

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:24

android Programming Glossary: extras.getstring

Trying To Upload To Dropbox: NetworkOnMainThreadException?


0 32 else noteTitle wholeNoteString if extras.getString file mode .equals modify We will need to delete the existing.. documents AppData Dropnotes extras.getString noteTitle existing.delete File newNote new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..

Individual screen is showing instead of a tabhost in android eclipse


Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null result extras.getString goto tv EditText findViewById R.id.editText_output tv.setText..

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?


extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null Log.i dd Extra extras.getString item_id The extras is always null and I never gets anything..

How do you pass a string from one activity to another? [duplicate]


extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null String value extras.getString key get the value based on the key To pass cusotm objects you..

Can't connect to WCF service on Android


if extras null this.finish String username extras.getString username String password extras.getString password Boolean.. String username extras.getString username String password extras.getString password Boolean validUser false try SoapObject request new..

Android: passing paramters between classes


if extras null float foo extras.getFloat foo String bar extras.getString bar This allows you to pass basic data to Activities. However..

Android-Video View in Fullscreen


Intent i getIntent Bundle extras i.getExtras filename extras.getString videofilename VideoView vv new VideoView getApplicationContext..

Get Android Google Analytics referrer tag


Bundle extras intent.getExtras String referrerString extras.getString referrer Next line uses my helper function to parse a query..

Get referrer after installing app from Android Market


Bundle extras intent.getExtras String referrerString extras.getString referrer Log.w TEST Referrer is referrerString However when.. application starts for the first time. 2. The referrer ...extras.getString referrer .. is fixed but the contents can be any string value..

What is the importance of bundle in a Android Program


values by... Bundle extras intent.getExtras String tmp extras.getString myKey you can also find more info on android using bundle for..

How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data


.getExtras if extras null newString null else newString extras.getString STRING_I_NEED else newString String savedInstanceState.getSerializable..

Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter


Item_Click adapter new EfficientAdapter this ComputerName extras.getString COMPUTER_NAME Get User list from webservice ShowUsers Here is..

How to crop image in android


getIntent Bundle extras intent.getExtras if extras null if extras.getString circleCrop null mCircleCrop true mAspectX 1 mAspectY 1 mImagePath.. null mCircleCrop true mAspectX 1 mAspectY 1 mImagePath extras.getString image path mSaveUri getImageUri mImagePath mBitmap getBitmap..

how to return value to parameter in between getintent and putintents


Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras String name extras.getString name if name null TextView text1 TextView findViewById R.id.productname..

How to pass drawable between activities


file Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras String fileName extras.getString picname Make drawable out of the picture File filePath getFileStreamPath..

Splash screen while loading a url in a webview in android app


R.layout.visor Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras String s extras.getString url mWebView WebView findViewById R.id.webview mWebView.getSettings..

Trying To Upload To Dropbox: NetworkOnMainThreadException?


if wholeNoteString.length 32 noteTitle wholeNoteString.substring 0 32 else noteTitle wholeNoteString if extras.getString file mode .equals modify We will need to delete the existing file if it does exist to save the new one. File existing.. exist to save the new one. File existing new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory documents AppData Dropnotes extras.getString noteTitle existing.delete File newNote new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory documents AppData Dropnotes noteTitle..

Individual screen is showing instead of a tabhost in android eclipse


Tab_1.this String answer sharedPreferences.getString your Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null result extras.getString goto tv EditText findViewById R.id.editText_output tv.setText result Thanks for your precious time android eclipse sharedpreferences..

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?


savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null Log.i dd Extra extras.getString item_id The extras is always null and I never gets anything into my log. Btw... the onCreate is only run when my activity..

How do you pass a string from one activity to another? [duplicate]


startActiivty i In your second activity retrieve it. Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null String value extras.getString key get the value based on the key To pass cusotm objects you can have a look at this link http www.technotalkative.com..

Can't connect to WCF service on Android


Intent intent getIntent Bundle extras intent.getExtras if extras null this.finish String username extras.getString username String password extras.getString password Boolean validUser false try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE.. Bundle extras intent.getExtras if extras null this.finish String username extras.getString username String password extras.getString password Boolean validUser false try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME PropertyInfo uName new PropertyInfo..

Android: passing paramters between classes


inside your new activity Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null float foo extras.getFloat foo String bar extras.getString bar This allows you to pass basic data to Activities. However you may need a bit more work for passing arbitrary objects..

Android-Video View in Fullscreen


savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState System.gc Intent i getIntent Bundle extras i.getExtras filename extras.getString videofilename VideoView vv new VideoView getApplicationContext setContentView vv vv.setVideoPath filename vv.setMediaController..

Get Android Google Analytics referrer tag


@Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Bundle extras intent.getExtras String referrerString extras.getString referrer Next line uses my helper function to parse a query eg a b c d into key value pairs HashMap String String getParams..

Get referrer after installing app from Android Market


@Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Bundle extras intent.getExtras String referrerString extras.getString referrer Log.w TEST Referrer is referrerString However when the app is installed the receiver doesn't seem to catch the.. will be catched during the install process not when the application starts for the first time. 2. The referrer ...extras.getString referrer .. is fixed but the contents can be any string value that respect the http get syntax ...referrer thatsthevalue..

What is the importance of bundle in a Android Program


myKey AnyValue startActivity intent Now you can get the passed values by... Bundle extras intent.getExtras String tmp extras.getString myKey you can also find more info on android using bundle for sharing variables and Passing Bundles Around Activities share..

How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data


Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter


R.id.ObjectList objectListView.setOnItemClickListener Item_Click adapter new EfficientAdapter this ComputerName extras.getString COMPUTER_NAME Get User list from webservice ShowUsers Here is The User class public class User private int UserId private..

How to crop image in android


findViewById R.id.image showStorageToast this Intent intent getIntent Bundle extras intent.getExtras if extras null if extras.getString circleCrop null mCircleCrop true mAspectX 1 mAspectY 1 mImagePath extras.getString image path mSaveUri getImageUri mImagePath.. intent.getExtras if extras null if extras.getString circleCrop null mCircleCrop true mAspectX 1 mAspectY 1 mImagePath extras.getString image path mSaveUri getImageUri mImagePath mBitmap getBitmap mImagePath mAspectX extras.getInt aspectX mAspectY extras.getInt..

how to return value to parameter in between getintent and putintents


R.id.button1 Button removeButton Button findViewById R.id.button3 Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras String name extras.getString name if name null TextView text1 TextView findViewById R.id.productname text1.setText productName SHOW HIDE 'ADD' 'REMOVE'..

How to pass drawable between activities


intent.putExtra picname fileName In Activity B retrieve the file Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras String fileName extras.getString picname Make drawable out of the picture File filePath getFileStreamPath fileName Drawable d Drawable.createFromPath filePath.toString..

Splash screen while loading a url in a webview in android app


super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.visor Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras String s extras.getString url mWebView WebView findViewById R.id.webview mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled..