

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:29

android Programming Glossary: contentresolver.insert

Write sent sms to content://sms/sent table


You need to create a new thread_id manually a normal contentResolver.insert ... won't do for multiple recipient messages. To create the..

Android SMS API


values new ContentValues values.put address 457014921911 contentResolver.insert Uri.parse content sms values Unfortunately this does not trigger..

android adding number to Call logs


Log.d TAG Inserting call log placeholder for number contentResolver.insert CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI values Code taken from Google Voice..

audio and video recording errors in android


MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Uri newUri contentResolver.insert base values this does not always seem to work cleanly.... sendBroadcast..

Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity


e e.printStackTrace Push row into the SMS table contentResolver.insert Uri.parse SMS_URI values android sms share improve this..

Difficulty in sending location of user 1 to user 2 and user 2's location to user 1?


SEEN MESSAGE_IS_NOT_SEEN Push row into the SMS table contentResolver.insert Uri.parse SMS_URI values Can anyone tell me where am I doing..

How to create a contact programmatically [duplicate]


contentValues.put Phone.NUMBER 123254 Uri uri contentResolver.insert android.provider.ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI contentValues..

Insert multiple events in Android calendar


Uri.parse content com.android.calendar calendars Uri url contentResolver.insert eventsUri event String ret url.toString return ret When you..

Write sent sms to content://sms/sent table


sms android contentprovider share improve this question You need to create a new thread_id manually a normal contentResolver.insert ... won't do for multiple recipient messages. To create the new thread_id you query the following uri content mms sms threadID..

Android SMS API


to insert an SMS into your inbox ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put address 457014921911 contentResolver.insert Uri.parse content sms values Unfortunately this does not trigger the standard new SMS in your inbox notification. Is it..

android adding number to Call logs


0 values.put CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL Log.d TAG Inserting call log placeholder for number contentResolver.insert CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI values Code taken from Google Voice Callback for Android Remember to add the permissions in the..

audio and video recording errors in android


ContentResolver contentResolver getContentResolver Uri base MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Uri newUri contentResolver.insert base values this does not always seem to work cleanly.... sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE..

Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity


.toString values.put BODY encryptedPassword catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Push row into the SMS table contentResolver.insert Uri.parse SMS_URI values android sms share improve this question try this code you get sms for pertucular number import..

Difficulty in sending location of user 1 to user 2 and user 2's location to user 1?


sms.getStatus values.put TYPE MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX values.put SEEN MESSAGE_IS_NOT_SEEN Push row into the SMS table contentResolver.insert Uri.parse SMS_URI values Can anyone tell me where am I doing wrong pastebin.com 53ZJH3iN this is the file which reply back..

How to create a contact programmatically [duplicate]


contentValues.put Data.MIMETYPE Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE contentValues.put Phone.NUMBER 123254 Uri uri contentResolver.insert android.provider.ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI contentValues if uri null success false ArrayList ContentProviderOperation..

Insert multiple events in Android calendar


contentResolver this.context.getContentResolver Uri eventsUri Uri.parse content com.android.calendar calendars Uri url contentResolver.insert eventsUri event String ret url.toString return ret When you insert one event successfully a string represent uri of the..