

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:23:35

android Programming Glossary: scrollbyy

Android : Stop image scaling down


float scrollByX 0 x amount to scroll by private float scrollByY 0 y amount to scroll by private float startX 0 track x from.. gesture. scrollByX x startX move update x increment scrollByY y startY move update y increment startX x reset initial values.. int scrollByX int newScrollRectY scrollRectY int scrollByY Don't scroll off the left or right edges of the bitmap. if newScrollRectX..

Android: Scrolling an Imageview


float downX downY int totalX totalY int scrollByX scrollByY public boolean onTouch View view MotionEvent event float currentX.. currentY event.getY scrollByX int downX currentX scrollByY int downY currentY scrolling to left side of image pic moving.. to the bottom if currentY downY if totalY maxTop scrollByY 0 if totalY maxTop totalY totalY scrollByY if totalY..

Android : Stop image scaling down


int scrollRectY 0 current top location of scroll rect private float scrollByX 0 x amount to scroll by private float scrollByY 0 y amount to scroll by private float startX 0 track x from one ACTION_MOVE to the next private float startY 0 track y from.. will happen many times during the course of a single movement gesture. scrollByX x startX move update x increment scrollByY y startY move update y increment startX x reset initial values to latest startY y invalidate force a redraw break return.. sliding the scroll rect to the right. int newScrollRectX scrollRectX int scrollByX int newScrollRectY scrollRectY int scrollByY Don't scroll off the left or right edges of the bitmap. if newScrollRectX 0 newScrollRectX 0 else if newScrollRectX bmLargeImage.getWidth..

Android: Scrolling an Imageview


ImageView_BitmapView.setOnTouchListener new View.OnTouchListener float downX downY int totalX totalY int scrollByX scrollByY public boolean onTouch View view MotionEvent event float currentX currentY switch event.getAction case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN.. break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE currentX event.getX currentY event.getY scrollByX int downX currentX scrollByY int downY currentY scrolling to left side of image pic moving to the right if currentX downX if totalX maxLeft scrollByX.. totalX maxRight scrolling to top of image pic moving to the bottom if currentY downY if totalY maxTop scrollByY 0 if totalY maxTop totalY totalY scrollByY if totalY maxTop scrollByY maxTop totalY scrollByY totalY maxTop..