

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:39

android Programming Glossary: provisional

Android: Multiple Alarm not working


calendar_GST_27_April_2012.getTimeInMillis PI_2M_GST_6 PROVISIONAL ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the PROVISIONAL 26 August 2011.. PROVISIONAL ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the PROVISIONAL 26 August 2011 AM_2M_PROVISIONAL_1 AlarmManager getApplicationContext.. THE TWO MONTHS for the PROVISIONAL 26 August 2011 AM_2M_PROVISIONAL_1 AlarmManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE..

Android: Multiple Alarm not working


3 27 mHour mMinute 0 AM_2M_GST_6.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar_GST_27_April_2012.getTimeInMillis PI_2M_GST_6 PROVISIONAL ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the PROVISIONAL 26 August 2011 AM_2M_PROVISIONAL_1 AlarmManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService.. calendar_GST_27_April_2012.getTimeInMillis PI_2M_GST_6 PROVISIONAL ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the PROVISIONAL 26 August 2011 AM_2M_PROVISIONAL_1 AlarmManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent in7.. PI_2M_GST_6 PROVISIONAL ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS for the PROVISIONAL 26 August 2011 AM_2M_PROVISIONAL_1 AlarmManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent in7 new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class..