

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:11

android Programming Glossary: getmethod

Cannot get httpResponse content


GET url HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet getMethod new HttpGet url getMethod.setHeader User Agent USER_AGENT getMethod.addHeader.. new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet getMethod new HttpGet url getMethod.setHeader User Agent USER_AGENT getMethod.addHeader Authorization.. new HttpGet url getMethod.setHeader User Agent USER_AGENT getMethod.addHeader Authorization Basic getCredentials HttpResponse httpResponse..

HttpDelete with body


static final String METHOD_NAME DELETE public String getMethod return METHOD_NAME public HttpDeleteWithBody final String uri..

Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient


CookieSyncManager.createInstance this try HttpGet getMethod new HttpGet URI_INDEX HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams.. params HttpResponse response httpClient.execute getMethod if response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 299 response.getStatusLine.. ClientProtocolException e ... The HttpClient on execute getMethod isn't using the Cookie double checked this in debug to pull..

Cannot get httpResponse content


Entity length is 1 . String url serverUrl resource Log.d TAG GET url HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet getMethod new HttpGet url getMethod.setHeader User Agent USER_AGENT getMethod.addHeader Authorization Basic getCredentials HttpResponse.. url serverUrl resource Log.d TAG GET url HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet getMethod new HttpGet url getMethod.setHeader User Agent USER_AGENT getMethod.addHeader Authorization Basic getCredentials HttpResponse httpResponse client.execute.. HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet getMethod new HttpGet url getMethod.setHeader User Agent USER_AGENT getMethod.addHeader Authorization Basic getCredentials HttpResponse httpResponse client.execute getMethod Log.e TAG RESPONSE httpResponse..

HttpDelete with body


HttpDeleteWithBody extends HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase public static final String METHOD_NAME DELETE public String getMethod return METHOD_NAME public HttpDeleteWithBody final String uri super setURI URI.create uri public HttpDeleteWithBody final..

Using Cookies across Activities when using HttpClient


Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState CookieSyncManager.createInstance this try HttpGet getMethod new HttpGet URI_INDEX HttpParams params new BasicHttpParams HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout params 30000 HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout.. .getCookie URI DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient params HttpResponse response httpClient.execute getMethod if response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 299 response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 400 Not logged in doesn't give a redirect.. buffer 0 read String returnString out.toString catch ClientProtocolException e ... The HttpClient on execute getMethod isn't using the Cookie double checked this in debug to pull back the page. It would be great if someone could fill this..