

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:17

android Programming Glossary: com.google.android.gsf

com.google.android.gsf package couldn't be found


package couldn't be found I am trying to use new Google Cloud Messaging system but I have some problems. I read Getting.. main 07 05 07 06 31.925 E AndroidRuntime 691 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Device does not have package com.google.android.gsf 07 05 07 06 31.925 E AndroidRuntime 691 at com.google.android.gcm.GCMRegistrar.checkDevice GCMRegistrar.java 83 07 05 07..

Google Cloud Messaging register AUTHENTICATION_FAILED


intent intent.putExtra sender senderIds context.startService intent The difference in one row In GCM library it is com.google.android.gsf where gsf is Google Services Framework I guess and it works In Google Play Services API jar it is com.google.android.gms..

Get list of active PendingIntents in AlarmManager


OF SERVICE alarm Current Alarm Manager state Realtime wakeup now 1309361618777 RTC_WAKEUP #5 Alarm 4822f618 type 0 com.google.android.gsf type 0 when 1309882326582 repeatInterval 522747000 count 0 operation PendingIntent 47dd3740 PendingIntentRecord 4822aeb8.. 0 when 1309882326582 repeatInterval 522747000 count 0 operation PendingIntent 47dd3740 PendingIntentRecord 4822aeb8 com.google.android.gsf broadcastIntent ... RTC #5 Alarm 4810f9d8 type 1 com.tmobile.selfhelp type 1 when 1309445979715 repeatInterval 86400000.. Stats com.google.android.location 3ms running 1 wakeups 1 alarms act com.google.android.location.ALARM_WAKEUP flg 0x4 com.google.android.gsf 274ms running 4 wakeups 1 alarms flg 0x4 1 alarms act com.google.android.intent.action.GTALK_RECONNECT flg 0x4 2 alarms..