

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:19

android Programming Glossary: image_

Android Camera - Save image into a new folder in SD Card


Punch imagesFolder.mkdirs String fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg File output new File imagesFolder.. fileName while output.exists imageNum fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg output new File imagesFolder fileName..

Android Save Image to SD Card


BeatEmUp imagesFolder.mkdirs String fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg File output new File imagesFolder.. fileName while output.exists imageNum fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg output new File imagesFolder fileName..

Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture


Punch imagesFolder.mkdirs String fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg File output new File imagesFolder.. fileName while output.exists imageNum fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg output new File imagesFolder fileName..

Android crashing after camera Intent


Intent case ACTION_BAR_CAMERA numbered image name fileName image_ String.valueOf numImages .jpg output new File direct File.separator.. file exists numImages increment number of images fileName image_ String.valueOf numImages .jpg output new File outputFolder fileName..

Android Camera - Save image into a new folder in SD Card


File imagesFolder new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Punch imagesFolder.mkdirs String fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg File output new File imagesFolder fileName while output.exists imageNum fileName image_ String.valueOf.. image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg File output new File imagesFolder fileName while output.exists imageNum fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg output new File imagesFolder fileName Uri uriSavedImage Uri.fromFile image imageIntent.putExtra..

Android Save Image to SD Card


File imagesFolder new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory BeatEmUp imagesFolder.mkdirs String fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg File output new File imagesFolder fileName while output.exists imageNum fileName image_ String.valueOf.. image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg File output new File imagesFolder fileName while output.exists imageNum fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg output new File imagesFolder fileName Uri uriSavedImage Uri.fromFile output imageIntent.putExtra..

Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture


File imagesFolder new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Punch imagesFolder.mkdirs String fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg File output new File imagesFolder fileName while output.exists imageNum fileName image_ String.valueOf.. image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg File output new File imagesFolder fileName while output.exists imageNum fileName image_ String.valueOf imageNum .jpg output new File imagesFolder fileName Uri uriSavedImage Uri.fromFile output imageIntent.putExtra..

Android crashing after camera Intent


I should be taking. Thank you How I'm firing the Camera Intent case ACTION_BAR_CAMERA numbered image name fileName image_ String.valueOf numImages .jpg output new File direct File.separator fileName create output while output.exists while.. fileName create output while output.exists while the file exists numImages increment number of images fileName image_ String.valueOf numImages .jpg output new File outputFolder fileName camera new Intent android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE..