

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:37

android Programming Glossary: lat1

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


radius in km double d radius R radius given in km double lat1 Math.toRadians latLng.latitude double lon1 Math.toRadians latLng.longitude.. Math.toRadians x double latitudeRad Math.asin Math.sin lat1 Math.cos d Math.cos lat1 Math.sin d Math.cos brng double longitudeRad.. latitudeRad Math.asin Math.sin lat1 Math.cos d Math.cos lat1 Math.sin d Math.cos brng double longitudeRad lon1 Math.atan2..

How to calculate distance from different markers in a map and then pick up the least one


sqrt EARTH_RADIUS 6373 # km def distance a b # pass tuples lat1 lon1 a lat2 lon2 b dlon lon2 lon1 dlat lat2 lat1 a sin dlat.. tuples lat1 lon1 a lat2 lon2 b dlon lon2 lon1 dlat lat2 lat1 a sin dlat 2 2 cos lat1 cos lat2 sin dlon 2 2 c 2 atan2 sqrt.. lon2 b dlon lon2 lon1 dlat lat2 lat1 a sin dlat 2 2 cos lat1 cos lat2 sin dlon 2 2 c 2 atan2 sqrt a sqrt 1 a return EARTH_RADIUS..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


p2.x p1.x double dLon Math.toRadians p2.y p1.y double lat1 Math.toRadians p1.x double lat2 Math.toRadians p2.x double a.. Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.cos lat1 Math.cos lat2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1..

How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value


and sometimes getting irrelevant distance. we are getting lat1 and lng1 from database. getting lat2 and lng2 from GPS as below.. double earthRadius 3958.75 double dLat Math.toRadians lat1 lat2 double dLng Math.toRadians lng1 lng2 double a Math.sin.. 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt..

Gettting Different Distance When Using the Google Map and User defined Function


float results 0 android.location.Location.distanceBetween lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 results Current Latitude 23.012281666666663 Current..

Using gps get the distance a person has walked


calculating distance... public double getDistance double lat1 double lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double latA Math.toRadians.. lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double latA Math.toRadians lat1 double lonA Math.toRadians lon1 double latB Math.toRadians lat2..

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


LatLng latLng double radius double R 6371d earth's mean radius in km double d radius R radius given in km double lat1 Math.toRadians latLng.latitude double lon1 Math.toRadians latLng.longitude PolylineOptions options new PolylineOptions.. options new PolylineOptions for int x 0 x 360 x double brng Math.toRadians x double latitudeRad Math.asin Math.sin lat1 Math.cos d Math.cos lat1 Math.sin d Math.cos brng double longitudeRad lon1 Math.atan2 Math.sin brng Math.sin d Math.cos.. for int x 0 x 360 x double brng Math.toRadians x double latitudeRad Math.asin Math.sin lat1 Math.cos d Math.cos lat1 Math.sin d Math.cos brng double longitudeRad lon1 Math.atan2 Math.sin brng Math.sin d Math.cos lat1 Math.cos d Math.sin..

How to calculate distance from different markers in a map and then pick up the least one


22.572646 88.363895 from math import sin cos atan2 sqrt EARTH_RADIUS 6373 # km def distance a b # pass tuples lat1 lon1 a lat2 lon2 b dlon lon2 lon1 dlat lat2 lat1 a sin dlat 2 2 cos lat1 cos lat2 sin dlon 2 2 c 2 atan2 sqrt a sqrt 1 a.. cos atan2 sqrt EARTH_RADIUS 6373 # km def distance a b # pass tuples lat1 lon1 a lat2 lon2 b dlon lon2 lon1 dlat lat2 lat1 a sin dlat 2 2 cos lat1 cos lat2 sin dlon 2 2 c 2 atan2 sqrt a sqrt 1 a return EARTH_RADIUS c current 17.385044 78.486671.. 6373 # km def distance a b # pass tuples lat1 lon1 a lat2 lon2 b dlon lon2 lon1 dlat lat2 lat1 a sin dlat 2 2 cos lat1 cos lat2 sin dlon 2 2 c 2 atan2 sqrt a sqrt 1 a return EARTH_RADIUS c current 17.385044 78.486671 # current lat lng closest..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


p1 PointF p2 double R 6371000 m double dLat Math.toRadians p2.x p1.x double dLon Math.toRadians p2.y p1.y double lat1 Math.toRadians p1.x double lat2 Math.toRadians p2.x double a Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.sin dLon.. double lat2 Math.toRadians p2.x double a Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.sin dLon 2 Math.cos lat1 Math.cos lat2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double d R c return d Enjoy I used and customized this reference..

How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value


it is giving wrong distance. sometimes getting right and sometimes getting irrelevant distance. we are getting lat1 and lng1 from database. getting lat2 and lng2 from GPS as below public class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener.. String provider int status Bundle extras Calculating distance double earthRadius 3958.75 double dLat Math.toRadians lat1 lat2 double dLng Math.toRadians lng1 lng2 double a Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.cos.. lng1 lng2 double a Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double c 2 Math.atan2 Math.sqrt a Math.sqrt 1 a double dist earthRadius c android ..

Gettting Different Distance When Using the Google Map and User defined Function


solve my problem i dont understand What is the Problem Code float results 0 android.location.Location.distanceBetween lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2 results Current Latitude 23.012281666666663 Current Longitude 72.51798333333333 Destination Latitude 23.1120487..

Using gps get the distance a person has walked


plat plon clat clon plat clat plon clon function for calculating distance... public double getDistance double lat1 double lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double latA Math.toRadians lat1 double lonA Math.toRadians lon1 double latB Math.toRadians.. distance... public double getDistance double lat1 double lon1 double lat2 double lon2 double latA Math.toRadians lat1 double lonA Math.toRadians lon1 double latB Math.toRadians lat2 double lonB Math.toRadians lon2 double cosAng Math.cos latA..