

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:21

android Programming Glossary: patientlistjson

Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index


LayoutInflater.from context this.context context String patientListJson CountriesList.jsonData JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject.. JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch.. jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException..

onclick button is not working in listview


LayoutInflater.from context this.context context String patientListJson CountriesList.jsonData JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject.. JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch.. jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException..

Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index


context public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from context this.context context String patientListJson CountriesList.jsonData JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult.. context this.context context String patientListJson CountriesList.jsonData JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser.. context String patientListJson CountriesList.jsonData JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser..

onclick button is not working in listview


holder public EfficientAdapter Context context mInflater LayoutInflater.from context this.context context String patientListJson CountriesList.jsonData JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult.. context this.context context String patientListJson CountriesList.jsonData JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser.. context String patientListJson CountriesList.jsonData JSONObject jssson try jssson new JSONObject patientListJson patientListJson jssson.getString PostPatientDetailResult catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new..