

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:35

android Programming Glossary: heightpixels

OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images


static void loadCardImages EAlone mode int widthPixels int heightPixels Drawable tile Canvas canvas switch mode case GREEN mAloneGreen.. case GREEN mAloneGreen Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 canvas new Canvas mAloneGreen break.. break case RED mAloneRed Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 canvas new Canvas mAloneRed break case..

Detect 7 inch and 10 inch tablet programmatically


size the display int widthPixels metrics.widthPixels int heightPixels metrics.heightPixels This will return the absolute value of.. widthPixels metrics.widthPixels int heightPixels metrics.heightPixels This will return the absolute value of the width and the height.. float widthDp widthPixels scaleFactor float heightDp heightPixels scaleFactor The result you get from this will help you decide..

Android Samsung S I9000 screen size and density issues


2.0 scaledDensity 2.0 densityDpi 320 widthPixels 800 heightPixels 480 xdpi 320.0 ydpi 320.0 Can anybody explain why the device..

OutOfMemoryError in game with many small images


R.drawable.white CardView.LoadCardImages public static void loadCardImages EAlone mode int widthPixels int heightPixels Drawable tile Canvas canvas switch mode case GREEN mAloneGreen Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888.. int heightPixels Drawable tile Canvas canvas switch mode case GREEN mAloneGreen Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 canvas new Canvas mAloneGreen break case RED mAloneRed Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels.. Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 canvas new Canvas mAloneGreen break case RED mAloneRed Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 canvas new Canvas mAloneRed break case WHITE mAloneWhite Bitmap.createBitmap widthPixels heightPixels..

Detect 7 inch and 10 inch tablet programmatically


metrics From this we can get the information required to size the display int widthPixels metrics.widthPixels int heightPixels metrics.heightPixels This will return the absolute value of the width and the height in pixels so 1280x720 for the Galaxy.. we can get the information required to size the display int widthPixels metrics.widthPixels int heightPixels metrics.heightPixels This will return the absolute value of the width and the height in pixels so 1280x720 for the Galaxy SIII the Galaxy Nexus.. independent pixels there are for a certain height or width. float widthDp widthPixels scaleFactor float heightDp heightPixels scaleFactor The result you get from this will help you decide what type of screen you are working with in conjunction with..

Android Samsung S I9000 screen size and density issues


than I was already using. Display metrics are as follows density 2.0 scaledDensity 2.0 densityDpi 320 widthPixels 800 heightPixels 480 xdpi 320.0 ydpi 320.0 Can anybody explain why the device is scaling my graphics up so much and acting as if I have an..