

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:55

android Programming Glossary: my_debug_tag

how to parse the value in the attribute in xml parsing


if eventType XmlPullParser.START_TAG Log.d MY_DEBUG_TAG Parsing Attributes for parser.getName Map String String attributes.. null int acount parser.getAttributeCount if acount 1 Log.d MY_DEBUG_TAG Attributes for parser.getName attrs new HashMap String String.. HashMap String String acount for int x 0 x acount x Log.d MY_DEBUG_TAG t parser.getAttributeName x parser.getAttributeValue x attrs.put..

Android: parse XML from string problems


class XMLParsingDemo extends Activity private final String MY_DEBUG_TAG WeatherForcaster Called when the activity is first created... Error to the GUI. tv.setText Error e.getMessage Log.e MY_DEBUG_TAG WeatherQueryError e Display the TextView. this.setContentView..

Android AutoCompleteTextView with Custom Adapter filtering not working


extends ArrayAdapter Customer private final String MY_DEBUG_TAG CustomerAdapter private ArrayList Customer items private int.. extends ArrayAdapter Customer private final String MY_DEBUG_TAG CustomerAdapter private ArrayList Customer items private ArrayList.. R.id.customerNameLabel if customerNameLabel null Log.i MY_DEBUG_TAG getView Customer Name customer.getName customerNameLabel.setText..

how to parse the value in the attribute in xml parsing


Exception int eventType while eventType parser.next XmlPullParser.END_TAG if eventType XmlPullParser.START_TAG Log.d MY_DEBUG_TAG Parsing Attributes for parser.getName Map String String attributes getAttributes parser else if eventType ... else throw.. parser throws Exception Map String String attrs null int acount parser.getAttributeCount if acount 1 Log.d MY_DEBUG_TAG Attributes for parser.getName attrs new HashMap String String acount for int x 0 x acount x Log.d MY_DEBUG_TAG t parser.getAttributeName.. Log.d MY_DEBUG_TAG Attributes for parser.getName attrs new HashMap String String acount for int x 0 x acount x Log.d MY_DEBUG_TAG t parser.getAttributeName x parser.getAttributeValue x attrs.put parser.getAttributeName x parser.getAttributeValue x..

Android: parse XML from string problems


android.util.Log import android.widget.TextView public class XMLParsingDemo extends Activity private final String MY_DEBUG_TAG WeatherForcaster Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate.. parsedExampleDataSet.toString catch Exception e Display any Error to the GUI. tv.setText Error e.getMessage Log.e MY_DEBUG_TAG WeatherQueryError e Display the TextView. this.setContentView tv public class ExampleHandler extends DefaultHandler ..

Android AutoCompleteTextView with Custom Adapter filtering not working


I've the Custom CustomerAdapter public class CustomerAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Customer private final String MY_DEBUG_TAG CustomerAdapter private ArrayList Customer items private int viewResourceId public CustomerAdapter Context context int viewResourceId.. which worked for me thanks to sacoskun public class CustomerAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Customer private final String MY_DEBUG_TAG CustomerAdapter private ArrayList Customer items private ArrayList Customer itemsAll private ArrayList Customer suggestions.. null TextView customerNameLabel TextView v.findViewById R.id.customerNameLabel if customerNameLabel null Log.i MY_DEBUG_TAG getView Customer Name customer.getName customerNameLabel.setText customer.getName return v @Override public Filter getFilter..