

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:37

android Programming Glossary: floors

How to track position of an Android device in a building?


because of different signal losses through the walls and floors. You'll need to survey the building and make a signal strength..

How to build a mall map for Android


and you would be able to deal with the issue with multiple floors. If you have a budget and ability to install things in the mall..

Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer


destination place. place is a wide building with several floors. i can obtain retrieve the maps still images . e.g. current.. 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current..

Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED


destination place. place is a wide building with several floors. i can obtain retrieve the maps still images . e.g. current.. 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current.. provided by the location providers to switch between the floors automatically. Routing To represent a routing line with OSMDroid..

How to track position of an Android device in a building?


WiFi signal strengths. But that's also not straightforward because of different signal losses through the walls and floors. You'll need to survey the building and make a signal strength map in advance and then based on the signals you receive..

How to build a mall map for Android


movement in real time but it would be a free solution and you would be able to deal with the issue with multiple floors. If you have a budget and ability to install things in the mall you could put GPS antennas on the roof of the mall in different..

Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer


trying to create a prototype that could guide a person to his destination place. place is a wide building with several floors. i can obtain retrieve the maps still images . e.g. current 1F destination 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th.. obtain retrieve the maps still images . e.g. current 1F destination 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current location or may automatically set using current location..

Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED


trying to create a prototype that could guide a person to his destination place. place is a wide building with several floors. i can obtain retrieve the maps still images . e.g. current 1F destination 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th.. obtain retrieve the maps still images . e.g. current 1F destination 5F so I can get the still images of 1st 2nd...5th floors 5 image files . Scenario start the application input the current location or may automatically set using current location.. manage to overcome this problem you can also use the altitude provided by the location providers to switch between the floors automatically. Routing To represent a routing line with OSMDroid well with ArcGIS as well is a piece of chocolate cake create..