

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:03

android Programming Glossary: lookup

EditText causing memory leak


to widget.EditableInputConnection . Which I think does the lookup in the suggestion system. It is also responsible for holding..

Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in


auto selected SHA1 fingerprint is always wrong You have to lookup your own keytool exportcert alias your alias keystore path to..

Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android


connect to is simply defined as channel 1 without any SDP lookup. As the only documented mechanism I see in the Android API does.. documented mechanism I see in the Android API does SDP lookup of a UUID I'm slightly at a loss. Using sdptool browse from..

View the Task's activity stack


dat content com.android.contacts contacts lookup 144i148.144i461a29500afc8eeb 1927 cmp com.android.contacts .ViewContactActivity..

How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point?


pixel value as an index into your list of paths. Bitmap lookup Bitmap.createBitmap width height Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8 do this.. regions outside any path have a default path index of 255 lookup.eraseColor 0xFF000000 Canvas canvas new Canvas lookup Paint.. 255 lookup.eraseColor 0xFF000000 Canvas canvas new Canvas lookup Paint paint new Paint these are defaults you only need them..

How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern?


associate the holder with the view for later lookup v.setTag holder else view already exists get the holder instance.. associate the holder with the view for later lookup v.setTag holder else view already exists get the holder instance..

Why doesn't Android use more enums?


Shrubbery shrub Shrubbery.GROUND causes a static field lookup. If GROUND were a static final int the compiler would treat..

What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain?


example if I access someObject.someField twice will the lookup be done only once What if it's a call to a getter What if I.. as the upper bound of a for loop Bounds checking on array lookups. Will the toolchain eliminate this in certain conditions like.. called chaining so that the interpreter and code cache lookup won't be invoked often. To some degree the major source of speedup..

Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact


to an already exist contact I find the contact using phone lookup i take the contact _id field and add a new data with raw_contact_id.. uri null null null null try while c.moveToNext Uri lookupUri Uri.withAppendedPath Contacts.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI c.getString.. Cursor c2 getContentResolver .query lookupUri new String Contacts._ID Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME null null..

Android how to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()


f byte bytes You might not get the whole file lookup File I O examples for Java fiStream.read bytes fiStream.close..

ListView getChildAt returning null for visible children


I usually do is store the position on my views so I can lookup on my dataAdapter later if I need values. I think your for loop..

Fetch Contacts in android application


1 data Intent dat content com.android.contacts contacts lookup 0r1 2C2E30 1 has extras to activity sra.com sra.com.ContactsDemo..

EditText causing memory leak


a solution that fits my needs. I tracked the problem down to widget.EditableInputConnection . Which I think does the lookup in the suggestion system. It is also responsible for holding on to my Activity hence causing a memory leak. I do not need..

Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in


have to visit the APIs Console and remove it manually. The auto selected SHA1 fingerprint is always wrong You have to lookup your own keytool exportcert alias your alias keystore path to keystore list v The new client id of my correctly linked app..

Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android


device_addr 1 return sock.makefile ...so the service to connect to is simply defined as channel 1 without any SDP lookup. As the only documented mechanism I see in the Android API does SDP lookup of a UUID I'm slightly at a loss. Using sdptool.. simply defined as channel 1 without any SDP lookup. As the only documented mechanism I see in the Android API does SDP lookup of a UUID I'm slightly at a loss. Using sdptool browse from my Linux host comes up empty so I surmise that the chip in question..

View the Task's activity stack


1168 android.process.acore 10004 Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat content com.android.contacts contacts lookup 144i148.144i461a29500afc8eeb 1927 cmp com.android.contacts .ViewContactActivity frontOfTask false task TaskRecord 44d07218..

How can I tell if a closed path contains a given point?


index to the path that filled it. Then you could just use the pixel value as an index into your list of paths. Bitmap lookup Bitmap.createBitmap width height Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8 do this so that regions outside any path have a default path index.. width height Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8 do this so that regions outside any path have a default path index of 255 lookup.eraseColor 0xFF000000 Canvas canvas new Canvas lookup Paint paint new Paint these are defaults you only need them if reusing.. that regions outside any path have a default path index of 255 lookup.eraseColor 0xFF000000 Canvas canvas new Canvas lookup Paint paint new Paint these are defaults you only need them if reusing a Paint paint.setAntiAlias false paint.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL..

How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern?


R.id.priceText holder.changeText TextView v.findViewById R.id.changeText associate the holder with the view for later lookup v.setTag holder else view already exists get the holder instance from the view holder ViewHolder v.getTag change the.. R.id.priceText holder.changeText TextView v.findViewById R.id.changeText associate the holder with the view for later lookup v.setTag holder else view already exists get the holder instance from the view holder ViewHolder v.getTag no local variables..

Why doesn't Android use more enums?


lot of code and data just for three integers. Additionally this Shrubbery shrub Shrubbery.GROUND causes a static field lookup. If GROUND were a static final int the compiler would treat it as a known constant and inline it. Source Avoid Enums Where..

What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain?


static wherever possible Common subexpression elimination. For example if I access someObject.someField twice will the lookup be done only once What if it's a call to a getter What if I use some arithmetic expression twice will it be evaluated only.. result of some expression whose value I know not to change as the upper bound of a for loop Bounds checking on array lookups. Will the toolchain eliminate this in certain conditions like the archetypical for loop Value inlining. Will accesses to.. traces will be stitched together at runtime through a technique called chaining so that the interpreter and code cache lookup won't be invoked often. To some degree the major source of speedup comes from eliminating the repeated interpreter parsing..

Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact


added to the wrong contact I'm trying to add Data record to an already exist contact I find the contact using phone lookup i take the contact _id field and add a new data with raw_contact_id set to the _id field. on some contacts it just doesn't.. Uri.encode phoneNumber Cursor c cr.query uri null null null null try while c.moveToNext Uri lookupUri Uri.withAppendedPath Contacts.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI c.getString c.getColumnIndex PhoneLookup.LOOKUP_KEY Cursor c2 getContentResolver.. Contacts.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI c.getString c.getColumnIndex PhoneLookup.LOOKUP_KEY Cursor c2 getContentResolver .query lookupUri new String Contacts._ID Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME null null null try if c2.moveToNext Log.i TAG found c2.getLong c2.getColumnIndex..

Android how to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()


ListView getChildAt returning null for visible children


In your example getChildAt 0 would return position 3. What I usually do is store the position on my views so I can lookup on my dataAdapter later if I need values. I think your for loop should look like this for int i 0 i f_listView.getLastVisiblePosition..

Fetch Contacts in android application


Failure delivering result ResultInfo who null request 1 result 1 data Intent dat content com.android.contacts contacts lookup 0r1 2C2E30 1 has extras to activity sra.com sra.com.ContactsDemo java.lang.IllegalArgumentException column 'number' does..

Android app fail to start after adding admob


savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Create the adView adView new AdView this AdSize.BANNER MY_AD_UNIT_ID Lookup your LinearLayout assuming it ™s been given the attribute android id @ id mainLayout LinearLayout layout LinearLayout findViewById..

Android - Autocomplete with contacts


with the values. namesArray i name idsArray i contactid i while cur.moveToNext private long search String name Lookup name in the contact list that we've put in an array int indexOfName Arrays.binarySearch namesArray name long contact 0 if..

android intent for sdcard ready


to react to SD mounted goes here android android intent broadcastreceiver sd card share improve this question Lookup ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED broadcast action on the Intent public static final String ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Since API Level 1 Broadcast..

Android AdMob causes memory leak?


public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Lookup R.layout.main LinearLayout layout LinearLayout findViewById R.id.linearLayout Create the adView Please replace MY_BANNER_UNIT_ID..

Admob implementation Error


savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Create the adView adView new AdView this AdSize.BANNER a14ead58dc2a456 Lookup your LinearLayout assuming it ™s been given the attribute android id @ id mainLayout LinearLayout layout LinearLayout findViewById..

FFT library in android Sdk


this question You can use this class which is fast enough for real time audio analysis public class FFT int n m Lookup tables. Only need to recompute when size of FFT changes. double cos double sin public FFT int n this.n n this.m int Math.log..