

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:43

android Programming Glossary: ois.readobject

Android Creating a memory resident input file that can be attached to an email


bis new ByteArrayInputStream bytes ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream bis File fileFromBytes File ois.readObject bis.close ois.close System.out.println fileFromBytes I used it to create this function private File fileFromBytes byte buf.. null try ByteArrayInputStream bis new ByteArrayInputStream buf ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream bis f File ois.readObject bis.close ois.close catch Exception e return f and here is where I am stuck because when I use it When sent as body the..

OAuth instance state in Android


this.openFileInput tmp_provider.dat ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream fin provider CommonsHttpOAuthProvider ois.readObject provider.setHttpClient httpClient ois.close fin.close fin this.openFileInput tmp_consumer.dat ois new ObjectInputStream.. fin.close fin this.openFileInput tmp_consumer.dat ois new ObjectInputStream fin consumer CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer ois.readObject ois.close fin.close Log.d OAuthTwitter Loaded state catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch StreamCorruptedException..

Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder


f InputStream is mc.getAssets .open path 3 ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream is byte data byte ois.readObject fos.write data fos.flush fos.close ois.close is.close now I have an uncompressed file and I can use it without worrying..

Am I creating my custom ArrayAdapter correctly?


fis openFileInput Constants.FILENAME ObjectInputStream ois new ObjectInputStream fis quotes ArrayList Quote ois.readObject catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch ClassNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace..