

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:17:51

android Programming Glossary: lengthfile

how to resume an interrupted download


cx.connect Setup streams and buffers. int lengthFile cx.getContentLength InputStream input new BufferedInputStream.. data 0 1024 1 total count publishProgress int total 100 lengthFile output.write data 0 count Log.d AsyncDownloadFile bytes total..

how to resume an interrupted download - part 2


Log.d AsyncDownloadFile new download seek downloaded lengthFile fileLength else connection.connect downloaded 0 fileLength.. 387933 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 new download seek 387933 lengthFile 2000000 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 header fields p3p policyref.. 777309 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 new download seek 777309 lengthFile 2000000 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 header fields p3p policyref..

how to resume an interrupted download


connection. URL url new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection cx url.openConnection cx.connect Setup streams and buffers. int lengthFile cx.getContentLength InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream strUrl.. data new byte 1024 Download file. for total 0 count input.read data 0 1024 1 total count publishProgress int total 100 lengthFile output.write data 0 count Log.d AsyncDownloadFile bytes total Close streams. output.flush output.close input.close java..

how to resume an interrupted download - part 2


downloaded connection.connect fileLength mDownloadFileLength Log.d AsyncDownloadFile new download seek downloaded lengthFile fileLength else connection.connect downloaded 0 fileLength connection.getContentLength mDownloadFileLength fileLength.. 2372 bytes 387497 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 bytes 387933 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 new download seek 387933 lengthFile 2000000 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 header fields p3p policyref http info.yahoo.co m w3c p3p.xml CP CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV.. 2372 bytes 776873 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 bytes 777309 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 new download seek 777309 lengthFile 2000000 D AsyncDownloadFile 2372 header fields p3p policyref http info.yahoo.co m w3c p3p.xml CP CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV..