

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:38

android Programming Glossary: resourcedirectory

Eclipse: multiple project from single source


app.package.name renameManifestPackage resourceDirectory app.res.dir resourceDirectory assetsDirectory app.assets.dir.. renameManifestPackage resourceDirectory app.res.dir resourceDirectory assetsDirectory app.assets.dir assetsDirectory configuration..

android-maven-plugin and resource filtering


display MAVEN MojoExecutionException When i comment resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered assets resourceDirectory in.. resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered assets resourceDirectory in POM build finishing successfull but it doesn't use filtered.. slash instead back slash after filtered assets. Changing resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered assets resourceDirectory to..

Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments


sdk undeployBeforeDeploy true undeployBeforeDeploy resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered res resourceDirectory configuration.. resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered res resourceDirectory configuration plugin plugins build There are several ways to..

android maven build gives trouble processing “javax/xml/namespace/QName.class”:


Tools 0.2.5 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO skip non existing resourceDirectory D my workspace android android test app src test resources 4..

Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles


should take place inside of the res I didn't specify resourceDirectory in configuration of android maven plugin. I've been googling..

Eclipse: multiple project from single source


sdk undeployBeforeDeploy true undeployBeforeDeploy renameManifestPackage app.package.name renameManifestPackage resourceDirectory app.res.dir resourceDirectory assetsDirectory app.assets.dir assetsDirectory configuration plugin ... ... plugins To build.. true undeployBeforeDeploy renameManifestPackage app.package.name renameManifestPackage resourceDirectory app.res.dir resourceDirectory assetsDirectory app.assets.dir assetsDirectory configuration plugin ... ... plugins To build app barcelona.apk run mvn clean..

android-maven-plugin and resource filtering


following articles ERROR Help 1 http cwiki.apache.org confluence display MAVEN MojoExecutionException When i comment resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered assets resourceDirectory in POM build finishing successfull but it doesn't use filtered.. display MAVEN MojoExecutionException When i comment resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered assets resourceDirectory in POM build finishing successfull but it doesn't use filtered assests. Also i try to execute this cmd.exe X C C Program.. myapp target filtered assets application.properties . Wrong slash instead back slash after filtered assets. Changing resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered assets resourceDirectory to resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered assets resourceDirectory..

Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments


extensions true extensions configuration sdk platform 10 platform sdk undeployBeforeDeploy true undeployBeforeDeploy resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered res resourceDirectory configuration plugin plugins build There are several ways to define.. 10 platform sdk undeployBeforeDeploy true undeployBeforeDeploy resourceDirectory project.build.directory filtered res resourceDirectory configuration plugin plugins build There are several ways to define the substituted value you can define them in an external..

android maven build gives trouble processing “javax/xml/namespace/QName.class”:


Eclipse ADT 10.0.1 Maven Inegration for Android Development Tools 0.2.5 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO skip non existing resourceDirectory D my workspace android android test app src test resources 4 30 11 9 54 07 PM IST INFO Not compiling test sources 4 30 11..

Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles


and in this case duplicates error. Does this mean that swapping should take place inside of the res I didn't specify resourceDirectory in configuration of android maven plugin. I've been googling a lot but so far I didn't find anybody with same issue. How..