

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:23:30

android Programming Glossary: scan_path

How to open one particular folder from gallery in android?


public String allFiles private String SCAN_PATH private static final String FILE_TYPE image private MediaScannerConnection.. .toString yourfoldername allFiles 0 SCAN_PATH Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString Photo allFiles.. .toString Photo allFiles 0 System.out.println SCAN_PATH SCAN_PATH Log.d SCAN PATH Scan Path SCAN_PATH Button scanBtn..

Gallery with folder filter


path of one of the file inside that folder name here as SCAN_PATH and it will scan all the files containing in that folder and.. public String allFiles private String SCAN_PATH private static final String FILE_TYPE private MediaScannerConnection.. new File sdcard yourfoldername allFiles folder.list SCAN_PATH Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString yourfoldername..

Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate]


path of one of the file inside that folder name here as SCAN_PATH and it will scan all the files containing in that folder and.. public String allFiles private String SCAN_PATH private static final String FILE_TYPE private MediaScannerConnection.. .toString yourfoldername allFiles 0 SCAN_PATH Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString yourfoldername..

How to open one particular folder from gallery in android?


class SDCARD123Activity extends Activity implements MediaScannerConnectionClient public String allFiles private String SCAN_PATH private static final String FILE_TYPE image private MediaScannerConnection conn Called when the activity is first created... Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString yourfoldername allFiles 0 SCAN_PATH Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString Photo allFiles 0 System.out.println SCAN_PATH SCAN_PATH Log.d SCAN PATH.. allFiles 0 SCAN_PATH Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString Photo allFiles 0 System.out.println SCAN_PATH SCAN_PATH Log.d SCAN PATH Scan Path SCAN_PATH Button scanBtn Button findViewById R.id.scanBtn scanBtn.setOnClickListener..

Gallery with folder filter


in your activity and after that you have to give the exact path of one of the file inside that folder name here as SCAN_PATH and it will scan all the files containing in that folder and open it inside built in gallery. So just give the name of you.. public class SlideShow extends Activity implements MediaScannerConnectionClient public String allFiles private String SCAN_PATH private static final String FILE_TYPE private MediaScannerConnection conn Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main File folder new File sdcard yourfoldername allFiles folder.list SCAN_PATH Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString yourfoldername allFiles 0 Button scanBtn Button findViewById R.id.scanBtn..

Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate]


in your activity and after that you have to give the exact path of one of the file inside that folder name here as SCAN_PATH and it will scan all the files containing in that folder and open it inside built in gallery. So just give the name of you.. public class sdActivity extends Activity implements MediaScannerConnectionClient public String allFiles private String SCAN_PATH private static final String FILE_TYPE private MediaScannerConnection conn Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString yourfoldername allFiles 0 SCAN_PATH Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString yourfoldername allFiles 0 Log.d SCAN PATH Scan Path SCAN_PATH Button scanBtn..