

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:23:39

android Programming Glossary: selectionargs

SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView


COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity.. getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection selectionArgs sortOrder else group cursor Uri groupsUri ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_SUMMARY_URI.. COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity..

Android quotes within an sql query string


question You should make use of the rawQuery method's selectionArgs parameter p_query select from mytable where name_field mDb.rawQuery..

How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images?


MediaStore.Images.Media._ID String selection String selectionArgs null mImageCursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. projection selection selectionArgs null Initialize an adapter to display images in grid if mImageCursor.. projection selection selectionArgs null The problem here is that it's querying for the thumbnails..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


query Uri uri String projection String selection String selectionArgs String orderBy SQLiteDatabase db Cursor cursor null if uriMatcher.match.. cursor db.query TABLE_NAME projection selection selectionArgs null null orderBy cursor.setNotificationUri getContext .getContentResolver.. public int delete Uri uri String selection String selectionArgs SQLiteDatabase db news.getWritableDatabase int count long id..

Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor


name works in Honeycomb String selection null String selectionArgs null String sortOrder null CursorLoader cursorLoader new CursorLoader.. new CursorLoader activity uri projection selection selectionArgs sortOrder Cursor cursor cursorLoader.loadInBackground share..

Android Database Transaction


public Cursor selectRecordsFromDB String query String selectionArgs return myDataBase.rawQuery query selectionArgs public ArrayList.. String selectionArgs return myDataBase.rawQuery query selectionArgs public ArrayList ArrayList String selectRecordsFromDBList String.. String selectRecordsFromDBList String query String selectionArgs ArrayList ArrayList String retList new ArrayList ArrayList..

SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView


String sortOrder ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection selectionArgs sortOrder.. selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection selectionArgs sortOrder else group cursor Uri groupsUri ContactsContract.Groups.CONTENT_SUMMARY_URI String selection ContactsContract.Groups.TITLE.. String sortOrder ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection selectionArgs sortOrder..

Android quotes within an sql query string


single and double quotes. android sqlite share improve this question You should make use of the rawQuery method's selectionArgs parameter p_query select from mytable where name_field mDb.rawQuery p_query new String uvalue This not only solves your..

How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images?


Query for all images on external storage String projection MediaStore.Images.Media._ID String selection String selectionArgs null mImageCursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI projection selection selectionArgs null.. selectionArgs null mImageCursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI projection selection selectionArgs null Initialize an adapter to display images in grid if mImageCursor null mImageCursor.moveToFirst mAdapter new LazyCursorAdapter.. I had this line mImageCursor managedQuery MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI projection selection selectionArgs null The problem here is that it's querying for the thumbnails rather than the actual images. The camera app on HTC devices..

sqlite example program in android [closed]


Bru_Press_Data getContext return true @Override public Cursor query Uri uri String projection String selection String selectionArgs String orderBy SQLiteDatabase db Cursor cursor null if uriMatcher.match uri QUADUSER_ID long id Long.parseLong uri.getPathSegments.. Get the database and run the query db news.getReadableDatabase cursor db.query TABLE_NAME projection selection selectionArgs null null orderBy cursor.setNotificationUri getContext .getContentResolver uri return cursor @Override public String getType.. Unknown URI bru press uri return newUri @Override public int delete Uri uri String selection String selectionArgs SQLiteDatabase db news.getWritableDatabase int count long id Log.v Delete selection switch uriMatcher.match uri case QUADUSER..

Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor


selection arguments none null Order by clause ascending by name works in Honeycomb String selection null String selectionArgs null String sortOrder null CursorLoader cursorLoader new CursorLoader activity uri projection selection selectionArgs sortOrder..

Android Database Transaction


return myDataBase.delete tableName whereClause whereArgs public Cursor selectRecordsFromDB String query String selectionArgs return myDataBase.rawQuery query selectionArgs public ArrayList ArrayList String selectRecordsFromDBList String query String.. whereArgs public Cursor selectRecordsFromDB String query String selectionArgs return myDataBase.rawQuery query selectionArgs public ArrayList ArrayList String selectRecordsFromDBList String query String selectionArgs ArrayList ArrayList String.. myDataBase.rawQuery query selectionArgs public ArrayList ArrayList String selectRecordsFromDBList String query String selectionArgs ArrayList ArrayList String retList new ArrayList ArrayList String ArrayList String list new ArrayList String Cursor cursor..