

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:32

android Programming Glossary: postrequest.setentity

Java jersey restful webservice requests


postRequest new HttpPost getBase strUrl StringEntity input new StringEntity str input.setContentType application json postRequest.setEntity input HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest result getResult response .toString httpClient.getConnectionManager..

Android Video Upload to Php server?


http www.mywebserver.com upload MultipartEntity multipart new MultipartEntity multipart.addPart photo bitmapdata postRequest.setEntity multipart HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest InputStream content response.getEntity .getContent BufferedReader..

Android send a image and save url [duplicate]


reqEntity.addPart picture bab catch Exception e Log.v Exception in Image e reqEntity.addPart picture new StringBody postRequest.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..

Android: upload file with filling out POST body together


image bab added image to request tried this with no luck reqEntity.addPart new StringBody RAW DATA HERE postRequest.setEntity reqEntity set the multipart entity to http post request HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest MultipartEntity.. bodyPart bodyPart new FormBodyPart formVariableName3 new StringBody formValiableValue3 reqEntity.addPart bodyPart postRequest.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..

How can I make an Android app communicate with a web server over the internet?


reqEntity.addPart uploaded bab reqEntity.addPart photoCaption new StringBody sfsdfsdf postRequest.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..