use to get purchase data from the following URL..

Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API


www.googleapis.com auth androidpublisher response_type code access_type offline redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI client_id CLIENT_ID Select Allow access when prompted. The browser will be redirected to your redirect URI with a code parameter which will.. new BasicNameValuePair grant_type authorization_code nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_id GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_secret GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair code.. refreshToken json.getString refresh_token return refreshToken catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return null GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET and GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI are the previously values. Finally we have our refresh token This value does..

“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus


E result exception 26301 and my code is blow public class MainActivity extends Activity public static final String CLIENT_ID public static final String CLIENT_SECRET String REDIRECT_URI http localhost String REDIRECT_URI urn ietf wg oauth 2.0.. final GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder transport jsonFactory CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET SCOPE .setApprovalPrompt force .setAccessType offline .build String url flow.newAuthorizationUrl .setRedirectUri.. credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport transport .setJsonFactory jsonFactory .setClientSecrets CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET .addRefreshListener new CredentialRefreshListener @Override public void onTokenResponse Credential..

Android and Google client API NetHttptransport Class not found


new NetHttpTransport private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory private static final String CLIENT_ID XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX private static final String CLIENT_SECRET XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. R.layout.main Generate the URL to which we will direct users String authorizeUrl new GoogleAuthorizationRequestUrl CLIENT_ID CALLBACK_URL SCOPE .build BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader System.in try String authorizationCode.. and refresh token GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant authRequest new GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authorizationCode CALLBACK_URL authRequest.useBasicAuthorization false AccessTokenResponse authResponse authRequest.execute..

Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb


String SCOPE https www.googleapis.com auth calendar String CALLBACK_URL urn ietf wg oauth 2.0 oob String CLIENT_ID myClientID String CLIENT_SECRET myClientSecret String authorizeUrl new GoogleAuthorizationRequestUrl CLIENT_ID CALLBACK_URL.. String CLIENT_ID myClientID String CLIENT_SECRET myClientSecret String authorizeUrl new GoogleAuthorizationRequestUrl CLIENT_ID CALLBACK_URL SCOPE .build String authorizationCode At this point I have to manually go to the authorizeUrl and grab the.. while in debug mode GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant authRequest new GoogleAuthorizationCodeGrant TRANSPORT JSON_FACTORY CLIENT_ID CLIENT_SECRET authorizationCode CALLBACK_URL authRequest.useBasicAuthorization false AccessTokenResponse authResponse authRequest.execute..

Is it possible to extend Facebook tokens with extendAccessTokenIfNeeded in an Android app?


a similar function of CURL within Android that will allow you to call https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token client_id APP_ID client_secret APP_SECRET grant_type fb_exchange_token fb_exchange_token EXISTING_ACCESS_TOKEN google revealed http..

Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API


scope https www.googleapis.com auth androidpublisher response_type code access_type offline redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI client_id CLIENT_ID Select Allow access when prompted. The browser will be redirected to your redirect URI with a code parameter which.. 5 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair grant_type authorization_code nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_id GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_secret GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair.. 4 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair grant_type refresh_token nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_id GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair client_secret GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair..

Am I getting the steps right for verifying a user's Android in-app subscription?


https www.googleapis.com auth androidpublisher response_type code access_type offline redirect_uri YOUR REDIRECT URI client_id YOUR CLIENT ID and allow access when prompted. Look in the address bar. At the end of the URI you entered originally will.. an HttpPost request to https accounts.google.com o oauth2 token with the BasicNameValuePairs grant_type refresh_token client_id YOUR CLIENT ID client_secret YOUR CLIENT SECRET refresh_token YOUR REFRESH TOKEN . For an example look here . You will need..

Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException


ACTIVITIES_LOGIN token GoogleAuthUtil.getToken mRequestingActivity mSelectedAccount oauth2 server client_id Constants.GOOGLE_PLUS_SERVER_OAUTH_CLIENT api_scope SCOPES_LOGIN b catch IOException transientEx Network or server error..

Single Sign On for Android Facebook


android facebook single sign on share improve this question Make sure both apps reference the same Facebook app client_id and client_secret . Once the user authorizes one of your Android apps store their access_token and share it between both..

Facebook friends dialog returns “Unknown method” error


redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI if action.equals LOGIN parameters.putString type user_agent parameters.putString client_id mAppId else parameters.putString app_id mAppId if isSessionValid parameters.putString TOKEN getAccessToken String url endpoint..