

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:35

android Programming Glossary: println

getting the response body of HttpResponse


200 HttpEntity entity response.getEntity System.out.println Entity entity if entity null String responseBody EntityUtils.toString.. String responseBody EntityUtils.toString entity System.out.println finalResult responseBody.toString The thing about it is that.. The thing about it is that the first println displays this org.apache.http.conn.BasicManagedEntity@481e8150..

Android Library Gradle release JAR


def sonatypeRepositoryUrl if isReleaseBuild println 'RELEASE BUILD' sonatypeRepositoryUrl https oss.sonatype.org.. oss.sonatype.org service local staging deploy maven2 else println 'DEBUG BUILD' sonatypeRepositoryUrl https oss.sonatype.org content..

Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor


apt def aptOutput new File aptOutputDir variant.dirName println println variant variant.name println manifest variant.processResources.manifestFile.. aptOutput new File aptOutputDir variant.dirName println println variant variant.name println manifest variant.processResources.manifestFile.. variant.dirName println println variant variant.name println manifest variant.processResources.manifestFile println aptOutput..

Strings don't seem to be equal in Java on Android, even though they print the same


lines of code in my android application System.out.println CurrentNode.getNodeName .toString if CurrentNode.getNodeName.. if CurrentNode.getNodeName .toString start System.out.println Yes it does else System.out.println No it doesnt When I look.. start System.out.println Yes it does else System.out.println No it doesnt When I look at the output of the first println..

How to enable LogCat/Console in Eclipse for Android?


but a console of your Emulator or Device. System.out println not works in Android. So you have to handle every thing in Logcat... More Info Look out this Documentation . Edit 1 System.out.println is working on Logcat.If you use that the Tag will be like System.out..

null pointer exception : println needs a message in android


pointer exception println needs a message in android in my media player i play a song.. song from sdcard. it shows error as null pointer exception println needs a message e in android. i tried long time but i do not.. ex Log.e sdcard err2 ex.getMessage null pointer exception println needs a message Log cat 05 16 19 27 54.491 ERROR AndroidRuntime..

getting the response body of HttpResponse


targetHost httppost if response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 HttpEntity entity response.getEntity System.out.println Entity entity if entity null String responseBody EntityUtils.toString entity System.out.println finalResult responseBody.toString.. System.out.println Entity entity if entity null String responseBody EntityUtils.toString entity System.out.println finalResult responseBody.toString The thing about it is that the first println displays this org.apache.http.conn.BasicManagedEntity@481e8150.. entity System.out.println finalResult responseBody.toString The thing about it is that the first println displays this org.apache.http.conn.BasicManagedEntity@481e8150 which is good. But the second System.out.println finalResult..

Android Library Gradle release JAR


'signing' configurations archives extendsFrom configurations.default def sonatypeRepositoryUrl if isReleaseBuild println 'RELEASE BUILD' sonatypeRepositoryUrl https oss.sonatype.org service local staging deploy maven2 else println 'DEBUG BUILD'.. println 'RELEASE BUILD' sonatypeRepositoryUrl https oss.sonatype.org service local staging deploy maven2 else println 'DEBUG BUILD' sonatypeRepositoryUrl https oss.sonatype.org content repositories snapshots if hasProperty 'nexusPassword'..

Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor


variant def aptOutputDir project.file build source apt def aptOutput new File aptOutputDir variant.dirName println println variant variant.name println manifest variant.processResources.manifestFile println aptOutput aptOutput println.. variant def aptOutputDir project.file build source apt def aptOutput new File aptOutputDir variant.dirName println println variant variant.name println manifest variant.processResources.manifestFile println aptOutput aptOutput println android.sourceSets.. build source apt def aptOutput new File aptOutputDir variant.dirName println println variant variant.name println manifest variant.processResources.manifestFile println aptOutput aptOutput println android.sourceSets getSourceSetName..

Strings don't seem to be equal in Java on Android, even though they print the same


got a problem that I'm rather confused about. I have the following lines of code in my android application System.out.println CurrentNode.getNodeName .toString if CurrentNode.getNodeName .toString start System.out.println Yes it does else System.out.println.. application System.out.println CurrentNode.getNodeName .toString if CurrentNode.getNodeName .toString start System.out.println Yes it does else System.out.println No it doesnt When I look at the output of the first println statement it shows up in.. .toString if CurrentNode.getNodeName .toString start System.out.println Yes it does else System.out.println No it doesnt When I look at the output of the first println statement it shows up in LogCat as start without the quotes..

How to enable LogCat/Console in Eclipse for Android?


Goto Window Show View Other Android Logcat. Logcat is nothing but a console of your Emulator or Device. System.out println not works in Android. So you have to handle every thing in Logcat. More Info Look out this Documentation . Edit 1 System.out.println.. in Android. So you have to handle every thing in Logcat. More Info Look out this Documentation . Edit 1 System.out.println is working on Logcat.If you use that the Tag will be like System.out and Message will be your message. share improve this..

null pointer exception : println needs a message in android


pointer exception println needs a message in android in my media player i play a song from sdcard. it shows error as null pointer exception println.. needs a message in android in my media player i play a song from sdcard. it shows error as null pointer exception println needs a message e in android. i tried long time but i do not know the reason .please assist me. code try mediaPlayer new.. mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener this catch Exception ex Log.e sdcard err2 ex.getMessage null pointer exception println needs a message Log cat 05 16 19 27 54.491 ERROR AndroidRuntime 6889 Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException println needs..