

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:23:14

android Programming Glossary: rw

Nexus 4 not showing files via MTP


doesn't see it... adb shell on the directory shows ls l drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Alarms drwxrwxr x root.. see it... adb shell on the directory shows ls l drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Alarms drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw.. shell on the directory shows ls l drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Alarms drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16..

What is Android's file system??


the output of mount rootfs rootfs ro 0 0 tmpfs dev tmpfs rw mode 755 0 0 devpts dev pts devpts rw mode 600 0 0 proc proc.. 0 0 tmpfs dev tmpfs rw mode 755 0 0 devpts dev pts devpts rw mode 600 0 0 proc proc proc rw 0 0 sysfs sys sysfs rw 0 0 tmpfs.. 0 0 devpts dev pts devpts rw mode 600 0 0 proc proc proc rw 0 0 sysfs sys sysfs rw 0 0 tmpfs sqlite_stmt_journals tmpfs..

(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator


outputs the following dev block vold 179 0 sdcard vfat rw dirsync nosuid nodev noexec uid 1000 gid 1015 fmask 0702 dmask.. file open. ls go proc `pidof emulator` fd grep sdcard.img lrwx 1 64 2010 05 13 01 50 10 home x .android avd WithSD.avd sdcard.img..

Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage?


ls al data data com.mypackage myfile You will probably see rw which means that only the owner your app not MediaPlayer has..

how to resume an interrupted download - part 2


url.openStream 8192 outFile new RandomAccessFile strUrl 1 rw if downloaded 0 outFile.seek downloaded byte data new byte..

BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6


randomAccessFile new RandomAccessFile file rw get the width and height of the source bitmap. int width imgIn.getWidth..

Android INJECT_EVENTS permission


system app directory from the SDCARD su mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system cp sdcard APP.apk system..

Obtain root access via su on the Android emulator


developers.com showthread.php t 821742 adb shell mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock03 system adb push su system..

MediaPlayer setDataSource, better to use path or FileDescriptor?


if I write a file using new RandomAccessFile filePath rw the file is not actually readable by the mediaplayer if you..

Nexus 4 not showing files via MTP


file on the phone itself with Astro File Manager but Windows doesn't see it... adb shell on the directory shows ls l drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Alarms drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Android drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw.. on the phone itself with Astro File Manager but Windows doesn't see it... adb shell on the directory shows ls l drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Alarms drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Android drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw.. with Astro File Manager but Windows doesn't see it... adb shell on the directory shows ls l drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Alarms drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20 51 Android drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 2012 11 21 19 30 DCIM..

What is Android's file system??


system and data are yaffs2 while sdcard is vfat. This is the output of mount rootfs rootfs ro 0 0 tmpfs dev tmpfs rw mode 755 0 0 devpts dev pts devpts rw mode 600 0 0 proc proc proc rw 0 0 sysfs sys sysfs rw 0 0 tmpfs sqlite_stmt_journals.. sdcard is vfat. This is the output of mount rootfs rootfs ro 0 0 tmpfs dev tmpfs rw mode 755 0 0 devpts dev pts devpts rw mode 600 0 0 proc proc proc rw 0 0 sysfs sys sysfs rw 0 0 tmpfs sqlite_stmt_journals tmpfs rw size 4096k 0 0 none dev cpuctl.. of mount rootfs rootfs ro 0 0 tmpfs dev tmpfs rw mode 755 0 0 devpts dev pts devpts rw mode 600 0 0 proc proc proc rw 0 0 sysfs sys sysfs rw 0 0 tmpfs sqlite_stmt_journals tmpfs rw size 4096k 0 0 none dev cpuctl cgroup rw cpu 0 0 dev block..

(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator


two places of course messing everything up I tried more mount outputs the following dev block vold 179 0 sdcard vfat rw dirsync nosuid nodev noexec uid 1000 gid 1015 fmask 0702 dmask 0702 allow_utime 0020 codepage cp437 iocharset iso8859 1.. unmount the SD card the emulator process keeps the backing file open. ls go proc `pidof emulator` fd grep sdcard.img lrwx 1 64 2010 05 13 01 50 10 home x .android avd WithSD.avd sdcard.img Someone more familiar with QEMU may be able to provide..

Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage?


of the file with the following command in adb shell ls al data data com.mypackage myfile You will probably see rw which means that only the owner your app not MediaPlayer has read write permissions. Note Your phone must be rooted in order..

how to resume an interrupted download - part 2


Setup streams and buffers. input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream 8192 outFile new RandomAccessFile strUrl 1 rw if downloaded 0 outFile.seek downloaded byte data new byte 1024 Download file. for int count 0 i 0 count input.read data..

BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6


into AndroidManifest.xml file RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile new RandomAccessFile file rw get the width and height of the source bitmap. int width imgIn.getWidth int height imgIn.getHeight Config type imgIn.getConfig..

Android INJECT_EVENTS permission


as read write and to install the application into the system app directory from the SDCARD su mount o remount rw t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock3 system cp sdcard APP.apk system app If you prefer to use adb from your computer execute these..

Obtain root access via su on the Android emulator


list of commands working for me extract from http forum.xda developers.com showthread.php t 821742 adb shell mount o rw remount t yaffs2 dev block mtdblock03 system adb push su system xbin su adb shell chmod 06755 system adb shell chmod 06755..

MediaPlayer setDataSource, better to use path or FileDescriptor?


.getFilesDir depending on how the file was saved. For example if I write a file using new RandomAccessFile filePath rw the file is not actually readable by the mediaplayer if you use mediaPlayer.setDataSource String path . The prepare will..