

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:29

android Programming Glossary: inverse

Android OpenGL ES 2.0 screen coordinates to world coordinates


3 1.0f Obtain the transform matrix and then the inverse. Print Proj getCurrentProjection gl Print Model getCurrentModelView.. invertedMatrix 0 transformMatrix 0 Apply the inverse to the point in clip space Matrix.multiplyMV outPoint 0 invertedMatrix..

Android custom ListView unable to click on items


each UpdateItem and set the selected attribute to the inverse end onClick end setOnClickListener Button btnUpdate Button..

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


new float 9 final float pts new float 2 final Matrix inverse new Matrix OnTouchListener l new OnTouchListener @Override public.. event.getAction if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if inverse.isIdentity v.getImageMatrix .invert inverse Log.d TAG onTouch.. if inverse.isIdentity v.getImageMatrix .invert inverse Log.d TAG onTouch set inverse pts 0 event.getX pts 1 event.getY..

How to change android indeterminate ProgressBar color?


is to be used on white light back ground use one of the inverse styles ProgressBar style @android style Widget.ProgressBar.Inverse..

Android - Custom AlertDialog Background Color


I see we can have alertdialogs with gray and white when setinverse... background colors. To learn why I checked themes.xml of the.. images guarantee that there are two gray or white when inverse color horizontal lines on top title area and bottom just above..

Getting decibel from an android microphone


to generate a frequency spectrum and multiply that by the inverse of your frequency response and take the log magnitude of whatever..

Add new items to top of list view on Android?


new items are automatically added at the top of the list inverse transcript mode Method stackFromBottom seems about right but..

What are the aspect ratios for all Android phone and tablet devices?


separate from landscape devices you'll also find the inverse of those ratios 3 4 2 3 10 16 3 5 and 9 16 share improve this..

Android serial port via audio jack


and be able to generate a UI at the same time. Doing the inverse is also possible by the way generating a square waveform to..

Cutting a multipoint ploygon out of Bitmap and placing it on transparency


x minX y minY Set your Paths FillType to one that is inverse fill the outside . On your new cropped canvas draw the Path..

Android OpenGL ES 2.0 screen coordinates to world coordinates


oglTouchY 2.0f screenH 1.0 normalizedInPoint 2 1.0f normalizedInPoint 3 1.0f Obtain the transform matrix and then the inverse. Print Proj getCurrentProjection gl Print Model getCurrentModelView gl Matrix.multiplyMM transformMatrix 0 getCurrentProjection.. 0 getCurrentProjection gl 0 getCurrentModelView gl 0 Matrix.invertM invertedMatrix 0 transformMatrix 0 Apply the inverse to the point in clip space Matrix.multiplyMV outPoint 0 invertedMatrix 0 normalizedInPoint 0 if outPoint 3 0.0 Avoid 0..

Android custom ListView unable to click on items


i .isSelected list.notifyDataSetChanged loop through each UpdateItem and set the selected attribute to the inverse end onClick end setOnClickListener Button btnUpdate Button findViewById R.id.btnUpdate btnUpdate.setOnClickListener new..

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


l1 v.postDelayed action1 2000 final float values new float 9 final float pts new float 2 final Matrix inverse new Matrix OnTouchListener l new OnTouchListener @Override public boolean onTouch View view MotionEvent event int action.. public boolean onTouch View view MotionEvent event int action event.getAction if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if inverse.isIdentity v.getImageMatrix .invert inverse Log.d TAG onTouch set inverse pts 0 event.getX pts 1 event.getY inverse.mapPoints.. event int action event.getAction if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if inverse.isIdentity v.getImageMatrix .invert inverse Log.d TAG onTouch set inverse pts 0 event.getX pts 1 event.getY inverse.mapPoints pts mm.getValues values gd's bounds..

How to change android indeterminate ProgressBar color?


this question To get a ProgressBar in the default theme that is to be used on white light back ground use one of the inverse styles ProgressBar style @android style Widget.ProgressBar.Inverse ProgressBar style @android style Widget.ProgressBar.Large.Inverse..

Android - Custom AlertDialog Background Color


Custom AlertDialog Background Color So I see we can have alertdialogs with gray and white when setinverse... background colors. To learn why I checked themes.xml of the sdk checking it I was led to drawables and there I realized.. is not done programatically but via some images. And these images guarantee that there are two gray or white when inverse color horizontal lines on top title area and bottom just above button area of the dialog when we use LayoutInflater to just..

Getting decibel from an android microphone


wideband spl. Or you can do an FFT on the input data to generate a frequency spectrum and multiply that by the inverse of your frequency response and take the log magnitude of whatever sum of bin s is interesting. Unfortunately there's little..

Add new items to top of list view on Android?


is added to the adapter. Can this be somehow reversed so that new items are automatically added at the top of the list inverse transcript mode Method stackFromBottom seems about right but does not do the auto scrolling on input change. Does anyone..

What are the aspect ratios for all Android phone and tablet devices?


Android serial port via audio jack


sure you will be able to talk 19200baud with the remote party and be able to generate a UI at the same time. Doing the inverse is also possible by the way generating a square waveform to drive a serial output but will require some voltage multiplier..

Cutting a multipoint ploygon out of Bitmap and placing it on transparency


Create a Path from your points all moved into your new bitmap x minX y minY Set your Paths FillType to one that is inverse fill the outside . On your new cropped canvas draw the Path using a paint with the Xfermode as PorterDuff.CLEAR which removes..