

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:26

android Programming Glossary: nexusone

Drawable-xxxx : Eclipse Versus AVD


AVD uses drawable hdpi Galaxy S4 1080x1920 xxhdpi API 19 Eclipse IDE uses drawable xxhdpi AVD uses drawable xhdpi NexusOne 480x800 hdpi Eclipse and AVD use hdpi Nexus4 768x1280 xhdpi Eclipse and AVD use xhdpi Questions I am using the latest Eclipse.. Now I am finding that Eclipse uses the one I expect but the AVD for the same device uses another folder except the NexusOne . Which one is right between Eclipse and the AVD Can I trust what drawable folder it pulls my PNG files from I have 140..

Android camera unexplainable rotation on capture for some devices (not in EXIF)


catch Throwable t if 2.0 parameters.set rotation latchedOrientation preview.camera.setParameters parameters NexusOne OS 2.2 Works great. latchedOrientation 0 picture OK without any rotation in the EXIF header. T Mobile G1 OS 1.6 Also works.. If I set the rotation manually to 90 degrees the images come out perfect the Motorola devices but now the G1 and the NexusOne have images that are rotated 90 degrees not what I want . There has to be something I'm not getting here. I'm doubting this..

How can I install sqlite3 on rooted NexusOne runs Gingerbread


can I install sqlite3 on rooted NexusOne runs Gingerbread I am rooted my nexus one which runs Gingerbread. But like the following post I can't find sqlite3 and.. I did in 1 shell adb shell su # mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system and in another shell I did cd ~ NexusOne SuperOneClickv1.7 ShortFuse adb push sqlite3 system bin failed to copy 'sqlite3' to ' system bin sqlite3' Permission denied..