

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:21

android Programming Glossary: keystore

How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file?


I reverse engineer an APK file generated using a signed keystore and Proguard I get obfuscated code. However the names of Android..

How to discover memory usage of my application in Android


92K system bin installd 60 396K 392K 93K 84K system bin keystore 51 280K 276K 74K 68K system bin servicemanager 54 256K 252K..

Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName)


80 Register for port 443 our SSLSocketFactory with our keystore to the ConnectionManager registry.register new Scheme https.. BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates root and any intermediate certs.. in context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.battlenetkeystore try Initialize the keystore with the provided trusted certificates..

I lost my .keystore file?


lost my .keystore file Ok folks.. long story short I was developing on a computer.. to. I was able to retrieve the source code but not the .keystore file used to sign and publish my application to the market with.. a way around this.. what about a hard drive fail android keystore android sdk 2.1 share improve this question Faced the same..

key hash for android-facebook app


in C and copy the extracted code here. detect debug.keystore file path. If u didn't find then do a search in C and use the.. command in 1 line keytool exportcert alias androiddebugkey keystore C Documents and Settings Administrator.android debug.keystore.. C Documents and Settings Administrator.android debug.keystore C OpenSSL bin openssl sha1 binary C OpenSSL bin openssl base64..

Android: I lost my android key store, what should I do?


my android key store what should I do Based on my android keystore I created some apps. now I want to update one of my programs.. now I want to update one of my programs but I lost my keystore. can I generate another one and update my app Thanks android.. I generate another one and update my app Thanks android keystore share improve this question You can create a new keystore..

How to sign an android apk file


Wizard to export a signed .apk and even create a new keystore if necessary . The Export Wizard performs all the interaction.. private key with which to sign the .apk or creating a new keystore and private key . Complete the Export Wizard and your application..

Facebook Android Generate Key Hash


following code keytool exportcert alias androiddebugkey keystore ~ .android debug.keystore openssl sha1 binary openssl base64.. exportcert alias androiddebugkey keystore ~ .android debug.keystore openssl sha1 binary openssl base64 When I run this in my terminal.. direction Cheers Scott java android facebook android keystore share improve this question Delete your debug certificate..

How can I get the MD5 fingerprint from Java's keytool, not only SHA-1?


fingerprint. I tried following. Here I copied the debug.keystore file from C Documents and Settings Administrator.android in.. Files Java jdk1.7.0 bin keytool list alias androiddebugkey keystore debug.keystore storepass android keypass android But got the.. bin keytool list alias androiddebugkey keystore debug.keystore storepass android keypass android But got the following results..

While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured


articles AndroidGoogleMaps article.html 5 Now Create new KeyStore File and APK file For your project. C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_01..

Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android


my Android project and I'm getting the following error KeyStore JKS implementation not found . I've looked online a bit and.. java.security.KeyManagementException import java.security.KeyStore import java.security.KeyStoreException import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException.. import java.security.KeyStore import java.security.KeyStoreException import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException import..

How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain


import java.io.InputStream import java.security.KeyStore import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.. try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw.. try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which..

Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName)


try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw.. try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which.. of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore..

Android bouncy castle: IOException


Wrong version of key store . This is the code KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS InputStream is new FileInputStream.. version of key store . This is the code KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS InputStream is new FileInputStream mnt sdcard..

HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue


SSLContext.getInstance TLS public CustomSSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException.. throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException KeyStoreException UnrecoverableKeyException super truststore TrustManager.. HttpClient getHttpClient DefaultHttpClient client null try KeyStore trustStore KeyStore.getInstance KeyStore.getDefaultType trustStore.load..

How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android?


You want to pay particular attention to where it makes the KeyStore file. 2 The reason you're getting that error is because it doesn't.. and truststore SSLcontext sslContext SSLContext.getDefault KeyStore trustSt KeyStore.getInstance BKS TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory.. sslContext SSLContext.getDefault KeyStore trustSt KeyStore.getInstance BKS TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory TrustManagerFactory.getInstance..

Android: Making Https Request


SSLContext.getInstance TLS public MySSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException.. throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException KeyStoreException UnrecoverableKeyException super truststore TrustManager.. throws KeyManagementException NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyStoreException UnrecoverableKeyException super null sslContext context..

'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4


import java.io.InputStream import java.security.KeyStore import java.security.cert.CertificateException import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext.. try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw.. try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which..

Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android


a bit and it looks like there's a possibility that Java Keystores are not supported on Android awesome but I have a feeling there's.. chain How to create a BKS BouncyCastle format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain java android ssl ..

How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain


to create a BKS BouncyCastle format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain I'm writing an Android.. Security.addProvider new BouncyCastleProvider Generate the Keystore using Bouncy Castle Run the following command keytool genkey..

Facebook Android SDK Invalid_key [duplicate]


OpenSSL installed. Make sure you are giving the correct Keystore file in the command. Make sure you are giving the correct Alias...

Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android


How can I fix this Can I add the server certificate to the Keystore in Android to solve the problem private static final String..

Facebook Android Generate Key Hash


base64 When I run this in my terminal I get an error for Keystore tampered with or password was incorrect I just want to generate..

Understanding keystore, certificates and alias


in the keystore is refered by a unique alias. In brief Keystore entry private public key pair identified by an alias The keystore..

Invalid Keystore problem?


Keystore problem Recently I published my new app and this morning I.. pass as the default one. The following are the default Keystore name debug.keystore Keystore password android Key alias androiddebugkey.. The following are the default Keystore name debug.keystore Keystore password android Key alias androiddebugkey Key password android..

Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore?


Keystore password thinking of Brute Force detection. will it corrupt.. got corrupted somehow It keeps giving me the error Keystore tampered or password incorrect I created an quite unoptimized.. okay I am using Java but I realized that normally the Keystore tool asks for the password only when I press enter. but to get..

Map display with release key in android


Project Export ExportAndroidApplication Next Create New Keystore Remember Keystore Path Fill All Detail ...etc Now your keystore.. ExportAndroidApplication Next Create New Keystore Remember Keystore Path Fill All Detail ...etc Now your keystore and Apk is created...

How to find the MD5 fingerprint of my Android App


provide your keystore password. WARNING WARNING WARNING Keystore type JKS Keystore provider SUN Your keystore contains 1 entry.. password. WARNING WARNING WARNING Keystore type JKS Keystore provider SUN Your keystore contains 1 entry androiddebugkey..

Keytool alias does not exist


Data Android Or C Documents and Settings username .android Keystore file name is debug.keystore . Copy the debug.keystore file to.. keytool.exe list alias androiddebugkey keystore D AndroidKeystore debug.keystore storepass android keypass android Here the MD5..

How can I specify location of debug keystore for Android ant debug builds?


the debug keystore key with predetermined names passwords Keystore name debug.keystore Keystore password android Key alias androiddebugkey.. predetermined names passwords Keystore name debug.keystore Keystore password android Key alias androiddebugkey Key password android..

Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android


trustStore Setup keystore KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory.. KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm InputStream keyStoreStream context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.clientkeystore.. context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.clientkeystore keyStore.load keyStoreStream testtest .toCharArray keyManagerFactory.init..

Android bouncy castle: IOException


Wrong version of key store . This is the code KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS InputStream is new FileInputStream.. is new FileInputStream mnt sdcard ArcGIS mystore.bks keyStore.load is abcdef .toCharArray I tried various versions of the..

How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android?


.toCharArray trustManagerFactory.init trustStre KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory.. KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm InputStream keyStoreStream this.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.keystore keyStore.load.. this.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.keystore keyStore.load keyStoreStream yourpassword .toCharArray keyManagerFactory.init..

HTTPS connection with client certificate in an android app


certificateStream new FileInputStream pfxFiles 0 KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance PKCS12 char password somePassword .toCharArray.. PKCS12 char password somePassword .toCharArray keyStore.load certificateStream password System.out.println I have loaded.. password System.out.println I have loaded keyStore.size certificates KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory KeyManagerFactory.getInstance..

SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3)


ksStream getAssets .open clientKeyStore.bks KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS keyStore.load ksStream pass KeyManagerFactory.. KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS keyStore.load ksStream pass KeyManagerFactory kmf KeyManagerFactory.getInstance.. KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm kmf.init keyStore pass ksStream.close X509TrustManager tm new X509TrustManager..

How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file?


used the Proguard tool provided with the Android SDK. When I reverse engineer an APK file generated using a signed keystore and Proguard I get obfuscated code. However the names of Android components remain unchanged and some code like key values..

How to discover memory usage of my application in Android


24096K 5667K 4340K android.process.acore ... 59 336K 332K 99K 92K system bin installd 60 396K 392K 93K 84K system bin keystore 51 280K 276K 74K 68K system bin servicemanager 54 256K 252K 69K 64K system bin debuggerd Here the Vss and Rss columns are..

Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName)


new Scheme http PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory 80 Register for port 443 our SSLSocketFactory with our keystore to the ConnectionManager registry.register new Scheme https newSslSocketFactory 443 return new SingleClientConnManager getParams.. of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates root and any intermediate certs InputStream in context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.battlenetkeystore.. certificates root and any intermediate certs InputStream in context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.battlenetkeystore try Initialize the keystore with the provided trusted certificates Also provide the password of the keystore trusted.load..

I lost my .keystore file?


lost my .keystore file Ok folks.. long story short I was developing on a computer that I no longer have access to. I was able to retrieve.. I was developing on a computer that I no longer have access to. I was able to retrieve the source code but not the .keystore file used to sign and publish my application to the market with several updates . Am I and my poor users out of luck if.. of three it could be so can I create another There must be a way around this.. what about a hard drive fail android keystore android sdk 2.1 share improve this question Faced the same problem. I was trying to restore it via deleted files restoring..

key hash for android-facebook app


X64 not the latest version Extract it. create a folder OpenSSL in C and copy the extracted code here. detect debug.keystore file path. If u didn't find then do a search in C and use the Path in the command in next step. detect your keytool.exe.. path and go to that dir in command prompt and run this command in 1 line keytool exportcert alias androiddebugkey keystore C Documents and Settings Administrator.android debug.keystore C OpenSSL bin openssl sha1 binary C OpenSSL bin openssl base64.. in 1 line keytool exportcert alias androiddebugkey keystore C Documents and Settings Administrator.android debug.keystore C OpenSSL bin openssl sha1 binary C OpenSSL bin openssl base64 it will ask for password put android that's all. u will get..

Android: I lost my android key store, what should I do?


I lost my android key store what should I do Based on my android keystore I created some apps. now I want to update one of my programs but I lost my keystore. can I generate another one and update.. should I do Based on my android keystore I created some apps. now I want to update one of my programs but I lost my keystore. can I generate another one and update my app Thanks android keystore share improve this question You can create a.. want to update one of my programs but I lost my keystore. can I generate another one and update my app Thanks android keystore share improve this question You can create a new keystore but the Android Market wont allow you to upload the apk as..

How to sign an android apk file


you are using Eclipse with the ADT plugin you can use the Export Wizard to export a signed .apk and even create a new keystore if necessary . The Export Wizard performs all the interaction with the Keytool and Jarsigner for you which allows you to.. signing your application including steps for selecting the private key with which to sign the .apk or creating a new keystore and private key . Complete the Export Wizard and your application will be compiled signed aligned and ready for distribution...

Facebook Android Generate Key Hash


you have to generate a key hash file it specifies to run the following code keytool exportcert alias androiddebugkey keystore ~ .android debug.keystore openssl sha1 binary openssl base64 When I run this in my terminal I get an error for Keystore.. hash file it specifies to run the following code keytool exportcert alias androiddebugkey keystore ~ .android debug.keystore openssl sha1 binary openssl base64 When I run this in my terminal I get an error for Keystore tampered with or password.. want to generate my Key Hash Can anyone point me in the right direction Cheers Scott java android facebook android keystore share improve this question Delete your debug certificate under ~ .android debug.keystore on Linux and Mac OS X the..

How can I get the MD5 fingerprint from Java's keytool, not only SHA-1?


maps in my application I need the debug certificates' MD5 fingerprint. I tried following. Here I copied the debug.keystore file from C Documents and Settings Administrator.android in bin folder C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0 bin keytool list alias.. and Settings Administrator.android in bin folder C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0 bin keytool list alias androiddebugkey keystore debug.keystore storepass android keypass android But got the following results androiddebugkey May 27 2011 PrivateKeyEntry.. in bin folder C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0 bin keytool list alias androiddebugkey keystore debug.keystore storepass android keypass android But got the following results androiddebugkey May 27 2011 PrivateKeyEntry Certificate..

While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured


below link please Reffer this Link http www.vogella.com articles AndroidGoogleMaps article.html 5 Now Create new KeyStore File and APK file For your project. C Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_01 bin keytool list alias your alias name keystore path..

Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android


beautifully on regular desktop Java SE 6. I've moved it into my Android project and I'm getting the following error KeyStore JKS implementation not found . I've looked online a bit and it looks like there's a possibility that Java Keystores are.. import java.security.AccessControlException import java.security.KeyManagementException import java.security.KeyStore import java.security.KeyStoreException import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException import java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException.. import java.security.KeyManagementException import java.security.KeyStore import java.security.KeyStoreException import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException import java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException import java.security.cert.CertificateException..

How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain


MyHttpClient.java package com.arisglobal.aglite.network import java.io.InputStream import java.security.KeyStore import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme.. getParams registry private SSLSocketFactory newSslSocketFactory try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates.. registry private SSLSocketFactory newSslSocketFactory try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates root and..

Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName)


getParams registry private SSLSocketFactory newSslSocketFactory try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates.. registry private SSLSocketFactory newSslSocketFactory try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates root and.. private SSLSocketFactory newSslSocketFactory try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates root and any intermediate..

Android bouncy castle: IOException


BKS keystore but calling load on the keystore throws java.io.IOException Wrong version of key store . This is the code KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS InputStream is new FileInputStream mnt sdcard ArcGIS mystore.bks keyStore.load is abcdef.. load on the keystore throws java.io.IOException Wrong version of key store . This is the code KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS InputStream is new FileInputStream mnt sdcard ArcGIS mystore.bks keyStore.load is abcdef .toCharArray I..

HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue


extends SSLSocketFactory private SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS public CustomSSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException KeyStoreException UnrecoverableKeyException super truststore.. TLS public CustomSSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException KeyStoreException UnrecoverableKeyException super truststore TrustManager tm new X509TrustManager public void checkClientTrusted.. .createSocket And I use it as follows public HttpClient getHttpClient DefaultHttpClient client null try KeyStore trustStore KeyStore.getInstance KeyStore.getDefaultType trustStore.load null null SSLSocketFactory sf new CustomSSLSocketFactory..

How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android?


KB android SSLVerification_Android.aspx display Mobile You want to pay particular attention to where it makes the KeyStore file. 2 The reason you're getting that error is because it doesn't trust the server you are connecting either because you.. paragraph. Here is the part to initialize your keystore and truststore SSLcontext sslContext SSLContext.getDefault KeyStore trustSt KeyStore.getInstance BKS TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory TrustManagerFactory.getInstance TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm.. is the part to initialize your keystore and truststore SSLcontext sslContext SSLContext.getDefault KeyStore trustSt KeyStore.getInstance BKS TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory TrustManagerFactory.getInstance TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm..

Android: Making Https Request


MySSLSocketFactory extends SSLSocketFactory SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS public MySSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException KeyStoreException UnrecoverableKeyException super truststore.. TLS public MySSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyManagementException KeyStoreException UnrecoverableKeyException super truststore TrustManager tm new X509TrustManager public void checkClientTrusted.. tm null public MySSLSocketFactory SSLContext context throws KeyManagementException NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyStoreException UnrecoverableKeyException super null sslContext context @Override public Socket createSocket Socket socket String..

'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4


http blog.antoine.li 2010 10 22 android trusting ssl certificates import java.io.InputStream import java.security.KeyStore import java.security.cert.CertificateException import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager import.. getParams registry private SSLSocketFactory newSslSocketFactory try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates.. registry private SSLSocketFactory newSslSocketFactory try Get an instance of the Bouncy Castle KeyStore format KeyStore trusted KeyStore.getInstance BKS Get the raw resource which contains the keystore with your trusted certificates root and..

Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android


KeyStore JKS implementation not found . I've looked online a bit and it looks like there's a possibility that Java Keystores are not supported on Android awesome but I have a feeling there's more to it than that because none of the sample code.. a client keystore in the BKS format with the proper certificate chain How to create a BKS BouncyCastle format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain java android ssl share improve this question Android supports certificates..

How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain


to create a BKS BouncyCastle format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain I'm writing an Android app that requires SSL client authentication. I know how.. of your project and Add the following line in your code Security.addProvider new BouncyCastleProvider Generate the Keystore using Bouncy Castle Run the following command keytool genkey alias myproject keystore C myproject.keystore storepass myproject..

Facebook Android SDK Invalid_key [duplicate]


be for a number of reasons Make sure you have Keytool and OpenSSL installed. Make sure you are giving the correct Keystore file in the command. Make sure you are giving the correct Alias. Make sure you copied the generated Hash Key correctly to..

Not trusted certificate using ksoap2-android


javax.net.ssl.SSLException Not trusted server certificate How can I fix this Can I add the server certificate to the Keystore in Android to solve the problem private static final String SOAP_ACTION http example.com Service GetInformation private..

Facebook Android Generate Key Hash


~ .android debug.keystore openssl sha1 binary openssl base64 When I run this in my terminal I get an error for Keystore tampered with or password was incorrect I just want to generate my Key Hash Can anyone point me in the right direction Cheers..

Understanding keystore, certificates and alias


pairs of private and public keys. Each pair or entry stored in the keystore is refered by a unique alias. In brief Keystore entry private public key pair identified by an alias The keystore protects each private key with its individual password..

Invalid Keystore problem?


Keystore problem Recently I published my new app and this morning I decided to make a little changes to this app. However every.. the keystore that you are using as debug.keystore has the same pass as the default one. The following are the default Keystore name debug.keystore Keystore password android Key alias androiddebugkey Key password android Android app signing share..

Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore?


Keystore password thinking of Brute Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore I recently realized that I have lost the password.. I have lost the password to my keystore or perhaps the keystore got corrupted somehow It keeps giving me the error Keystore tampered or password incorrect I created an quite unoptimized algorithm to Brute Force the password by letting it run all.. know anything like this UPDATE The algorithm I devised works okay I am using Java but I realized that normally the Keystore tool asks for the password only when I press enter. but to get the brute force to work I would want it to have a switch..

Map display with release key in android


question lets go for get MapAPIKey. 1 How to create KeyStore Project Export ExportAndroidApplication Next Create New Keystore Remember Keystore Path Fill All Detail ...etc Now your keystore and Apk is created. 2 How to get Certificate fingerprint.. for get MapAPIKey. 1 How to create KeyStore Project Export ExportAndroidApplication Next Create New Keystore Remember Keystore Path Fill All Detail ...etc Now your keystore and Apk is created. 2 How to get Certificate fingerprint MD5 keytool list..

How to find the MD5 fingerprint of my Android App


NOT been verified In order to verify its integrity you must provide your keystore password. WARNING WARNING WARNING Keystore type JKS Keystore provider SUN Your keystore contains 1 entry androiddebugkey 19 Apr 2011 PrivateKeyEntry Certificate fingerprint.. In order to verify its integrity you must provide your keystore password. WARNING WARNING WARNING Keystore type JKS Keystore provider SUN Your keystore contains 1 entry androiddebugkey 19 Apr 2011 PrivateKeyEntry Certificate fingerprint MD5 00 35..

Keytool alias does not exist


Documents and Settings username Local Settings Application Data Android Or C Documents and Settings username .android Keystore file name is debug.keystore . Copy the debug.keystore file to some other folder ex D Androidkeystore it's user friendly.. bin Then type the below line given in box and press enter. keytool.exe list alias androiddebugkey keystore D AndroidKeystore debug.keystore storepass android keypass android Here the MD5 certificate fingerprint is 64 88 A2 FC AA 9F B1 B0 CA E4 D0..

How can I specify location of debug keystore for Android ant debug builds?


to sign the package with your own key. The SDK tools create the debug keystore key with predetermined names passwords Keystore name debug.keystore Keystore password android Key alias androiddebugkey Key password android CN CN Android Debug O Android.. own key. The SDK tools create the debug keystore key with predetermined names passwords Keystore name debug.keystore Keystore password android Key alias androiddebugkey Key password android CN CN Android Debug O Android C US If necessary you can..

Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android


trustStore.load trustStoreStream testtest .toCharArray trustManagerFactory.init trustStore Setup keystore KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory KeyManagerFactory.getInstance KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm.. KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory KeyManagerFactory.getInstance KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm InputStream keyStoreStream context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.clientkeystore keyStore.load keyStoreStream testtest .toCharArray keyManagerFactory.init.. InputStream keyStoreStream context.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.clientkeystore keyStore.load keyStoreStream testtest .toCharArray keyManagerFactory.init keyStore testtest .toCharArray Log.d SSL Key keyStore.size..

Android bouncy castle: IOException


but calling load on the keystore throws java.io.IOException Wrong version of key store . This is the code KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS InputStream is new FileInputStream mnt sdcard ArcGIS mystore.bks keyStore.load is abcdef .toCharArray.. the code KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS InputStream is new FileInputStream mnt sdcard ArcGIS mystore.bks keyStore.load is abcdef .toCharArray I tried various versions of the Bouncy castle JAR downloaded from http www.bouncycastle.org..

How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android?


R.raw.truststore trustSt.load trustStoreStream yourpassword .toCharArray trustManagerFactory.init trustStre KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory KeyManagerFactory.getInstance KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm.. KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory KeyManagerFactory.getInstance KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm InputStream keyStoreStream this.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.keystore keyStore.load keyStoreStream yourpassword .toCharArray keyManagerFactory.init.. KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm InputStream keyStoreStream this.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.keystore keyStore.load keyStoreStream yourpassword .toCharArray keyManagerFactory.init keyStore yourpassword .toCharArray sslContext.init..

HTTPS connection with client certificate in an android app


InputStream certificateStream null if pfxFiles.length 1 certificateStream new FileInputStream pfxFiles 0 KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance PKCS12 char password somePassword .toCharArray keyStore.load certificateStream password System.out.println.. new FileInputStream pfxFiles 0 KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance PKCS12 char password somePassword .toCharArray keyStore.load certificateStream password System.out.println I have loaded keyStore.size certificates KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory.. char password somePassword .toCharArray keyStore.load certificateStream password System.out.println I have loaded keyStore.size certificates KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory KeyManagerFactory.getInstance KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm..

SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3)


throws Exception char pass clientpass .toCharArray InputStream ksStream getAssets .open clientKeyStore.bks KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS keyStore.load ksStream pass KeyManagerFactory kmf KeyManagerFactory.getInstance KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm.. .toCharArray InputStream ksStream getAssets .open clientKeyStore.bks KeyStore keyStore KeyStore.getInstance BKS keyStore.load ksStream pass KeyManagerFactory kmf KeyManagerFactory.getInstance KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm kmf.init keyStore.. ksStream pass KeyManagerFactory kmf KeyManagerFactory.getInstance KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm kmf.init keyStore pass ksStream.close X509TrustManager tm new X509TrustManager new X509TrustManager public void checkClientTrusted X509Certificate..