

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:25

android Programming Glossary: phone.content_uri

AutoCompeleteTextView like Android default Messaging Application


I am using Cursor cursor this.getContentResolver .query Phone.CONTENT_URI new String Phone.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.NUMBER null null Phone.DISPLAY_NAME..

Android: Set contact photo in a ListView with name and number


adapter private Cursor getContacts Run query Uri uri Phone.CONTENT_URI String projection new String Contacts._ID Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME..

Get Contact by Phone number on Android


Create a cursor Cursor cursor Base.contentResover .query Phone.CONTENT_URI null null null null if cursor.moveToNext Log.d CALLOG cursor.getString..

Getting Number from Contacts Picker


Uri.withAppendedPath ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI id Cursor pCur a.managedQuery myPhoneUri null null null null.. cursor getContentResolver .query Phone.CONTENT_URI null Phone.CONTACT_ID new String id null phoneIdx cursor.getColumnIndex..

How to get contacts from native phonebook in android


new String Phone.NUMBER final Cursor phone managedQuery Phone.CONTENT_URI PROJECTION Data.CONTACT_ID new String String.valueOf contactId..

Add a custom field to a phone number


Data.DATA1 yes int state getContentResolver .update Phone.CONTENT_URI values Phone._ID phoneId AND Data.MIMETYPE ' MIMETYPE_WHITELIST_CONTACT..

How can I choose a phone number with Android's contacts dialog


cursor getContentResolver .query Phone.CONTENT_URI null Phone.CONTACT_ID new String id null phoneIdx cursor.getColumnIndex..

Fetch Contacts in android application


getContentResolver Cursor cursor contactResolver.query Phone.CONTENT_URI null Phone.DISPLAY_NAME new String contactName null if cursor.getCount..

AutoCompeleteTextView like Android default Messaging Application


exactly as given in second image. The Following code snippet I am using Cursor cursor this.getContentResolver .query Phone.CONTENT_URI new String Phone.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.NUMBER null null Phone.DISPLAY_NAME ASC startManagingCursor cursor cursor.moveToFirst..

Android: Set contact photo in a ListView with name and number


R.id.contactEntryNumber mContactList.setAdapter adapter private Cursor getContacts Run query Uri uri Phone.CONTENT_URI String projection new String Contacts._ID Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.NUMBER Contacts.PHOTO_ID String selection Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER..

Get Contact by Phone number on Android


of code I wrote to test which phone numbers are available Create a cursor Cursor cursor Base.contentResover .query Phone.CONTENT_URI null null null null if cursor.moveToNext Log.d CALLOG cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow Phone.NUMBER The problem..

Getting Number from Contacts Picker


name if Integer.parseInt hasPhoneNumber 0 Uri myPhoneUri Uri.withAppendedPath ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI id Cursor pCur a.managedQuery myPhoneUri null null null null if pCur.moveToNext String number pCur.getString pCur.getColumnIndex.. int phoneIdx 0 try Uri result data.getData String id result.getLastPathSegment cursor getContentResolver .query Phone.CONTENT_URI null Phone.CONTACT_ID new String id null phoneIdx cursor.getColumnIndex Phone.DATA if cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast..

How to get contacts from native phonebook in android


contacts.getString nameFieldColumnIndex PROJECTION new String Phone.NUMBER final Cursor phone managedQuery Phone.CONTENT_URI PROJECTION Data.CONTACT_ID new String String.valueOf contactId null if phone.moveToFirst while phone.isAfterLast numberFieldColumnIndex..

Add a custom field to a phone number


from cursor ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put Data.DATA1 yes int state getContentResolver .update Phone.CONTENT_URI values Phone._ID phoneId AND Data.MIMETYPE ' MIMETYPE_WHITELIST_CONTACT ' null if state 0 values.put Phone._ID phoneId..

How can I choose a phone number with Android's contacts dialog


int phoneIdx 0 try Uri result data.getData String id result.getLastPathSegment cursor getContentResolver .query Phone.CONTENT_URI null Phone.CONTACT_ID new String id null phoneIdx cursor.getColumnIndex Phone.DATA if cursor.moveToFirst while cursor.isAfterLast..

Fetch Contacts in android application


specific to the contact name ContentResolver contactResolver getContentResolver Cursor cursor contactResolver.query Phone.CONTENT_URI null Phone.DISPLAY_NAME new String contactName null if cursor.getCount 0 cursor.moveToFirst do String number cursor.getString..