

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:01

android Programming Glossary: navigator.camera.getpicture

Phonegap android unable to upload image using fileTransfer


. Am I missing something My code from the app below navigator.camera.getPicture function imageURI console.log 'take success uploading...' console.log.. you have to first resolve uri as a filename like this navigator.camera.getPicture function imageURI window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI imageUri..

Save image in local storage phonegap


device camera and retrieve image as base64 encoded string navigator.camera.getPicture onPhotoDataSuccess onFail quality 50 destinationType Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI..

want to upload a pic to the server using phonegap in android


deviceready onDeviceReady false function onDeviceReady navigator.camera.getPicture uploadPhoto function message alert 'get picture failed' quality.. Retrieve image file location from specified source navigator.camera.getPicture uploadPhoto function message alert 'get picture failed' ..

PhoneGap camera restarts the application


camera restarts the application I'm using PhoneGap's navigator.camera.getPicture function to retrieve a photo from the device's camera on Android... 'Failed because ' message function button .tap function navigator.camera.getPicture onSuccess onFail quality 50 When I click the button it does..

Phonegap android unable to upload image using fileTransfer


with an error code of 3 which I believe is FileError.ABORT_ERR . Am I missing something My code from the app below navigator.camera.getPicture function imageURI console.log 'take success uploading...' console.log imageURI var options new FileUploadOptions options.fileKey.. get from camera success callback in FileTransfer upload method you have to first resolve uri as a filename like this navigator.camera.getPicture function imageURI window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI imageUri function fileEntry fileEntry.file function fileObj var fileName..

Save image in local storage phonegap


sessionStorage.removeItem 'imagepath' Take picture using device camera and retrieve image as base64 encoded string navigator.camera.getPicture onPhotoDataSuccess onFail quality 50 destinationType Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI function onPhotoDataSuccess imageURI..

want to upload a pic to the server using phonegap in android


type text javascript charset utf 8 document.addEventListener deviceready onDeviceReady false function onDeviceReady navigator.camera.getPicture uploadPhoto function message alert 'get picture failed' quality 50 destinationType navigator.camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI.. next code script type text javascript function uploadFromGallery Retrieve image file location from specified source navigator.camera.getPicture uploadPhoto function message alert 'get picture failed' quality 50 destinationType navigator.camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI..

PhoneGap camera restarts the application


camera restarts the application I'm using PhoneGap's navigator.camera.getPicture function to retrieve a photo from the device's camera on Android. function onSuccess imageData alert Success function onFail.. imageData alert Success function onFail message alert 'Failed because ' message function button .tap function navigator.camera.getPicture onSuccess onFail quality 50 When I click the button it does start the camera but when I click OK on the camera app after..