

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:34

android Programming Glossary: prefixed

Actionbarsherlock - change actionbar line colour


in Android's theming system any theme customizations must be declared in two attributes. The normal android prefixed attributes apply the theme to the native action bar and the unprefixed attributes are for the custom implementation. Since.. declared in two attributes. The normal android prefixed attributes apply the theme to the native action bar and the unprefixed attributes are for the custom implementation. Since both theming APIs are exactly the same you need only reference your..

How to set title color in ActionBarSherlock?


in Android's theming system any theme customizations must be declared in two attributes. The normal android prefixed attributes apply the theme to the native action bar and the unprefixed attributes are for the custom implementation... In.. declared in two attributes. The normal android prefixed attributes apply the theme to the native action bar and the unprefixed attributes are for the custom implementation... In short that means you need to leave out the android prefix when you're..

How do I use the ActionBar on older versions of Android? [duplicate]


Instead of using regular Activities and Fragments you use ones from the Sherlock Library. They have the same names but prefixed with Sherlock SherlockActivity SherlockFragment etc. To access the actionbar in code you call getSupportActionBar . This..

Android customize action bar with api<11


Instead of using regular Activities and Fragments you use ones from the Sherlock Library. They have the same names but prefixed with Sherlock SherlockActivity SherlockFragment etc. To access the actionbar in code you call getSupportActionBar . This..

ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue


showDividers none item item name android dividerPadding 0dip item style Then I realized I need to include identical unprefixed attributes. ActionBarSherlock Theming Due to limitations in Android's theming system any theme customizations must be declared.. in Android's theming system any theme customizations must be declared in two attributes. The normal android prefixed attributes apply the theme to the native action bar and the unprefixed attributes are for the custom implementation. Since.. declared in two attributes. The normal android prefixed attributes apply the theme to the native action bar and the unprefixed attributes are for the custom implementation. Since both theming APIs are exactly the same you need only reference your..

How do I build the Android SDK with hidden and internal APIs available?


performed on a device or emulator. The public API of the Android SDK is defined by classes methods fields that are not prefixed with the @ hide javadoc annotation. I.e. everything that is not annotated is included in the SDK. android.jar is built from..