

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:04

android Programming Glossary: getarguments

Working with ViewPager and Fragments


TextView view.findViewById R.id.textView1 textView.setText getArguments .getString title return view main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding..

Do fragments really need an empty constructor?


public Dialog onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState title getArguments .getInt EXTRA_TITLE message getArguments .getString EXTRA_MESSAGE.. title getArguments .getInt EXTRA_TITLE message getArguments .getString EXTRA_MESSAGE ... etc ... This way if detached and.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState mCrsCode getArguments .getString EXTRA_CRS_CODE @Override public View onCreateView..

Proper way to give initial data to fragments


args return f @Override String getPage return getArguments .getString KEY_FILE If you are retaining your fragment instance..

Android: Fragment cannot get activity


is empty. Where should I find my bundle Edit2 missed the getArguments in the reply. is working now. android android fragments share..

Send data from activity to fragment in android


container Bundle savedInstanceState String strtext getArguments .getString edttext return inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment..

Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment


are those passed in through a Bundle via setArguments and getArguments. There is a way to reference the activity if it should be the..

DialogFragment - retaining listener after screen rotation


Bundle saved_instance_state final Bundle arguments getArguments final int year arguments.getInt ARG_YEAR final int month arguments.getInt..

Populate list of custom view using ListFragment


super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState int num getArguments .getInt ARG_SECTION_NUMBER GlobalList is a class that holds..

Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed


KEY_LOCATION new Bundle savedInstanceState getArguments setLocation location if checkGooglePlayServicesStatus ConnectionResult.SUCCESS..

How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code?


savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState getArguments .getString AnswersFragmentWebView.SYMBOL The webview client..

How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts


tv TextView v.findViewById R.id.tvFragFirst tv.setText getArguments .getString msg return v public static FirstFragment newInstance.. tv TextView v.findViewById R.id.tvFragSecond tv.setText getArguments .getString msg return v public static SecondFragment newInstance.. tv TextView v.findViewById R.id.tvFragThird tv.setText getArguments .getString msg return v public static ThirdFragment newInstance..

How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url


super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString.. this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM public void setSearchTerms String sTerms..

How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview?


super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString.. this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM public void setSearchTerms String sTerms..

ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event


super.onCreate savedInstanceState this.friendId getArguments .getString friendId @Override public View onCreateView final.. R.layout.chat_window container false this.friendId getArguments .getString friendId . . . return v The rest of the class As..

Getting SQLiteCursorLoader to observe data changes


super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState int rowlayoutID getArguments .getInt rowLayoutID Create an empty adapter we will use to display..

Working with ViewPager and Fragments


R.layout.fragment container false TextView textView TextView view.findViewById R.id.textView1 textView.setText getArguments .getString title return view main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com..

Do fragments really need an empty constructor?


bdl return f And of course grabbing the args this way @Override public Dialog onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState title getArguments .getInt EXTRA_TITLE message getArguments .getString EXTRA_MESSAGE ... etc ... This way if detached and re attached the object.. this way @Override public Dialog onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState title getArguments .getInt EXTRA_TITLE message getArguments .getString EXTRA_MESSAGE ... etc ... This way if detached and re attached the object state can be stored through the arguments... String mCrsCode @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mCrsCode getArguments .getString EXTRA_CRS_CODE @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState..

Proper way to give initial data to fragments


Bundle args new Bundle args.putString KEY_FILE file f.setArguments args return f @Override String getPage return getArguments .getString KEY_FILE If you are retaining your fragment instance you should be able to get away with just using ordinary..

Android: Fragment cannot get activity


text It seems that savedInstranceState is empty. Where should I find my bundle Edit2 missed the getArguments in the reply. is working now. android android fragments share improve this question Your Fragment hasn't attached to..

Send data from activity to fragment in android


Callback to a Fragment from a DialogFragment


through its lifecycle. The only guarantees in a Fragment are those passed in through a Bundle via setArguments and getArguments. There is a way to reference the activity if it should be the listener public Dialog onCreateDialog Bundle bundle OnClickListener..

DialogFragment - retaining listener after screen rotation


listener listener_ listener @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog Bundle saved_instance_state final Bundle arguments getArguments final int year arguments.getInt ARG_YEAR final int month arguments.getInt ARG_MONTH final int day arguments.getInt ARG_DAY..

Populate list of custom view using ListFragment


@Override public void onActivityCreated Bundle savedInstanceState super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState int num getArguments .getInt ARG_SECTION_NUMBER GlobalList is a class that holds global variables arrays etc getMenuCategories returns global..

Google Maps Android — Map suddenly no longer displayed


savedInstanceState Location location BundleChecker.getExtraOrThrow KEY_LOCATION new Bundle savedInstanceState getArguments setLocation location if checkGooglePlayServicesStatus ConnectionResult.SUCCESS setMapFragment new SupportMapFragment getActivity..

How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code?


URL return view @Override public void onCreate final Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState getArguments .getString AnswersFragmentWebView.SYMBOL The webview client public class AnswersWebView extends WebViewClient private String..

How to implement a ViewPager with different Fragments / Layouts


v inflater.inflate R.layout.first_frag container false TextView tv TextView v.findViewById R.id.tvFragFirst tv.setText getArguments .getString msg return v public static FirstFragment newInstance String text FirstFragment f new FirstFragment Bundle b new.. inflater.inflate R.layout.second_frag container false TextView tv TextView v.findViewById R.id.tvFragSecond tv.setText getArguments .getString msg return v public static SecondFragment newInstance String text SecondFragment f new SecondFragment Bundle.. v inflater.inflate R.layout.third_frag container false TextView tv TextView v.findViewById R.id.tvFragThird tv.setText getArguments .getString msg return v public static ThirdFragment newInstance String text ThirdFragment f new ThirdFragment Bundle b new..

How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url


same @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM public void setSearchTerms String sTerms mSearchTerm.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM public void setSearchTerms String sTerms mSearchTerm sTerms private static String getUrl String..

How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview?


@Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM public void setSearchTerms String sTerms.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM public void setSearchTerms String sTerms mSearchTerm sTerms public static void removeInstance..

ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event


@Override public void onCreate final Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState this.friendId getArguments .getString friendId @Override public View onCreateView final LayoutInflater inflater final ViewGroup container final Bundle.. container final Bundle savedInstanceState View v inflater.inflate R.layout.chat_window container false this.friendId getArguments .getString friendId . . . return v The rest of the class As I am using a FragmentPagerAdapter I don't see how I can set..

Getting SQLiteCursorLoader to observe data changes


public void onActivityCreated Bundle savedInstanceState super.onActivityCreated savedInstanceState int rowlayoutID getArguments .getInt rowLayoutID Create an empty adapter we will use to display the loaded data. We pass 0 to flags since the Loader..